reaction | music | october 27, 2005
Oh no…
I was hoping this review was going to be good. i heard all the hype. Thanks for the description because that’s not what i wanted to hear. Guess i won’t buy the album now. nice that it sounds good, but yes i was hoping there was going to be more grit to the songs. Oh well, maybe these teens will be around and grow as musicians in a few years to put something else out better. guess I’ll pass on this.
Suffocation, Despised Icon
reaction | music | october 27, 2005
Good timing…
Just when Ottawa starts to get a bit dull, Metal rears its ugly head. Good on ya. This is not pablum. It is attitude. It is power. It is release. It is real. Although this show might be not exactly my taste, i welcome it. Death to false music. Support Metal and your local Metal bands.
Three, two, one … lift off
reaction | music | october 27, 2005
Yes, there you go…
Dance to some Funk. It’s good for ya. Dance to some soul. It’s good for ya. Even dance to some Rhythm and Blues. I’s good for ya.
Don’t dance to techno, rap or house beats. They are synthetic and it’s mindless pablum. Anyone who thinks it is art or thinks the being a DJ is an artist should have their head examined. you are playing someone else’s tunes. Being a musician is being an artist. Being a DJ is a job related profession. Don’t get the two mixed up.
Legal aid needs a financial bailout
reaction | news | october 27, 2005
If you live a rather clean lifestyle and you get sick and the system is trying to stick it to you…go to the media. This is your chance to make a big boom and hopefully the noise will rock the foundations of the entity trying to drag you down. if you are a person who abuses substances or is someone of a risky nature because you are that way on purpose…i don’t think you’re entitled to anything because you make the rest of us taxpayers work harder for our money to pay for your problems.
reaction | music | october 27, 2005
I think the optimum time to release the “second best material” is when either your career has ended and you can put out the anthology or when you are at your peak. either way, the crap you didn’t want to release will have the biggest impact to sell. Not that i think the Deftones are a bad group, but i can see that even though some songs are stellar, others can be a hairline short of brilliance to complete drab garbage. as long as the production is good, then i expect every artists to do this at some point. so, how did the last Deftones albums do anyway?
reaction | music | october 27, 2005
I give this band credit…
They keep putting out albums. But after all this time are they selling any? They haven’t done anything good since the early 1990’s. Anyone remember the song “people are people”? This was the reason why we actually hated this band in the first place. Then they smarten up and come out with Violater(?) (1990). But i guess even if they were to release something that good, the industry would just say “your too old” and not push it. Too bad.
reaction | music | october 27, 2005
Finally, a hits package…
And a nice one at that. rare and multi-media formats included. i was ready for this about 5 years ago as he hasn’t put much out worth listening to since 2001. and although he is pretty boring to watch live, he does have the odd good song. This of course is the reason for why i would purchase this…his best songs.
reaction | music | october 27, 2005
Well, I can’t say i was a bigger Belladonna fan then the Bush years, but the show was entertaining. Still, i think I expected a bit more from this line-up. The guitarist, Dan looked like he was just there to impress the chicks and didn’t move much. I think Belladonna has just been called back for some fun and money. I hope the Bush years continue even the it seems Belladonna is a swell guy. maybe he will be able to produce another good solo album as i enjoyed them more thoroughly then some of the pretentious output the released in the 1980’s.
Judas Priest
reaction | music | october 27, 2005
Metal truths…
For a band dusting off the mothballs soundwise, i think these guys did a better job then alot of acts out their. It totally sounded like where they left off from the previous album of this line-up, Painkiller. now for truths… the last time Priest was here was July 1986, Scott. i know because all my friends went and i couldn’t because i was on family vacation. I was fortunate enough to see Priest in Ottawa in March 31st, 1984 to see the Defenders tour to which when i had seen videos of the Turbo tour, I am not that disappointed that i did not attend the show. thank god with this show we were not subjected to the garbage that appeared on the turbo album and tour. THe band that truly defined heavy metal (not invented it which would have been blue cheer or black sabbath) was back and in top form this month. Nothing was different from this show to the one earlier this year in Toronto. only that i was disappointed that no songs were played from defenders (one of their strongest and most successful albums), but that they did play “i’m a rocker” from the Ram It Down record (a bomb and a weak song).
Any man who at that age, can belt it out like a banshee deserves credit. no bad notes and knows when to back off. Still i think the song Painkiller is a bit much even for Rob to perform these days.
Rob’s sexuality is irrelevant. what is relevant is Priest are not overrated and if you don’t understand what makes this group the most absolute heavy metal band of all time…you certainly would not understand the reason KISS puts on make-up and gives you a dazzling show that is truly equal to the price of a concert ticket. all you true rockers and metalheads know what i’m talking about. three bands will be remembered for this genre when it is all over… Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and Judas Priest…too bad you don’t get it, Pedro.
:ong live the priest…
In The City
reaction | news | october 27, 2005
That’s all fine and good but it is not natural light so i am not going to start changing all my lights over to white light. I was told by my physics teacher that although flourescent light is okay, it’s not something you would want all the time. Yellow light is more real and easier on your eyes. Your body won’t soak up the white light so don’t anyone out there be misunderstood. one light bulb, fine….not the whole house. Capiche?
Hey with Rice’s visit, this should be something to look forward to and nurture for relations of our two countries. She is african american and she is being given attention to. Not like her counterparts in her own country.
Cfra…or cf what the hey…who cares. Nobody normal listens to that station, much less am radio. Who wants to listen to that cantankerous old man who looms over the station (i won’t mention his name) and bitches about everything. I can get that from the people i know. We (us normal people) want some news but mostly music so since that station gave up on music (not like w1310), I suggest you give up the ghost and take your station off AM radio completely. The quality even sucks anyways. We have entered the FM stage years ago and now are into digital. If you don’t support the arts, you are not a friend of mine.
Well, any amount of less pesticides around is still a good thing. My vote is for less pesticides and more resorting to natural ways to get rid of infestations, bugs, etc. Remember, the long run is what is going to count in the end.
Anti-terrorism, not human rights
reaction | news | october 24, 2005
Ok, points taken…
but everyone has to realize something here. The United States, in all of their 225+ years have never been attacked in such a way in their homeland as 9/11. Oh sure there was Oklahoma, but is was a white dude. it was their own kind so they knew how to deal with it. the thing is with foreign cultures…how do you deal with it? it is apart of our lives now and i think the US (and to canada for that matter) have had a hard time adapting from the white flag standard we used to bare to raising one of multi-cultures. Hey, really this isn’t anything new as both canada and the US interned peoples of our two countries who were of an ethnicity of the enemies we were fighting. But for canada we do need to tread carefully considering who our neighbours actually are. Yes, you would think we would adhere to those old lies we told ourselves but the reality is yes the US does have a right to be paranoid. granted, I have been to the US on more than one ocassion to find that %50 of them are rather hostile compared to an average of %25 for canada. anyways, my point here is…the bush administration is handling the whole post 9/11 thing wrong. Maybe the US needs to think why this happened rather than how it happened. now, look…big bad bully, US got hurt and they now invade iraq whom had little to do with world terrorism in the first place. their leader is representing their nation as a spoiled child. they are fooling the american public to fight an unjust war at this point (daddy didn’t finish the job, so i’m going to do it for him). Honestly, was their a whole lot wrong with the Clinton administration? i think not. Clinton didn’t lead America’s troops into wars like the Republicans do time and time again. all i have to say is …hey hey, ho ho, the bush administration has got to go…and go now before you dig yourself a deeper hole!
In The City
reaction | news | october 24, 2005
how about we drill a hole in his head instead and see what we find? i don’t think there is much room for the kyoto accord, much less concerns for the environment for the bush administration. nice handling of hurricane katrina, george. now black america can finally speak as one when they see how this fiasco was treated. i’m not too worried about canada. we don’t have the population to pollute like the U.S. and besides we are much more efficient in waste management. i think we’ll keep this country clean as long as the U.S. don’t interfere. oh, and regarding the energy consumption in ontario…everyone should go out and get yourself an earthship. my friends made one for the same price that a house already built is worth (or actually a bit less and they own a few acres of property it sits upon too) and they are totally off the grid which means the only utilities they pay are their phone and satellite. Since McGuinty doesn’t know how to handle our energy situation, i think we should all give him a rousing one finger salute.
reaction | news | october 24, 2005
I’d have to agree with you there…
if OC transpo just said they are raising fares because of gas prices, i’d understand. but when they are replacing the huts when there is absolutely no need to…then that is a waste. at least, tell the public you are going to do something first or at least plan too. remember these are the people paying for the service so they should be listened to just like shareholders. i don’t take the bus fortunately as i walk to work, but i have done so in the past. i stopped more or less to compensate for the expense of living to far from the city, but i totally sympathize with the riders. although i agree with the upkeep and introduction of newer vehicles, i definitely did not agree to pay bus fare to be squeezed into one like a sardine; to have briefcase holders bash my knee caps with it;to have smelly or psychotic persons acosting me on the bus, or to have unruly teens haggle people and use foul language upon the routes. if anything, clean those items up and i wou;dn’t be surprised to see ridership increase even with an increase in fees. honestly, ask the riders…what do you think they would prefer to have changed?
Man on the Moon |
comment | cinéma | october 12, 2005
Carrey’s drama breakthrough…
Jim is as nutty in this flick as a gord downie (Tragically hip) rant through one of his band’s songs. i was a bit scepticle at first, but then i saw the movie. what a great performance. a sad life for that comedian he protrayed, but hopefully Andy found his inner peace before he died. I’d give carrey a oscar for his performance i thought it was that good. the wrestling scenes were hilarious. Courtney love should only act. she’s good at it. her music is complete trash. she pulls off another believeable support role here as the as Andy’s girlfriend. you were great on Taxi, Andy…R I. P.
Man in the Iron Mask (The) |
comment | cinéma | october 12, 2005
Not bad…
yet another take on the three musketeers only they are the backdrop for the main character of dicaprio. i don’t know about you, but i find this guy a little hard to believe at times in his characters…he’s too young looking…he’s too clean. i remember him still from growing pains for pete’s sake. even though that’s years ago, i still say he’s wet behind the ears. gangs of NY and titanic were better performances by him. maybe because the backdrop over compensated for him. i found the actors playing the musketeers better entertaining then leonard. it is a good story but i still say the better version is with richard chamberlain. he has that heir of regalness. leonard still hasn’t learn to shave yet. leo aside, it was a pretty entertaining swashbuckling film.
Major League 3 |
comment | cinéma | october 12, 2005
if you saw the first two, you know they would make a third and that you’d go see it. that was my case. the first movie was very good, the second was alright…of course the whole novelty of this series is done at this point but they squeeze another film out of the story. hey, most of the stars are still there so it’s gotta be okay…and that’s just what it is. it’s funny. the voodoo baseball player is back again…but a changed man. anyway, like i said its not as funny as the first two, but it doesn’t suck.
Mad City |
comment | cinéma | october 12, 2005
Okay film…
okay travolta gets upset and then loads himself up with bombs to take out the guys who have treated a fair man unfair? yes, but even with a casting of hoffman trying to take advantage of the great story lead. somehow this film is lacklustre. this will not rank as one of the best films ever made that’sfor sure.
the plot is okay, but you kinda wade a while through the story until the big climax when he decides to blow up the building…
it’s an average movie.
Macbeth |
comment | cinéma | october 12, 2005
I read this book in high school. I can’t say i have had any great love for shakespeare, but the lend themselves well to film. The movie starts with the end of a battle somewhere (middle ages) in England (presumably) with nobels looking for Macbeth through the dense fog. He appears and comes up to a corpse whom thought dead, but then stirs. Macbeth promptly, ceases it with his mace a few times. The story follows through like the play when Macbeth’s wife sees an opportunity for both to rise to power, at the cost of others lives’. it of course backfires, leaving the star to a doomed fate. Fascinating that Shakespearer could write such a story with a strong female lead. iwould have thought it unwise or unpopular of the time. Still, it’s typical of 1970’s cinematography but that may perhaps is what i have liked best about older films.
M. Butterfly |
comment | cinéma | october 12, 2005
Man, who writes these stories…
This is yet another depressing movie with Jeremy Irons. Like Lolita, the main character basically screws (pardon the pun) himself big time. only difference this time is it is another man and the chameleon actually feels remorse for the ill deed he (she) has done. i had heard about this as a musical and so thought i would see this film and some kind of masterpeice as such. i thought the story played out the way it should, but it was really the story of first…a homosexual relationship which is a bit far fetched (any woman wanting anal sex as opposed to real sex must not be in the right frame of mind). the other is the political landscape for what time the film takes place. Very depressing though. if you are into those type of films where the main character basically shoots himself in the foot and this isn’t funny…then this is your kind of movie. not mine.
Where the Truth Lies
reaction | film | october 11, 2005
Sounds good…
i liked ararat. that story needed to be told whether people wanted to hear it or not. and in this film…it has a familiar theme to it, but i cant place where ive seen this type of cinematography before. i think it was a film starring geneive bujold. in any case, the cast is solid so a dated story is protrayed in an also dated time. hope they have all the historical aspects covered…especially the accuracy of the cars. Kevin’s played good villains before like in “invisible man” but anything should be better from him then his first feature in “Friday the 13th, part 1″…
reaction | music | october 11, 2005
…And to anyone who doesn’t understand
different strokes walk amonst us in this world…some are your cup of tea and some are not. this music speaks volumes to me and many others as it relieves us of the pressures we face. I (we) get our agression out through peaceful means, through the music. think about it. if we didn;t have this outlet do you know how many people who would suffer everyday, hurt and die if it did not exist? it can be an exorcism in itself…wrenching you and cleansing you of demons built up inside. everyone should really get out of those dumb dj clubs and get back to supporting real music. whether it’s hardcore or not…this is how the artists survive these days…money from touring. no whoring like the crap pop drivel that the major labels shove in your face everyday. that is superficial. hardcore is not superficial. it is stone cold reality. that’s why it’s the music of the streets. just like rap.
House of Trouble
reaction | news | october 11, 2005
I think it all comes down to choice…
people are downloading more then ever because more then ever music is accessible to the public. before you heard it on the radio or in the concert or on tv…now you have it everywhere and on the internet. mp3s, ipods, etc. if you didn’t have all this technology and able to mass distribute electronically with ease all this high quality digital data….you wouldn’t have this problem. another reason is because of that stereotype that the industry is not as important as the artists themselves…so people want to go see the band so they go to the show, but don’t pay the people who forked out the money for the band to go into the studio. kind of a a vicious circlem but hey i just came back from a music conference last week in montreal. the panel of representatives from the industry actually told me what is selling right now is the 1968-1974 period. ah hello, that’s over. real people out there have their own tastes which is why the internet is another appeal to getting tons of choices at your fingertips with out paying for something they don’t really want. it is definitely regulating the artists to do music on their own account which is a good idea but this is where we need to start bands off slow…from the ground up…if they are that good then they will sell records despite downloads. give record deals to artists who are really artists and not the cookie cutouts you want them to be. get that message out there from the majors and maybe people will be keen to buy records more. anyway, maybe the pay as you download sites should get a big break or a big boost to avoid the freebies available. either that are start serious busting and fines. one thing for sure is …some artists will suffer because we cannot buy everyone’s music to support them…everyone please make sure that those artists suffer because they are crap like what/who the industry will sign and cram down your throats on muchmucus.
High Bias
reaction | news | october 11, 2005
More propaganda…
let’s face reality folks…america is the war machine because they can afford to be. someone has to number one in might so might as well be them right? why not. but just because the big bully next door feels they “owe it to the world to liberate” doesnt mean us Canadians have to follow suit. Honestly i don’t think Britains wanted to be in Iraq either. jsut because the government that got voted in said, yes let’s go…they are paying for their mistake like the Americans. too bad it’s all come out like another vietnam for them.
…and yes trade comes down to money. if american interests are at stake, now they wave the gun, then the gun in your face and if you don’t conform then …you get the invasion.
nice quote about “at least we have a new oil source”.. the hunter reveals his colours…
After Katrina, America should really review it’s policies. after the reveiling of blacks in america are not cared for, it’s evident. It’s time for them to get back to the attitude the world had for them in early 1940’s…the saviours of democracy…not the bully on the block as they are now.
reaction | music | october 11, 2005
Not bad for a Somalian
I saw him perform at Live 8 this summer. the rhyme and drum beats well constructed and this while he rants and drums at the same time. also to not that day he came to see Motley crue which makes him appear more worldly in his own right then would be led to believe. I see K’naan leading a new generation for his people with a good attotude of openess and intelligence not to mention musical sensibility.
Lost World: Jurassic Park (The) |
comment | cinéma | october 5, 2005
Not bad…
This film didn’t pull the punches like the first movie. It was more like “hmm, where do we go from here…oh i know…let’s cop a King Kong script by taking the creatures to the city…yeah that’s it! There’s more meat for the meateaters in dem aspault streets then the jungle anyways. And of course…they get loose and terrorize the city. Granted the special effects are top notch. YOu can’t beat it for that. It is however unfortunately not as fresh as the first movie so watch it with that caution in mind. No Sam Neill for one so not the same feeling watching it. that guy is not a ham like Goldblum. i don’t want ham. i want seriousness. Give Jeff the ham so the dinosaurs can eat him..
Lost Souls |
comment | cinéma | october 5, 2005
I saw this movie…
Guess what…wynonna is hot but even this film couldn’t overshadow the fact that it doesn;t stand out in your mind how good it is because it’s not…it forgetful. this is sad with the talent on board but it’s the truth. You won’t remember the movie even five years from now…my hand is up on that. i was thinking this was going to be like End of days…but it doesnt even holda candle to it. more like end of wynonna’s acting career….guess that’s why she decided to take up shoplifting…she thought it would pay better…haha
Lost in Space |
comment | cinéma | october 5, 2005
Not bad…
Special effects were good. i didn;t grow up with the original so some older people who did may have a beef with this movie. I didn;t. Any chance to see Mimi Rogers on the big screen is a treat not to mention heather graham. Joey Leblanc was actually not bad in this film consider what an idiot he always plays. Quite the cast with WIlliam Hurt….a class act. A few little mini adventures in this before the big ending with Gary Oldman trying to frig things up. He plays villains well. no exception here. Because this has to do with a family it is quite family oriented. meaning it is a bit tame. maybe if they ever do a sequel they an stick to more seriousness rather then the cutesy take on some scenes with the kids. Still it has a rather engulfing ending.
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (The) |
comment | cinéma | october 5, 2005
Ah, now we’re cooking
Now there is more happening now. THe orcs are on the invasion. This film leaves off from the first film with Froddo and Samwise still being protected at this point still baring the ring. It concludes with the first invasion of the Orc army attacking Helms deep, the outlying fortress from good guy lands. And only one of the towers is still in fighting shape by the end of the flick. Particular highlights are the breathtaking views of New zealand where it was filmed, the Trees coming alive to attack the tower and the battle scene with the overwhelming forces of the Orcs attempting to defeat the humans and elves. THis film is beginning to thicken the plot like a tastey medieval meal slowly roasting in a cauldron over a fire. And the story starts to make sense now of Aragorn’s relationship with the elf princess played by Liv Tyler.
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (The) |
comment | cinéma | october 5, 2005
A classic from the moment i walk out of the theatre. I remember seeing the animated film in the 1980’s on tv. THis was the only logical way to do justice to this story. This series in totally on par with anything Lucas created. What Star Wars was to Science Fiction is what Lord oF THe Rings is the Fantasy. a stellar production of CGI, but great acting. A colossal cast of talent. Albeit this film is kinda of long it doesnt feel that when you are gripped by the story. I particularly like Sean Bean as the first son. I found the adventure much like the second Star wars films of part 1 as in that battle scenes didn’t go over the top. that is saved for the forthcomings sequels. Elijah wood is a great Froddo. Gandalf couldn’t have been done more justice then by Ian Mckellen. Viggo has made his mark as a serious actor with this film. Even Orlando bloom as the Fighting elf archer is acurate of the character in detail. The highlights have to be the introduction with the huge battle of the human and elves vs. the orcs. Simply dazzling. Even the music is quite stirring with the emotions on the screen.
Long Kiss Goodnight (The) |
comment | cinéma | october 4, 2005
This was good…
Geena gets to stretch her wings in this film as a action star. i still remember the plot about her having amnesia only for her memory to come back to her when realizes she was a secret agent. i thought action scene were well done. the getting blown through the billboard sign was fantastic. it culminates in a bloody shootout in the winter.
Lolita 1997 |
comment | cinéma | october 4, 2005
Well well…
Kind of a sick story to be making a movie about…it;s friggin pediphelia. And the sad part is the jeremy irons character goes down because of it. boy he really plays those “oh i;m gone wreck myself” kinda roles… this one is no different. Melanie Griffiths plays lolita’s mom who doesnt last long shall we say in this story. i can understand him blowing away frank lagella at the end but dicking a 12 year old? you sick sick man.
Little Shop of Horrors |
comment | cinéma | october 4, 2005
I would try seeing anything before this movie on the subject. it’s not the best work by Moranis or Martin but the plants eating people are probably what saves this film. It has those interesting moments, but for a movie going on 20 years…it doesn’t have huge staying power. I supposed the plants themselves are really the stars (well done puppetry). it doesn;t suck though because Frank Oz doesn’t do shit films…that’s for sure.
Little Nicky |
comment | cinéma | october 4, 2005
Yes I agree
This is probably the worst for sandler in comedy. must have been why he slowly moved over to drama. Yet, his comedy albums still rock with disgusting jokes…haha. Maybe he should get back with some of the SNL group to make a really good movie. ya know with schneider and david spade. I know this film wasnt that good because i barely remember it. he gets killed a few times only to be resent back to earth. him getting hit by a truck i think was probably the best scene in this film. memory merits impact. this one is not “out of the park” for sure.
Lion King (The) |
comment | cinéma | october 4, 2005
Can’t go wrong with Disney…
I can;t say this movie had the same appeal to me as say some of the earlier work or more recent film themes of sinbad, treasure planet or Atlantis: the lost empire. still it’s cute. the tunes have obviously stood the test of time 10 years later. i think the story was well done and does show kids a good morale and meaning. Best scene is probably the dad of the lion king coming to save his but from the Hyeanas in the bad lands…
Life |
comment | cinéma | october 4, 2005
Oh these poor guys…
caught in the wrong place at the wrong time and it basically costs them their freedom for the rest of their good lives. a good team up i thought. Pretty funny when they are old men trying to still escape. Starts off kind of serious but gets funy through their incarceration. it take place in the 1920’s. oh yes, and we are tired of the frowned upon black man now, Mr.’s a tired routine.
Liar Liar |
comment | cinéma | october 4, 2005
Classic Carrey
This wa a good plot. a man that cant lie? c’mon…no such thing right? haha. well, great story to display this with Carrey…boy he gets into alot of trouble here. and it takes him breaking his sons heart to realize what a fool he’s been. and not only to him but his ex wife. touching and funny film at the same time. a good comeback from the whimsical cable guy. Best scene is carrey in court making a complete fool out of himself with his voice. watch the closing credit bloopers at the end of the VHS DVD tape.
Lethal Weapon 4 |
comment | cinéma | october 4, 2005
okay i think i lost count now with the movies…this is 4? i heard they are making number 5 or want to. why? This one survived only because they filled the cast with so many stars that it couldn’t fail…Renee Russo and Chris Rock turn up in this one. the clincher is Mel getting married to Russo. funny thing about this series. the first movies was not funny. it was very serious. a man loved his wife so much and missed her so much that when she died he basically tried to get himself killed. then it’s gotten to the point where it’s a farce. admittingly i think it;s probably the right move but do they have to keep making these films? the best scene in this one was probably the chase and the car going off the unfinished bridge. Please stop now as the sadness is over cause Mel got married in this one…leave it alone now.
Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events |
comment | cinéma | october 4, 2005
KInda dark this film is. not what i was expecting exactly. i thought Carrey’s character actually wanted to care for the kids in the end. no, he is a cruel and evil caniving villian. I could just picture the horror if my parents we’re killed in a freak accident and that Jim in that character would be my only reliable relative…i;d be a dead kid! Quite the effects in this grim film. kinda like harry potter meets the nightmare before xmas maybe. Carrey did a good job, but i think people will want to remember him being more funny and wacky then…unscrupulously deadly. the scene of the house falling away and the kids on the track were good. not too mention the sinking of the little boat in the sea and rescue by carrey.
Legend of Zorro |
comment | cinéma | october 4, 2005
Very good
I don’t think anyone was more right for this part than antonio. Catherine did an excellent job. she looks the part. and put in a great act. i’m glad the sequel is being finally made if there was to be one done. they aren;t getting any younger. the saving climax Zeta Jones and fight scene of zorro and villain stand out in this flick. if you like an hispanic guy in a tight black suite, with a cap, mask and hat…and an excellent display of swordsmanship and action…i recommend this film.
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (The) |
comment | cinéma | october 4, 2005
Now this is good…
Excellent special effects…characters come to life on film that are rarely ever dramatized. apparently this league existed a 100 years ago in comic books…it was before the justice league of DC Comics. I have never seen a film of this before. i thought the story was good. COuld have been stronger, but there is room for a sequel if the another plot was that good. This reminded me of the Atmosfear game for some reason. a bunch of dark characters coming together to fight a real threat…a real evil. WHo knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men. Watch this movie and find out. The best scenes are the fight scenes at the end in the castle and the destroying part of the Venice city and the submarine escape.
Oliver Twist
reaction | film | october 4, 2005
Remakes galore..
What is wrong with hollywood these days? they are constantly making re-dos of movies not that old. The lasts Oliver i remember was 1968 version. I believe there was a black and white version before that…Does anybody realize how many stories are untold out there? nothing was wrong with the musical in 1968 so why are they remaking another damn film of the same story? why? cause the new version is now in THX sound thanks to friggin George Lucas? we don’t need this. Look, nothing wrong with Johnny Depp putting a twist on an old theme of being a pirate…there’s tons of ideas out there. get some real talent writing original and not done to death stories in hollywood. this is lame.
reaction | music | october 4, 2005
If these guys rock, then Ottawa should request them on the radio. i have heard of this band for a few years and heard absolutely no tunes from then. so what’s the problem here? how come they are not getting radio play? do they suck? if they are good enough to sell out Capital CIty Music Hall…then play them on the radio for christ sake…they are Canadian aren;t they? we want to here them so we can decide for ourselves without having to spend $20+ dollars for a cd or a show just to find out they suck or not.
reaction | news | october 4, 2005
Haha…this week was funny
WOw, i just see the sparks flying. Well, one thing i know for sure is there is a difference between a store that carries basically porn videos and a store that has that with a significant amount of playtoys. If you want to jack off at home to visual aids…there’s the first choice. The second is obviously for people who less narrow minded. Now if they;d only allow a sex shop to whack off in/at…haha.
House of Trouble
reaction | news | october 4, 2005
Police Killing
It don’t matter what colour the criminals are. The y do the crime, they do the time. Police Officers lay their life down. They are on the line. I dont know what they make for a salary but i hope it is at least on par with the military. only difference it will be there own country men trying to shoot them. My guess is (and that i’v heard) that they don;’t make much more than $40,000 at year. Maybe $50K tops. is this really enough? to think what these peopel are trained for you’d think they get paid double or something. BUt on the other hand i think that saying that, if they are caught abusing the holy power they are given…they should have double it taken away. fired, thrown in jail themselves (in some severe cases) should apply as well. I understand the police cant be perfect (my only so called speeding ticket years back or the arar case), but i do expect them to get paid well enough so they don’t have to power trip over the public. Oh, and if you are a criminal and caught red handed…you should expect the worse depending on the crime you’re committing. THe Guy who shot the Alberta RCMP di the right thing because he would have been executed had he lived to stand trial. again i say bring back the death penalty for serial killings…and shooting sprees…
The Police should start a major clampdown on the Toronto gang scene before it gets out of hand. anybody remember Capone?
Last Days of Disco (The) |
comment | cinéma | september 22, 2005
I saw this for Chloe, but didn’t even realize Kate was in it since she was still making her mark as a starlet at this time. Well, interesting plot i guess. DOn’t really remember if the “Disco Sucks” signs were big enough at the end of the The club scenes looked happening. Chloe should have done more films. she was great in Kids (1995). yes, Mike Myers in a studio 54 outfit would have done wonders for this film.
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider |
comment | cinéma | september 22, 2005
I fell asleep…
I find she was boring for a action character. i love action films, but this didn’t interest me. maybe it would have if she flashed her breasts or something like in Gia. and they actually made a sequel. Special effects are great, but that was probably done to make up for the bad acting of Ms. Jolie. Try something else, Angeline.
Ladykillers (The) |
comment | cinéma | september 22, 2005
Now three isn’t alot of big scenes in a film like this but …who needs them. the story is enough to pull you in. all the characters are completely different which makes it compelling and that when one finally turns on the group…the rest soon follow. i’m not much into dramas, but with this cast…i t was good. only thing is i am tired of the young blackman’s attitude…sometimes the language can be too much. if you have kids, and you don;’t like the F word…you might not want them to watch this…good story though for sure.
Ladder 49 |
comment | cinéma | september 22, 2005
Okay film…
Alright, but i’ve seen better firefighter films. Backdraft especially. This film, although interesting in that the story is told rather invertedly, is still rather bland. Young guy wants to be a fireman, becomes one, meets a chick, gets married (always great melodrama for the women watching), has some close calls, then …okay i won’t giveaway the ending but i think you can figure it out. maybe that’s what was wrong with the picture. maybe it wasn’t what i expected. rather dismal display of what a firefighter will go through or could. i’m sure there’s no life like that, but maybe that’s just what people need to see to make them realized the hell they will have to face. I don’t think there is anyone on the earth more painful then getting burned.
reaction | music | september 22, 2005
I just saw Fear factory for the first time this month in montreal on the gigantour with Dream Theatre and Megadeth. First of all, weird billing of heavy metal types…agressive Didn’t work too well in my opinion. as for the new FF album, they played cuts from it but i honestly couldn’t hear anything that stood out or was worth mentioning. THis band doesn’t suck, but sorry…being an advid music fan, if you’re tunes dont stick in my head oi doubt it will in anyone elses. Hooks are the meat and potatoes of any outfit whether rock or not. I don’t expect to be buying any or their albums soon and as a matter of fact I just bought the new Static X album and sorry there, Shawn but…that band kicks Ass! albeit repetitive at times, there music is X (10) times better. If that isn’t enough…i bought the new disturbed. Now there’s an album to punch you in the face with…haha
House of Trouble
reaction | news | september 22, 2005
Open mind
I’ll be keeping one now after reading this. seems sometimes you get sucked into other people’s hoopla. i never knew exactly what she is or stood for. What i do know is that she doesn’t shop like her predessor, Adrienne Clarkson. Good to hear she is well educated. I hope this dispells any favourtism towards the french as i was told. thanks for the de-mystifying.
Dodge or Die Dodge ball tournament
reaction | news | september 22, 2005
I’m all for it. all sports should be given a chance to be a regular playing league and if possibly, nationally televised. If people can sit and watch Lacrosse, i don’t see why this sport shouldn’t have a chance. and c’mon…every kid has played it so don’t tell me the majority wouldn’t be for it. I think it would be a healthy way to blow off steam. No one gets killed in it either…i prefer the title “King’s court” as we called it when i was young.
The Franchise: Daniel Alfredsson on a decade with the Sens
reaction | news | september 22, 2005
THis is a guy Ottawa really needs. it’s going both ways. he is a team player. He might not be the best player on the ice, but to be a leader you don;t need to be like that. We’ve had alexander dud, Alexei Cashin and the strike tarnishing the team enough. let’s turn over a new leaf…ah, Sen i mean…2 weeks left until the season starts …I can just hear the Corle centre cheering now…WOoHoo!
Winning “hearts and minds” takes heart and mind
reaction | news | september 12, 2005
But you seen therein lies the very difference between what an American sees and what a Canadian sees. We were not born of a violent rebellion. we have cold winters and excellent beverages to cool down our tempers. the world has known…if you really piss Canada off…we will kick you in the ass big time. American kick you in the ass first and then ask questions. why? because they can. they have the biggest boot. their philosophy is “if i have the biggest stick i can walk as loudly as i like”. Us Canadians have a little more respect for our common man and even though a stick maybe smaller…in the event we need it….it will be weilded with deadly force. And of course no one who is a terrorist dares awaken the sleeping beaver as to it may cause severe discomfort for the sleepers cells forcing us to join the united states in a fortress America…see i tell you no one wants that trickle down effect. A balance yet again in a weird way.
reaction | news | september 12, 2005
What a concept…
This doesn’t surprise me. not after what i’ve experience with maritimers and newfies. they were the but of all the jokes growing up, but i have never met anyone all across canada who were a more polite, nicer people in general. Can’t say i’m big on the pub music even though that is my ancestry, but i can dig the scene. Now if only the “pubbers’ here in ottawa would drop the “Ottawa shenanigans” and “make love not war” …Ottawa would be a lot happier and zestier place don’t ya think?
House of Trouble
reaction | news | september 12, 2005
He comes from a state where they have the death penalty. i think that’s commendable. you kill multiple innocent people…yeah, you should get fried alright. now, what should you do if you’re the head of your country and your country needs you bad…well, there are a few choice but i don’t think what Bush is or has done is the right choice. He will lose the next election due to is ignorance and prejudice. He at least deserves to.
The Exorcism of Emily Rose
reaction | film | september 12, 2005
Not bad…
Whether this was related to the original exorcist or not i’m not sure. one thing i was sure of was this wasn’t a bad movie. you had the legal fans pleased with the court drama, yet you had the spiritual fans pleased with the stance the film took on religion (reminding me much like a tv crime show). The effects were good. i think they even picked a good actress for emily’s character. Very sad the girl goes through such torture. but at least i found the movie was entertaining and made you think at the same time… My take is if this supernatural hell could exist…good HAS to co-exist….that being the balance of nature.
Bruce Cockburn plays for USC Canada
reaction | music | september 12, 2005
Political correctness…
It’s fine to be political and have views…it’s not okay to forcefeed your fans this and putting it in your songs after being in the industry for 10+ years then changing gears. We care like everyone else Bruce, Don and Sting…just don’t rub it in our faces okay?
Hig Bias
reaction | news | september 12, 2005
Kanye West said the truth. America only cares for white, righteous and oil rich America. Funny they go to great pains to take on Iraq…and for what? to kill off young poor americans like vietnam? now they have a real crisis in Louisiana and it’ so true they could have done SO much more…but they haven’t. why is the question i would like to know. They don’t need assistance from the rest of the world. this is America for god’s sake…the mightiest country in the world. she’s nothing next to Mother Nature and it had to be her to take America down a notch. Hopefully this will sink BUsh and his administration and let the south “rise” again above the waters…
Where the weed is at in court
reaction | news | september 1, 2005
Put it to a vote…
The government wants to consider 16 years old to vote? Well, give them a reason. Weed. you wanna see them vote…your damn right they will if it’s something that definitely affects them or their surroundings. Let’s put all the issues while were at it. we had same sex. now let’s have abortion, prostution and marijuana. Does anybody see Netherlands being a Fucked up country? I don’t and i don’t think alot in the world do. they’ve led by example without really knowing or realizing it. what’s good enough for the Europeans is good enough for me. No kids, clean paid sex and a proper place to smoke up…
In The City
reaction | news | september 1, 2005
What a gas…
I think i have to laugh with all the prices of gas and oil going up. There’s actually people complaining, but yet they won’t give up the big gas guzzlers. it’s ridiculous. maybe this is good as it’s finally going to force people to look for alternatives for commuting. You can, walk, run, jog, skateboard, bike, skate, rollerblade, take a bus, train, subway, cab, private driver, carpool…there are so many options to be taken a better look at. Just save your vehicles for the necessary or big trips for now until you get your next vehicle. when you do, go look at some cleaner cars or alternate source powered vehicles. I bet you the prices won’t be that bad by then. I’m certainly going to take a look at them.
House of Trouble
reaction | news | september 1, 2005
The beauty of Canada as opposed to the US…
We should have the right to defend ourselves, but thank god we don’t have the right to bare arms like the americans do. and they wonder why something like Columbine happened. Duh! wake up and smell the amunition…holy hanna. Anybody see Michael Moore’s films? No Joke…open up a bank account and get a free gun. Have a gunshop right next to someplace they serve alcohol. and we here envy Quebec for serving Beer at the corner store! that’s nuts. the beauty of us is that we don’t have such a warmonger law. otherwise we’d have done ourselves in already. I’m all four taking someone out if you are totally being deadly threatened like in your house or your car (especially if you’re a woman)…but on the streets…that’s No place for guns…they be there to Kill people. Oh, and if you kill a cop you should be publicly executed. he should have the gun, not you on the street.
As for Toronto, it is the biggest city in Canada so understandably it will have the largest chance for gun violence. One factor could be the fact that in the past 10-20 years alot of “new” people have come to that city. Does anyone have the figures on whether the shootings are cause by any particular race or nationality? I’m willing to bet it does.
Sound of Thunder (A) |
comment | cinéma | september 1, 2005
No wonder I went to this movie with a free pass…
I think that was a bad move because this movie isn’t going to last long in theatres. it has rather a cheapness about it like a candy that appears sweet at first but leaves you with a “funny” aftertaste. It was an Entertaining movie, but i find i really have to point out the flaws here. i read the original short story in High School. Obviously there needs to be some embellishment when it comes to the big screen so instead of the flower that is crushed, it’s a butterfly. But wherein i found flaws were…One…I found the Dinosaur cool looking but you’re going to tell me it comes that close to that many people and doesn’t actually even take out just one of them? it’s a dinosaur…it’s carniverous and and fairly fast and Hungry! Two…did anyone who saw this feel the main character had absolutely no depth at all? yeah, he’s built and cute and hero-like, but he didn’t even flinch or cry out when the girl he was suppose to be looking after gets munched. You’re telling me they couldnt even do that in the film…you would in real life and it was definitely an oversight making this film. the CGI gets in the way of that these days. Quite an inventive story with people changing into bat reptilian gorillas, but still…this timewave looked more like a tidalwave then anything else. I love sci-fi movies, but the moviemakers gotta do a little more research and tie things together better. there were some moments of comedy, but definitely there were times i felt i was laughing at the film rather than with it. Another things to add about the movie is hardly any gore and no nudity…my the times if Cgi are a changing!
reaction | music | september 1, 2005
Hmm, i don’t like the album cover. I hope i like the album though. Methods of Mayhem wasn’t for me. I don’t like rap. I know Tommy’s big on beats which is cool, but the rapping thing has gotta go especially if that was never your scene to begin with. i saw him at the concert going “ya-eah” as if he wasn’t caucasian. Tommy, who are you foolin’? the record company may have dropped you for your last attempt of only selling a mere 140,000 copies of “Never A Dull Moment”, but at least you kept it real. You rocked on it. You actually sounded okay singing. i think you should have stuck to that format, but either put it out through motley records or another independent label. Like i said “drop the …goes to College shinannigans and get out there and rock”!
reaction | music | september 1, 2005
AC for the end of summer…
With all the hype i have heard lately on Alice, i hope this album is as good as they say it is. Better than the last album i pray. True the last record “the eyes of Alice Cooper” was more going back to his roots, but i found it slighty punkishly stale like his early 1980’s albums. At least the new album has a much better title. “eyes” to me should have meant the DVD as it’s something to see, not just hear. The tour was great when he stopped here in Ottawa last year (better than 1999’s). I have to say that i really did like the way Alice was progessing in the early 2000’s with albums “Brutal Planet” and “Dragontown”. They were top notch for heavy rock for the millenium and personally…i preferred it that way. Alice was going a little backwards if you ask me with “eyes”. I thought he was progessing with the last two, then came “eyes”. Needless to say i didn’t buy it. I own “Welcome to my nightmare, Goes to Hell, Lace & Whiskey, From the Inside”, Constrictor, Raise Your fist and yell andthe 1999 Boxset”. Let’s Hope Dirty Diamonds gets down and dirty!
Fall Cultural Preview – Rock ‘n’ Roll
reaction | music | september 1, 2005
I hope to catch the Magneta Lane show will all the hype i have heard. one thing with some of the names of bands i’ve seen…I hate when bands take other bands names that came before. Do some research people. Tangiers was an 80’s metal band. I’ve seen a few signed acts known as Deliverance. I have heard of Tangiers so presumeably they are indeed signed. All i can say is if i was already in a legimately signed band and had the copyright on it…i’d sue the copycat nametakers. Some of the names are pretty silly out there today, but at least it’s original.
Knock Off |
comment | cinéma | august 22, 2005
Oh My God…
I actually watched this movie? Yes, i saw ROb Schneider’s name and thought…”hey, i liked Judge Dredd”. If this was that movie, it would have been called judged drudged, dread and dead. i guess they were low that year on Van Damme plots of good ideas. Nice thought, but the arrow missed the mark. Rob is always the funny sidekick but did not have a particular memorable performance…neither has Van Damme in this one either unfortunately. It will likely appear in his “lost movies” collection on DVD someday. LOL
Knight’s Tale (A) |
comment | cinéma | august 22, 2005
just imagine a serious version of Bill and Ted doing a medieval movie? then this would be it. complete with rock soundtrack! well, i didn’t mind it because i like those time period movies but it wasn’t meant to be taken seriously…so add some Army of darkness pretentious-isms and voila…you’ve got a poor guy becoming a knight…yeah, right! (crowd of people on the bleachers at the joust match)…
Kissed |
comment | cinéma | august 22, 2005
Ah, okay…
Can someone tell me how a woman is suppose to have sex with a dead guy? other than that pervailing question i actually like the movie. they showed ya what ya do working in the funeral place before being put on display. hey if she’s into necrofelia, here’s just the place to do it. now i suppose they decided to do this from the girls perspective because if it was from the guys…all the girls would be creeped out and not go see it and the star of the film would have no more career left as that impression would be left deep in their psyche. Still, it had an interesting concept of love. Guy wants girl, guy can’t compete with dead people so becomes one so that he can actually be “had” by the girl…oh great story people…
Kiss the Girls |
comment | cinéma | august 22, 2005
Yes, this is another in a serious of films that “Hire Morgan freeman because he plays a great, old, black detective/cop”. hey whatever happen to using Danny GLover? this fortunately happened early enough that i didn’t get tired of his roles and he does a good job with Ashley in this flick. she was just getting started and was on the rise. She;s pretty hot here and Carey comes along to wreck the day. I didn’t predict the villain so maybe that’s why i actually liked it. it does take place at one point in the woods in a quiet little house…also great for suspense.
Kingpin |
comment | cinéma | august 22, 2005
Okay, this was a memorable film for a few reasons…Woody is good at being silly. To see him in serious roles took years because he was just too goofy from cheers, but he also had to be given a good Crazy role like Natural born killers to succeed outside comedy. he’s a bowling star here, then loses his hand to the bad guys for crossing them and becomes an alcoholic. it starts off pretty serious, but gets really silly the rest of the film when Randy enters the picture. especially when they are on the farm and Woody milks what he thinks is a cow only to have taken a sip from the bucket before being told it was a male…LOL.
King of Comedy (The) |
comment | cinéma | august 22, 2005
I’ve seen alot better. I’m sure it looked good on paper, but not one of Deniro’s strongest roles. he was already nutty enough in predesessors like Taxi Driver or Deer Hunter. And even though Jerry lewis was believeable at being a prick, it’s still hard to see him in a serious role after all the sillyness he used to do in flicks. i think the soundtrack was actually stronger than the film…now, that’s not good.
Kill Bill: Volume 2 |
comment | cinéma | august 22, 2005
I think there should have been a 3rd part…
You know these things always come in 3’s…not this time. just as brutal as the first movie. Poor Daryl Hannah and her only eye. Uma gets a good shit kicking. and not surprisingly that when she finally makes it to the end that she doesn’t have too much to face in physical tests…just more her heart. nice tie in since that’s how she takes out the final bad guy…a little unbelieveable, but hey this is the movies. I wonder why there wasn’t a 3rd part?
Kill Bill: Volume 1 |
comment | cinéma | august 22, 2005
This was interesting…
It was like Pulp fiction meets Bruce Lee for crying out loud. quite the mafia style plot but the twist is the main character is a devil of a swordsman and martial artist. and to look at Uma you wouldn’t get that impression. I’m sure she’s got the physique to some extent, but had she shown some nudity it would have certainly killed the validity of the character in my opinion. pretty good cast with well known actors and actresses being the bad guys. A pretty bloody mess i might add to with Uma chopping up all the japanese body guards in the restaurant…totally reminded me of Bruce in “Dragon”. The movie definitely leads you wanting more as to not give away too much of the story. and that leaves a sequel to finish off the bad guys…heehee
Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy |
comment | cinéma | august 22, 2005
I was expecting more from these guys. i think after 5 seasons of TV they had run their course. Did they think they were Monty Python? The concept was original enough, but the delivery left a little to desired. Great for canadian audiences whom knew and loved to TV series, but i don’t think the outside world gave a shit. it was clear that these guys were not worth more than the sum of the parts. Glad dave foley moved on to bigger and better things. Mckinney moved on the a disasterous Saturday Night Live venture. Bruce disappeared. Scott is pretty quiet, but pops up once in awhile. You actually still see Kevin appear in films now and then. I thought he was the weakest link actually of the five together. who knew.
Kangaroo Jack |
comment | cinéma | august 22, 2005
It was a hoot…
If you had seen the movie, Joe’s apartment then you know what to expect from Jerry O’connell and this film. a talking Kangaroo who hopes away with something valuable is amusing in itself, but with Anthony Anderson along for the ride as Jerry’s dumb sidekick…i think it actually helped to movie. it’s just a fun movie to watch. The love interest for Jerry ain’t half bad. forgetable movie: yes, but fun while you’re watching it. especially the two driving in the truck chase.
Billy Idol
reaction | music | august 19, 2005
Amen, Skeleton…
But I am Sooo looking forward to this show. first, it’s billy. second original guitarist, Steve stevens is with him (never should have left in the first place) and thirdly, Biff “the betty boop of rock and roll” Naked is starting the show. I’m glad she’s back and longer haired then ever! Billy is practically 50 and you know he isn’t gonna just stand there with the cane he used to don and croon (unlike Rod Stewart these days). Billy will give you a show. if not, he’ll go home or he will die. he won’t fake like some other artists. expect him there to be high from the “mile high” club, curbing his lip like Elvis and pounding his fist in yo’ face! besides all that i think his latest record is the best album he’s done since Rebel Yell. if that is not strong enough reason for a comeback then i don’t know what is. White Wedding up your ass, baby!
Red Eye
reaction | film | august 19, 2005
Shows promise…
Well, the buzz is this film actually has a good plot. Wes Craven is no slouch so i have medium expectations already. Rachel McAdams gave a good performance in Wedding Crashers earlier this year which i saw. She seemed to have a good sense of drama about her even though that was a comedy. I think she could pull a role off like this. I shall be seeing this flick i think sooner then later.
reaction | news | august 19, 2005
Good read…
Oh, i enjoyed reading this one, i’ll tell ya’ll…heehee. firstly, i’d only had heard of the “everything you wanted to know…” book. Nice to know there’s another side to it available. I love the Peirce Brosnan reference. something to aspire to handsome and irish! And all i thought was girls don’t judge books by their cover…so much for being put on a petastal. As far as the guy eye thing…I’m sure some are quite shy at first so don’t size them up right at first like that. Try approaching them and then see what comes out of their mouth. Hey, the beginning is always the hardest part. Don’t let the “drunken haze” guy taint your perception of what the other guys out there are. that’s just one bad apple…don’t judge the bunch. Well, at least it was good to know i passed the tongue test 😉
House of Trouble
reaction | news | august 19, 2005
Too much
This has got to be something that the government feels they can’t handle or make money off of. Mary jane is better for angry people then alcohol is. Mary Jane makes people buy food. Alcohol induces them to vomit all that money back up or take out on someone. Either that or it’s just because they are afraid even mary jane will be as bad for your lungs when you’ve smoke it for years upping to cost of health care for your dying organs. Hmm, how about what habits you do…you start paying for in cash so that by the time you smoke or drank yourself to death you’d have paid for your funeral, coffin and medical expenses…yeah, that’s it!!
Dukes of Hazzard (The) |
comment | cinéma | august 9, 2005
Not bad
it’ll pass for a new Generation of the tv show. Willie Nelson was good cast and so was Johnny Knoxville. Johnny can actually act and not just for jackass stunts. Mr. scott as bo was good. Jessica as Daisy was impressive for obvious reasons. as for acting she still has a way to go, but shake the ass and we don’t care too much. Roscoe was totally not the same as the show but more like the sheriff of nottingham…big, bad and ugly. Burt was an okay Boss Hogg. a Highlight was the bloopers at the end when the credits rolled up. If there is a sequel i hope to story is a little bigger, thicker and quicker though.
Wedding Crashers |
comment | cinéma | august 9, 2005
Very Funny
That VInce Vaughn guy can be kinda scary when he gets riled up, but teamed with Owen Wilson made a entertaining combination. Owen is still a little quirky in the role. I think someone a little more wholesome would have been a better cast, yet it might have made this flick more like a drama. The leading lady is cute and the film does capture the reason for weddings…true connection and love. Chris Walken is always great to see and amazingly subdued for the role. I thought he was going to be the one to crack his daughter’s fiancee in the head after his display at the wedding. Good, cause i really hated that character. Anyway, there were usually cliches of happenings at such events, but still funny enough to laugh at it. Maybe Ben Stiller should have been Vince, then the movie would have been an even higher mark.
In The City
reaction | news | august 9, 2005
Okay, Hiv and Aids suck. but there is no cure yet. why don’t we just put all the people who have it into one area so they don’t share their needles or bodily fluids with anyone else. that’s the way to stop the spreading. the answer doesn’t lie in giving them crackpipes, new needles or areas to do it in. You can do it in your slum apt. and invite your addict friends and get Hiv’d there too.
As for the Oc transpo drivers…the pamphlet is a nice idea to think about. but those people have enough to do already. what would be more beneficial is a pamphlet that encourages or promotes the users of the transit system to be more pro-active about such things…or better yet…give them authority to get annoying people on the buses turfed off. Can you guess why i don’t ride it now? good…you got the message.
reaction | news | august 9, 2005
Oh yeah…alot to learn
Eat too much, drink to much and the last but not least…piece to resistance…wait for it…screw too much. Hmm, and are they any more successful in relationships or have a high birthrate? i think not. But it depends on which “part” (or where) of french culture we’re talking about. You think that all of quebec would eat the same thing, yet time and time again when my friend and i venture to Montreal…there is never anymore women (young or old for that matter) hotter than in that city. new amalgamation of Gatineau doesn’t even compare taking into account it’s population. Okay whatever is going in Montreal…French women of Ottawa-Gatineau take the hint!
House of Trouble
reaction | news | august 9, 2005
Oh gee
Like the guy is that deadly he could extract $500 from someone for mary jane seeds like it was addictive like cocaine. Hmm, what’s next to get busted for like that…pirated CD’s/DVD’s (burns). I think they RCMP would better off looking into al qeuida or the idiot speeders on the 417!
My Summer of Love
reaction | film | july 21, 2005
Good…something different
Don’t get me wrong i love a good blockbuster film…for what they’re worth. Glad people still make movies that aren’;t the norm. make you think. Might even make you act. and usually the people in those movies “Can” act! Yeah, does sound a little like Heavenly Creatures but you could use the same comparison in music where one band sounds like another, but both are about different things. Sounds interesting so I’ll keep my eyes open for it when it becomes rentable.
Vision Theatre challenges Faithful
reaction | stage | july 21, 2005
Marriage is basically Suicide
Cause when the divorce hits…just depends where the bullet is going to end up. in your foot or in your head! Try reading Gene Simmons book, “Sex, Money & Kiss”. Made total sense to me. White picket fence theory days are over. Time for new relationships. Hey, the law says your a couple after 6 months living together…don’t make it worse when you’ve signed that contract and she walks away with all your things…and maybe your money too. Guys are better off signing a co-habitational agreement..what’s yours is yours and what’s mine is mine even after the relationship has fizzled. but as Gene’s book also says, “Girls, get that cash”!
In The City
reaction | news | july 21, 2005
Yeah Right…
Georges Bedard…get real. the fair isn’t the federal government. no requirement to speak French here. if patrons complain that there’s no French speaking people, then the fair should listen and hire and adequately Pay someone for that job. not before. Anyway, it’s heading away from downtown toward the Ottawa Valley at the Rideau Carleton raceway. won’t need to speak Francais then, bud.
Is it even possible to turn down an air conditioner to the point wear it’s useful? i don’t have one but i got fans. works not to bad and wayyy cheaper!
Man, it’s way beyond my comprehension how people can tolerate child pornography. I hope that law is fixed and comes to pass. any kid or any adult having sex with a kid before their pubic hair set in…is like raping christ…unthinkable.
reaction | news | july 21, 2005
Oh Sylvie…
I’m sooo dissapointed in you. Oasis? God, the band spits on Canada, are arrogrant to their fans and actually believe they are in the same league as the beatles…sad. Yet, it could be worse right? you could be listening to that fluff artifical music known as “techno-Dance”…
At least you went to blues fest 😉 Those rocks stars (whether they are male or female) are untouchable so alot of fans who think they stand a chance should get real and just find the next best thing…the audience! we can dream though 😉
Hey, which way to the cougars By the way?
reaction | news | july 14, 2005
Ladyfest where?
in regards to this paragraph,”a space where women feel comfortable.” For example, with the Ottawa music scene that is largely made up of men, Ladyfest “is that early place where girls can try things out. Ladyfest can help pull them [girls] out of their shell and give them a forum.”
Put the show on in a bigger venue. Try Barrymore’s. Try Capital CIty musical Hall. Get some big organizers behind it. not a small dark crawl space. I’m sure the place is nice, but playing something so small is not the way to get something across that is big…ya dig?
House of Trouble
reaction | news | july 14, 2005
Live eh?
Yes, the distance between poverty being over in africa and action being taken is great, but at least the event raised people’s awareness from their everday lives. Yes, you see people on the street, but what you don’t see is the magnitude of the whole thing. True, Africa needs to be more cultivated, and somehow i don’t think I’m just talking about the land either. What the G8 might want to consider is air dropping condoms rather than food and stop africans from creating more child soldiers, more child deaths from poverty and disease, etc. Help africa contain herself from self implosion. but again this is aimed at the world in general and not just that drought stricken warzone known as the dark continent.
Exorcist: The Beginning |
comment | cinéma | july 7, 2005
Although they made yet another story to this line of films, i rather enjoyed the movie. it’s true that they couldn’t go any forward. especially since part 3 really didn’t go anywhere and suffered for it. a prequel was the next logical step. I did think they picked a good cast of actors and characters for the film. the CGI was interesting and well done i thought. My thoughs were two things: did we really need to see “the white chick naked in the shower”…again!!? and i didn’t get the part of the chick’s husband being the nazi in WWII after she said she was persecuted then. But i enjoyed the film for what is was worth…scary and full of effects. I thought the armies lying dead at the beginning of the movie was awesome. Does make me think i should see more shows at the Cinemax though..haha.
reaction | music | july 7, 2005
I have every one of this band’s CD’s. why? well, i think they’re good. was very suprising to think that the drummer could concocked a better band then the one that he’d been in. Was surprising that he could play in another band and not only drum, but record the entire first album pretty much on his own. on top of that…they’ve been together 10+ years and still selling hit albums. Hey, they said the same thing when Led Zep 3 came out and people whined because the album was mostly acoustic. well, it was still good and eventually became a classic album. give it time for this record. I congratulate them on coming out with a double CD if they write that much. and who is anyone to say that the 20 songs aren’t good. I will remain optimistic since i own all previous albums and still enjoy this band’s music and performances.
Rock School
reaction | film | july 7, 2005
Rock School
Great concept. wish i had that when i was a kid. i have the movie. who’d have thought it was real! very cool. another way to teach children something in today’s world…
reaction | news | june 30, 2005
Right under our nose?
More like…their noses are up! We see them, smile, show affection for them in many different ways. What do they do? we get snubbed. That’s why we keep asking because none of them take us up. And you said it right there. “good looking guy”. Does mean anything. there are uglies around and okay looking guys are probably better in the sack then half the good looking ones out there. Don’t discount them because of their looks. they might just end up being the person you would like to have a relationship with. And who says they can’t approach men if that ‘s what they really want either? it’s women’s lib too so don’t leave it always up to the guy. You are correct, Sylvie about the “kissing and caressing” paragraph though. #2 is great practice so everyone play safe to play another day!
The Banditas, Kris Ward and CBC’s Fuse
reaction | music | june 23, 2005
Feeling supersucker nautious…
Oasis do suck…why? Hmm, let me count a few ways. first, they hardly have any music above or below a certain tempo. Second, there always bitching. Liam says on national Tv about canada (much music to be specific), “it’s cold. I don’t like it here”. and lastly, they don’t even get along with each other according to the media, let alone half of everyone in the industry. the other half have yet to run into those two jokers. They just plain don’t appreciate what they have and it’s sad to see people support whinners like that…Axl rose anyone?
Very cool Treebeard are still around. They been doin’ it since at least 1996 so kudos for sticking it out.
Amanda Putz? Girl, you gotta change your name..jesus, that’s bad.
Andy Kim rocks even if he’s too old now to. Rock Me Gently is great old rock pop at it’s best. kathleen edwards is cool cause she’s from here and isn’t pretentious. Feist is very cool..doing her own thing and keeping it real. Same goes for Hawksley Workman. Nice to see Joel Plaskett and Tom Wilson haven’t thrown in the towel after their former bands have been defunct for quite some time. This sounds like a cool show i will check out but again..Amanda change your name!!
reaction | news | june 23, 2005
I remember this getting big in the late 70’s. I just thought it was a passing fad through the 80’s as the former part of it was a bit quiet regarding this past time. It has not gone away i’m surprised, but then that’s the sign that after decades of it ongoing…it is certainly no fad. So, if it’s here to stay…cool. Fine with me. a like how the kids design their boards which has certainly shown in evolution in the products. However i would like to add something here. Pick a proper place to do your skateboarding. Don;t do it on Government property or on things that will get damaged and come out of the taxpayers pocket (this, a note from witnessing the concrete slabs of the park across from the national archives at wellington and bay. Secondly, don’t do it on sidewalks. I’ve seen people startled because the kids come flying down them (or down the road which interferes with traffic) and the folks just don’t know where to walk. Don’t be a punk. Find the areas you can board til your hearts content without bothering people. it’ll only make them come down on you as to where you can and cannot board via the law!
House of Trouble
reaction | news | june 23, 2005
Filthy rich, or how Dynasty got it almost right …cont’d
Yes, as i said last week…Toronto just stunk. worse than last year or the year before. Ottawa, should get wise to this. Before you know it we will have there population. We got a great thing going on here. Unfortunately we don’t have the luxury of just flushing everything out to Lake Ontario so i certainly hope that the designers and planners for this beautiful city can make sure to keep the green areas (i hear everyone say a big O, Hell yeah on that one) and ensure that the industrial areas and traffic flows don’t conjeal the air around us and choke us to death!
It’s All Gone Pete Tong
reaction | film | june 23, 2005
Fubar spinoff
Well, i thought Fubar was entertaining. this sounds pretty pretentious too. Just the reason i think would rent this movie. but add one character from Fubar and a heavy metal guitarist…don’ t that giv’
reaction | music | june 16, 2005
Da stripes…
Even though this isn’t really “a band”, they do have a concept. look at the their albums covers…their sound…they’re output. although again to production or musical proficiency could be better, Jack white does know what he’s doing. not a bad actor in “cold mountain” either. Sounds like they are trying to move in a new direction with the mostly acoustic instrumentation. I haven’t heard it yet, but I’ll let my ears be the judge.
reaction | music | june 16, 2005
ALthough i give these guys credit for “not” being a superficial pop band…they don’t “rock”. I remember when Yellow came out and thought, “well, isn’t this pleasant”. the band never changed from that point on and i find they have stagnated. their biggest hit seems to be a song with a repeating melody that doesn’t stray, but goes round and round in boredom. The guys are the next Oasis. Oasis had something to say when they first came out and then the singer and his brother decided to be losers so they began to suck big time. Coldplay isn’t helped when a superficial Gwyneth Paltrow swoons over something so balls-less. gets some teeth boys and then maybe I’ll buy an album of yours. I’d rather have another david bowie…oh wait, that’s moby…lol
High Bias
reaction | news | june 16, 2005
Dynasty, well…
It ain’t no Dallas (the original glitzy prime time drama), but it does have it moments. By the way, the Elgin video also carries some great English releases. Point taken however upon my last outing to Toronto…two words…Pee ewe! the city smells like a sewer in summertime. if it ain’;t that, must be the pollution off the water cause it sure smells bad. glad i live in Ottawa. Hmm, stu make a dallas-Dynasty comparison for Ottawa-Toronto…lol.
Ottawa Fringe Festival
reaction | stage | june 16, 2005
Fringe event
Go see A Plot Against Me. i think their playing the arts court on Sunday, June 19th at 10pm (confirm with event listings). Be sure to see Scarecrows their next year. Remember music is much a part of the arts as any other of these events.
reaction | news | june 16, 2005
Ah, but…
You’re a woman and although i don’t know what you look like (probably at least average looking)…you are still a woman and are lucky period because you get to choose. all women do. all men don’t. and No, it didn’t hurt that he looked like a star soccer player because would you really have fallen for him if he didn’t look all that hot?…my guess is “not likely” even if he had the gift of gab.
Letter writing does mean squat. i have drafted poems as such like that above and it has proven nothing about attaining anything including something tangible like a real relationship. Whether it be an email or letter or poem.
Shots at the bar? Pleassee. The meat market is ridiculous and why most people don’t attempt it. Serial killer-date rapist-drugger anyone?
The white picket fence theory is a thing of the past. if you can live that fairy tale, then good for you. that’s why we’ve come to the point of gay marriages. they are contracts…nothing more. I know i don’t need one to prove my love for anyone.
Yes, i do think people have forgotten how to fall in love and in this new era (last 30 years) of sexual revolution…it is the reason why more people are disolusioned. People need to face reality a little more and see things in black or white. Do it or don’t. Feel it or don’t. Write the letter with conviction or don’t write one at all.
Well, i’m optmistic about the show..especially when it talks about the “not putting emphasis on physical appearance” (reality shows on tv – todays latest trend – still looks on people this way which still makes it total shit). Yes, read the “suitor” first then see what he looks like and judge him…Looks aren’t everything. but now with that Beckham quote, i’m not so sure (there’s that little girl “ooh” sound again…grow up).
The ugly in life make life beautiful…
House of Trouble
reaction | news | june 16, 2005
We’ll see…
Cool idea. humble idea. is it going to work though? U2 says they could actually pay off a country’s debt the yare so stinking rich…interesting, so why don’t they? I hope this Live 8 works like live Aid, but is it going to get rid of the problem? hmm, i don’t think so personally. Yes, these countries will never pay it back, but unlike credit card companies hounding you…do we just let it go? for some reason i think these countries will still need alot more assistance then just letting go of their obligation. remember, some of the countries are armed to the teeth, but cannot supply good for their hungry or buildings for their homeless. that i think is what needs to change first. I’ll give a bum on the street a dollar, but i don’t want to see him back the next day asking for another from me…capiche?
Sizzling Summer : Ball-busting blockbusters
reaction | film | june 10, 2005
Blockbuster season is upon us…
It starts with a bang or should i say Sith (May 19th). now you will have ripples like after an earthquake (Batman begins, june 17th; War of the worlds on June 29th and; Fantastic 4/wedding crashers on July 15th). Then the pocketbook will get a rest because i don’t think the movies after that are going to be all that spectacular. I am optmistic about Charlie and the Chocolate factory only because even though it’s a remake, Johnny Depp has a proven track record. he’s ecentric enough to make it a success…probably a better choice than a Wil Ferrell anyway. The island will be too into itself i think to draw alot of attention (it won’t be the next Matrix). Matt Damon blows dogs which will keep Brothers Grimm from going that extra mile at the box office…anyone seen his puppet copy from Team America: World Police? nuff said. Doom has some potential, but that remains to be seen after his role in Be Cool…
High Bias
reaction | news | june 10, 2005
Bicker bicker bicker
let’s just all agree to disagree. Manley is an idiot and that’s been proven. as far as this war with the states….they don’t like us (marijuana growers/smokers, prochoicers) and we don’t like them (racist, arrogrant gun-toters)…but reality is we need each other so we go about our business. end of story. BTW, don’t push Canucks around…does anyone remember Vimy Ridge, Paschendale or Holland 1944?
In The City
reaction | news | june 10, 2005
Idea for the city
Why don’t you take that money you were going to use for handing out crackpipes and give it to OC transpo to help with costs and make the world a “Greener” place rather than a world with more used condoms, syringes and crackpipes lying around.
House of Trouble
reaction | news | june 10, 2005
This is so true!
That being the part about the white people being the problem. Funny enough that when surrounded by intolerant caucasians that my everyday experience has been problems with other white people. whether they be the guidos driving (rather racing) their pumped up cars up and down the 417 or in quiet neighbourhoods listening to crap music or being aggressive panhandlers or acosters on the street (unprevoked of course). My sentiment here is really don’t worry what’s going on in your neighbours yard…get your own act together…that means all you whitey’s out there!
An interview with Green Party leader Jim Harris
reaction | news | may 26, 2005
We need to take them slowly, but surely. everyone remember when we started the blue box back in ottawa around the late 80’s? damn good idea and should have happened sooner. The way gas prices are going, the government’s should start giving people real choices. how about this…everyone who has a fuel operated vehicle to trade it in as a downpayment on a new non-fuel vehicle. THere are vehicles out their that can suit your needs. I like the idea of buying a vehicle and repairing and maintaining it at a reasonable price and not keep filling the tank like it’s a hungry youngster draining my wallet. This way we can still have oil for petroleum products and possibly put these countries out of business who support terrorism (allegedly) and not have to rely on them. Canada is strong, north and free. We have our own oil. why should we depend on anyone else more than we have to?
In The City
reaction | news | may 26, 2005
I doubt the exiled burmese government will get their country back…hmm, maybe if canadians are to rally behind them…how about taking out the Iranian government who tortures and kills canadian journalist women. THe iranians are obviously cowards for atrocities of this nature so they don’t deserve to rule people. Or am i wrong in that “how did the former burmese government really rule that country?” Perhaps there’s a reason for them being “former” so maybe the public should be aware of any past skeletons before we support them.
House of Trouble
reaction | news | may 26, 2005
Hey, say what you will about her but i’d defect too from a party who is known to be homophobic and racist…very bad for the Progressive Conservatives to get mixed up with that alliance bunch. Doesn’t matter otherwise since all politicians are liars, procrastinators and thieves.
Now on female demographics…let’s make sure there are enough females to go around okay. let’s get rid of some of the male trash hanging around.
I don’t think it matters which Sex or amount of them is in the House of Commons or Senate. Whoever is expected to do the best job should get it. Not because of freebees or handouts or favourtism…the goods have to be in the pudding!
Okay, that being said about rally all the women…I’m all for it…they’d be much prettier to look at then the decreped old man hanging around past their time.
Just Visiting |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
Pretty bad
i like these kinds of movies but it hasn’t been that long since i’ve seen it and don’t really remember it. it’s kind of like a band “Time bandits” film only with out the little people. i
d have to agree more could have been done with the film as well in partaking in the “new world”.
Jumanji |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
Robin is brilliant in this. Very good family film. Great effects with animals running all about. Hearfelt junglebook meets Gremlins…
Jurassic Park 3 |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
Why do they always got to make trilogies just because the first two work? Some people didn;t even like the second film in this series. I think bringing Sam back was just to flavour the money to be made on this film. wow, sam’s running from the dino’s again…whoopee!
Journey to the Center of the Earth |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
The route is found through a winding cavern through a mountain in Iceland. I believe it’s robert wagner and James Mason who make the journey which finds them meeting up with Underground caveman, beasts, ruins and finally being spewed up to the surface by red hot magma. A nice little family film.
Johnny English |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
I couldn’t have thought of a better guy to spoof James Bond. Very Beanie in Rowan atkinson’s way, he cleverly appears foolish while getting the job done. i hope he can do more ideas like this in the future. Natalie plays a great sidekick. cute, funny and pretty. John’s character could have been a bit more diabolic, but he doesn’t suck. Maybe they will do a sequel and have a better villain that time around. nice gadgets though.
John Carpenter’s Vampires |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
Just John’s way of making a cheese reservoir dogs vampire campy film. I’ve seen worse, but this was just a bit too much. a little silly i found. they kill all the vampires, but a few who come back and wipe out the human army sent to destroy them only to have James finish the job…yeah, sure…right!
Joe’s Apartment |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
Cute. Talking Cockroaches. Well, only in the movies. if you like that kinda prouncing around of an infested building slated for demolition, but the young boy is bound and determined to keep it standing…well, here ya go then. kinda funny like Kangeroo jack, but more along the lines of a Muppet movie in comedy…after all Les Cookarocha love to danse!
Joe Somebody |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
you gotta like a guy who stands up for himself. that’s what this film is all about. especially when you are setting an example for your offspring. Heck the story could have spun-off from Hoem improvement for crying out loud. James belushi playing the martial arts teacher is pretty funny though with the beer in one hand and the karate chop in the other. Can’t really lose with the calibre of actors here for a comedy.
Joe Dirt |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
Oh boy!
How did they ever make a movie out of this bad script. sounds like something david had lying aroundthat he did one night in a drunken stupur. it’s funny alright, but F8*ked up as hell. what picks it up along the way are the cameo appearances of famous celebrities. if they weren’t in this picture i think this one would have sunk to the bottom of the swamp along with that God awful Mullet David sports in this movie! It’s David spade playing a bad hick…fubar style! Give’r!
Jingle All the Way |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
SInbad and Arny in one movie…too much. this movie has nice moments but none will be more remembered then for the mad dash for the doll Arny wants for his kid at the beginning of the movie. Especially when tackling with SInbad. he ain’t small…haha.
Jimi Hendrix |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
Was good to finally see a movie made about the master of the heavy rock guitar. Why not? he invented the rock star god image. talent, drugs and sex! Too bad he did not live long enough or that the industry did not recognize his talent the extent he should have been lent to play. Oh well, the God lives on. there’s hope for us all in this too. he was black, playing hard rock and lefthanded…but he made it!
Jerry Maguire |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
Oh god…don’t make me puke!
Girl crying ” you had me at hello…wanh”!! i thought this film was a little sappy ,but what was worse is Tom Cruise trying to pass himself as an agent. i find it didn’t work. i didn’t believe him. I certainly didn’t believe his character was the person to do the job. ANd that “show me the money” part …man that was irritating …even to watch. This one gets a failing grade, Tom…stick to your action films…
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
If you’ve seen Clerks, Dogma or malls rats and like these two characters…this is their movie to shine. If you don’t like pretentious humour then don’t watch this one. It’s got lots of funny parts. I like the story of them being ripped off as characters in a comic book only to be fighting like star wars towards to end of the film. Crazy, but very insanely funny. lightsabre fight was the best scene.
Jawbreaker |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
I thought the premise for the one girl being tied up by her friends with a gobstopper in her mouth a choking and dying to be pretty stupid, but other than that i like the movie. it is a Teen flick, but peer pressure is shown in it’s ugliness once more through this film. How do you cover up manslaughter? hmm, murder perhaps? THe girls are hot in this movie and I just can’t get that image of them walking slowly down the hall to the tune of that song that goes “I cue…she said yuhoo”.
Jason X |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
Jason gets his ass kicked by a Cyborg Female!! Too bad it didn’t last long enough cause there’s always one reason or another Jason comes back. you can’t stop him even in space for crying out loud. Still, i enjoyed this film more than Part 9 where he went to Hell. This movie takes him to the next level as i felt they did with #8 although that film could have been better. Honestly, this was the most exciting film (apart from the recent Freddy vs Jason) to be shown on screen since either part 4 or 5 of the series. Oh and bloody as ever of course!
Jason and the Argonauts |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
Much like the Captain Sinbad or Clash of the Titans movies, this film incorporates the talents of one, Harry Hausen. this film has several adventures within it which make them great then staying to one particular goal/theme like some of the films before this style. THe battle with the Army of skeletons is quite remarkable for the effects of that day and age. very climatic which i believe why this film still holds up to this day.
Jackie Brown |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
Not bad
Chris tucker getting wasted in the back of the car by Samuel L Jackson was a highlite. Pam and the white dude (can’t remember his name) hook up to expose the bad guys and double cross them…pretty wild. Deniro and Brigitte Fonda are in this too playing great characters to get bumped off! I really like the way the movie played out…forget all the “pulp fiction” references. I just enjoyed it and the bad guys doublecrossed!
Jackass: The Movie |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
What a bunch of nuts
These guys must be suckers for pain cause they pretty well do it to themselves every chance they get. if not themselves, then the owners of the property they destroy. Oh well, better them then me. I don’t want to go to jail…haha.
Stunts include throwing objects at each others genitalia, tazer genitalia, bunjy jumping in diapers from a tree, dressing up as old people fighting each other in public and wheelchairing down the street. again, these guys are nuts! i didn;t like the crapping in the toilet scene though.
Jackal (The) |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
this is what people want. BIg stars going head to head. That’s why i liked that movie with Pacino vs. DeNiro. classic. This movie was action packed in it’s moments. Albeit, i think the shootout at the end was the highlight of the picture besides Bruce wasting the guy who got him is gun parts…
Jack Frost |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
Not what i thought it was going to be…
I thought Michael was going to get evil and kill people in this film. Then i saw the preview. nope, not that kinda movie. very family oriented and heart felt. Cool in giving a kid his dad back in a way. Michael as a snowman after being Batman? ah, he’s getting older anyway so let it be…until next winter.
National Treasure |
comment | cinéma | may 19, 2005
This was a Disney film?
Could have fooled me! Not that there was nudity or anything (that would have helped), but this had a great original story. far fetched, but very cool. Great acting from Sean Bean as the villain. Diane Kruger is a hottie. Loved the special effects especially the telling of the ship frozen in the snow! THe movie certainly didn’t drag and was funny at times for sure. Now, i wish i went to school to be a treasure hunter!
Ana Miura
reaction | music | may 19, 2005
I saw Ana play last fall. i had only just heard she won some category in the Xpress magazine. so , i went to see for myself. it was surprisingly good. If you like a soft, steady voice to delivering non-feminist folk music…ana will deliver. I hope things go well for her because she has everything required to make it. She’s kinda likethe soft side of Nelly Furtado, but grass roots of a Shania Twain. Good luck, Ana.
In The City
reaction | news | may 19, 2005
Interesting about the girl and the backpack. what about making it into a paperbackpack novel? There could even be a little spot in it for the police to put up the ad “wanted: missing backpack”.
The church needs to get with the times. it’s 2005. Guys trim, People smoke dope more than ever and people are still gay! get used to it. I’m in favour because the more guys out there that are gay, the more women there are out their for the hetromales! oh and for gay people…if you know someone isn’t gay, don’t continue to hit on them…they might hit back…capiche?
House of Trouble
reaction | news | may 19, 2005
Isn;t this terrible? and it never ends. ALl politicians are crooks. The best way to deal with them so far is vote for the one who does the least amount of damage…yes, damage control. Is it going to matter if they call an election. We will vote for criminals anyway you look at it. I heard Joe Clark was in for under a year because it was too honest. Maybe something should be done about that/this. How about nobody show up at the polls and tell all the H of C they are fired. What a way to “boondogal” a democracy.
reaction | visual arts | may 19, 2005
Ah, leave it alone!
We just got this new magnificient building, a tribute to real heros and someone’s already harking about the art? Please. They building should show everything it has to offer and let the public decide for themselves. Ultimately they will.
Star Wars: Episode III
reaction | film | may 19, 2005
The end of the beginning
It seems a times like this whole Parts 1-3 was either to make more money or was more about nostalgia. Kinda like a popular band from say 1975-1983 reuniting for 1997-2005. The new episodes surpass the original effects it’s true, but the belief and feeling is still there. I can’t wait to see part 3 with all the review i have heard today. it is not what Lord Of The Rings has been to a new generation, but it still holds up. But why do i keep thinking now that they started more episodes that there will be parts 7 through 9? i sincerely hope they finish this story for good this time. iF not maybe they should consider makingthis a TV show…Ha! Anybody remember Battlestar Galactica? nuff said. This movie will carry on the legacy though of primal good and evil.
reaction | music | may 13, 2005
COC should kill SuperJoint Ritual
COC can clean my wounds anytime. They are original enough to do their stoner rock music. what i don’t like is that Pepper teams up with a stupid drunk singer who decided to quit a good band called, Pantera. What’s worse is that band will never exist again because the guitarist was killed last fall by an obsessed fan. And what else does it say when Pepper goes to audition for the bass player role in Metallica after Jason Newsted quits. Pepper: stick to COC…it’s your show and your rules and the only place i find you gain respect.
reaction | music | may 13, 2005
Hey, look who her father is. A hard act to follow so give her a break. I, out of curiosity, bought both her albums based on a sample of her first single off the first album. Would i say the material ruled? No, but i certainly would say it’s better than alot of crap out there. Hey, i listen to everything from Anne Murray to Metallica so if I can get into her i think alot of people will appreciate her and her music. She’s got the money, the fame, the looks and even the talent. She just did a show in Caino rama recently and apparently as a decent performer. I’d much rather see someone like this around than someone who comes off as a ditzy blonde slut who sleeps her way to the top. Her music is Pop, but first and foremost it’s real pop music. not over processed cheese here. the odd song is cliche, but i enjoy the records enough not to trade them in. she’s only on her second album too. wait til she comes out with the third. and she’s only started this since her 30’s. pretty good i’d say.
reaction | music | may 13, 2005
Amazing how long this guy has been dead and how much stuff is still being found and released. He will live forever. Seems that way anyway. If you’re not a Jimi fan because he’s another time zone…give him a chance. I was Not a fan in High school. Only when i started to play and realized what exactly he contributed to Rock and Roll did i start to appreciate him. Nevermind the drugs, this guy could Play. He wrote his own music, was black, left-handed and play basically hard rock when there was no such thing. talk about against the odds. Thank you Chas Chandler (for Slade too). and what better than to demonstrate what the man can do they to release a live recording. Check it out…I bet you’ll be surprise and experienced!
Disc Golf is turning heads
reaction | news | may 13, 2005
Hey, what a sport!
So, this is how you play golf and still able to find your projectile when launching it while fouling it into the trees? Alot safer than playing Lawn Darts as a kid. Sounds like you should still have people chasing after it so they get some extra carricular activity. Maybe Touch Disc Golf. Oh well, like anything…give it a chance. If it hangs around you will know it’s more than just a fad. Look at kids still on skateboards after 3+ decades!
Free Will Astrology
reaction | home | may 13, 2005
AH, but what if my Devil was Robert Johnson? what sayith the dark lord then? Did anyone think that Lucifer is king and cannot deposed while down under? Hey, it could be a musician. If “the devil went down the georgia” , he can certainly be beated and replace too!
In The City
reaction | news | may 13, 2005
No one illegal?
C’mon…be realistic. There are undesirables out there everywhere and if we can prevent even one from coming to Canada and ripping off, stealing or destroying anything or anyone Canadian…then we’ve done our jobs as Canadians. Canada is a land of opportunity not hand outs and free rides…we have enough of the inbred, lazy ass mouchers here already. we don’t need more of that.
reaction | news | may 13, 2005
Well, i think like the everchanging world that even the rockstars of today have no changed their image like a job description. Even though the old “reliables” are not at the Tulip festival this year, i welcome the fact the committee went with new blood. The rock and roll torch can be kept, but to keep it lit and running it must be handed off at some point to the new generation. There’s nice mix of talent in it and i think represents well what the New Rock Star is of today…multi-faceted. Especially, Hawksley Workman, of which, i plan on attending his show.
High Bias
reaction | news | may 13, 2005
Nuclear Powa
Well, our society hasn’t felt the effects yet of a North America Chernobyl. Maybe we will have to wait until that happens before people realize its’ not that safe. By then it will be too late…everything and everyone will have been poisoned and die a slow and agonizing death. Oh sure, excellent energy source, but when she goes boom…oh she’ll make a good ka-boom alright. Anyone remember the video from Ultravox called “dancing with tears in my eyes”. This came out when everyone was fearing Nuclear war. they went farther by underlying that War wasn’t so much what we should fear as being careless about harnessing mother nature’s energies. You can’t Fuck up with Nuclear energy because “Everyone” will pay. This is the fine line we walk.
reaction | music | may 5, 2005
THis is so cool that a band from Halifax which can copy a Beatles format and be not as proficient musicians (live particularly), yet can still have enough originality and legevity to make a 15 year career. I first got into these guys when “the good in everyone” came out. They proved to me with “Motor City Maniacs” that they weren’t going away…they wanted to Rock. I’m not so sure they will have staying power after the 2003 disc, but i’m hoping they do. Sloan: don’t rest on your past…keep going! If they can do what they’re doing and never have to work a real job and be happy…man, they got it made. Hats off to you Sloan!
In The City
reaction | news | may 5, 2005
Yeah, i think that store chain is too uptight. They ban records because the truth about the store selling guns is made aware on a song. Or how about the album cover of a baby clothes pinned to a clothesline…big deal. they’re could be far worse album covers, etc out there to worry about then something like that. Wallmart needs to smoke Pot nd chill.
reaction | news | may 5, 2005
Commercialism of love
Nice. comparing all that goes on between two people degraded to a tv commerical. how trite. I think they should have a class in school to talk about this. Maybe start educated the young about commercialism and that what’s more important in life…love.
House of Trouble
reaction | news | may 5, 2005
Pot issue
bottom line is this is a reality in our society. alot of peopel do it like alot of people drink. legalize it. it’s not that bad. it’ ain’t coke or heroine for christ sake. My vote is for this guy. Break down the barriers in this life.
It’s a Wonderful Life |
comment | cinéma | april 28, 2005
Classic Xmas
I never saw this movie until my mid 20’s. Now, i know what people meant when they quoted moments from the film. Stewart goes through a lot in the film and brilliant shines through will his character’s ingenuity and perserverance. I think everyone wanted to either cry watching the stewart struggle t save the bank or beat the living bejesus out of the villain for trying to screw Jimmy!
Island of Dr. Moreau (The) |
comment | cinéma | april 28, 2005
Not bad
Movie i don’t feel was a suspensful as the one done in the 1970’s. but it had it’s moments. Val Kilmer did a pretty good job. the scene with the creatures attacking the main characters in the huthouses was cool. Marlon was believeable as the doctor.
Inspector Gadget |
comment | cinéma | april 28, 2005
Very much a kids movie. should have been done years ago, but i guess they didn’t have the technology to do it right. Still, it was kinda of going through the motions and trite. Mathews teeth when he turn into a machine…looked a bit too silly. I would recommend for kids but not adults. SOme special effects were neat though like the Helihead Gadget has.
Insomnia |
comment | cinéma | april 28, 2005
Very Good
I noramlly don’t like cop type movies, but this was great with all the little twists. Pacino who is already in trouble with the police being a cop, killing his partner accidently, having a bad heart condition. Robin playing a good Psycho. Hilary really moving on from the sidekick of Karate kid or Buffy Vampire slayer movies. The finale at the end was suspenseful!
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom |
comment | cinéma | april 28, 2005
Indy 2
This movie was silly compared to the first. bringing in the kid and the woman for a more family oriented type of film. i think they should have shyed away from that. especially with the alligators eating the villains at the end or the ripping out of the follower’s heart. Other than that great scenery and action in the Asian jungle. Kate Capshaw is very stunning by the way. Best scene i think is the rope bridge cutting.
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade |
comment | cinéma | april 28, 2005
lt like the ending of an era. the 80’s were ending and so was this series. Sean Connery has never really played a bad role. He makes a believable Dad in this movie with the exception that he’s got a heavy scottish accent and that Harrison is almost his own age! But again, like the predesessors, the movie moves and has a great plot looking for the Holy Grail. and those peskie Nazi’s are at it again in this one. This series is what makes Harrison stand out on his own as an actor and action star.
Independence Day |
comment | cinéma | april 28, 2005
Probably the best blockbuster of 1996. This is what I wanted to see in a movie (although a bit too much in the pro-American theme). An all star cast with the Aliens almost taking us over, but we come up with a plot to fight back and come up swinging! Excellent special effects. Pullen is a great President. Will Smith was believeable as a fighter Pilot. even the short cameo with Harry Connick was really good too. I’d rent it before those aliens come back in a sequel!
In & Out |
comment | cinéma | april 28, 2005
Kevin Reclines
I feel he held himself back a little in this film for someone who isn’t out of the closet. The acting was good, but this scenario at a person of this age realizing this (I think) would be more apt to happen to someone of the female persuasion like in that movie was the lesbian Soldier from the states. It just doesn’t seem to add up right even through the end of the movie with Kevin.
Ice Storm (The) |
comment | cinéma | april 28, 2005
Life in the 70’s
I’m no so sure they captured it completely. I’d say the vibe more than the look for sure. but the part of the kids showing off their privates i can relate to as a curious kid. Too bad for Sigourney’s son in the movie at the end. Christine Ricci and Sigourney were especially good. best scene is the Swingers party key picking.
Ice Age |
comment | cinéma | april 28, 2005
Squirrel look out!
HA! very cute animated movie. All these creatures wandering about. the Squirrel was the funniest in it for me. Trying to get his acorn and running from an avalanche! The voices fit great for the characters. The colours are very brilliant in the movie i might add.
I, Robot |
comment | cinéma | april 28, 2005
Not bad
I could have seen Keanu Reeves or Tom Cruise get involved with this movie. very much had the sci-fi feeling of minority report mixed with a Matrix theme. Will Smith did good. Kinda hokey with the runaway robot with a personality, but i think the special effects really made up for it to keep the moving flowing. Especially the Robot army scene down the street.
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer |
comment | cinéma | april 28, 2005
Sequels are hard to live up to
I think Jack black was in this movie really quick before he got killed off. I guess they brought in Brandy to keep the big names alive for a sequel. it was pretty lame. I don’t even remember much of the story. Even having a couple of the characters being black maybe had something do with the film trying to broaden it’s audience market. in any case, it isn’t very memorable.
I Know What You Did Last Summer |
comment | cinéma | april 28, 2005
I think the steam got taken out of this story a little by Scream coming out in theatres just a few months before. Still, it has it’s moments as the students get picked off one by one. Highly unlikely the guy would have lived to come back and hunt these kids after being hit by the car. Only Jennifer Love Hewitt did it for me to keep watching.
Blue Rodeo
reaction | music | april 28, 2005
BR reality check
Yeah, i would think Greg is a millionaire by now with Jim, but those days are over. Now that everyone can produce good quality home recordings (finally), the Major labels are sinking in disillusionment. Well, you can still be an artist out there, but i think anyone is fooling themselves that they will be the next Avril Lavigne. Not to say it’s impossible, but like the lottery…if you don’t play at all, you definitely won’t win. Kids: go get your meal ticket (University degree) first, Then try doing the band thing.
In The City
reaction | news | april 28, 2005
Crack this!
I can’t even remember when something so stupid was issued by this city. People thought the new seats in the Civic Centre was a bad investment. Well, my butt was just fine watching concerts there in “real” seats afterwards. Crack pipes? Give them Crackbombs so they can blow themselves up. What a waste. it’s their problem, not mine so let them deal with it, but not with my money!
reaction | news | april 28, 2005
Albertans the Americans of Canada
Hey, I think Ralph would make a great PM. He doesn’t sit there and squable over bullshit. He seems to get the point. and hey, if Albertans don’t have so much in tax, they must be doing something right! His slogan would be, “have a pint first, then come talk to me about Politics”..Haha
House of Trouble
reaction | news | april 28, 2005
RC…of course…the clear choice
How do you think someone as big as the pope can symbolize faithful religion over 1 billion people. Does any other religion in the world have a living christ by the same definition? Too bad it’s followers are pretty much poor. I suppose they can’t help everyone, but when a kid is dying from malnutrition…don’t give him the hail mary’s over the body, give it food dammit! Funny we have so many Catholics over here when this Continent was meant for everyone else from other religions with the exception of the Spanish.
High Bias
reaction | news | april 28, 2005
(P)aul (M)artin is PM
The states tried to get rid of Bush. Didn’t happen. too bad. The Iraq war is blatanly unjust. Likely same situation will happen here regardless of Sponsorship scandal. Why you ask? Look at the options: NDP are commies and bad with cash, Bloc are separatist who shouldn’t exist and the Homophobic Progressive Conservatives. Even if an election is called there’s no clear choice so i bet people will stay home and not vote…sad.
Junior Boys
reaction | music | april 21, 2005
That’s Sad
Is anybody buying the latest trend of music like Jet, the Hives, all that bad 60’s style playing? Sure maybe one song in 50 might be good, but jeez…hearing it alot in the last year or so. God that sucks. i wish the market would just bottom out because it’s really not that good. at least no one had done if before in the 1960’s. Now it’s all rehashed. Yuck. I’d prefer bands to rehash the 70’s or 80’s acts or something. that untalented playing of the 60’s and that quirky guitar sound just drives me around the bend. People should stick more to bands that have a good sound or singing. Nothing wrong with the Killers or the Trews. Killers added a fresh production behind it for rehashed 80’s and trews have real talent and singing to back up their 70’s reprising. what’s next people? receding back to the 1950’s music? don’t make me laugh. I ain’t buying the “Trend”.
In The City
reaction | news | april 21, 2005
Oh C’mon
Bloc that NDP! Geez, what does it say about us Canadians having those two parties in our system…we like choice? we like options? we’re half assed? Sure we want social reforms, but at an unrealistic cost to the public? or how about the party that wants to succeed from Canada, but take all that we gave them with them? what a joke that really is. good exploit for the Americans to make fun of us. Now that we have the Liberals making major bumblings…sounds like it’s time for a stronger party…how about the marijuana party!
House of Trouble
reaction | news | april 21, 2005
Heros and Villains
Interesting read. More negative things remembered, but Terry Fox outweighs them all. True spirit. I don’t know if Cannabis would have helped him achieve his goal, but the use of it is another goal altogether different. Legalizing it would not be a crime. I have seen way too many problems, illness, violence and death caused by Alcohol. I have hung around so many people who have done it and/or still do. You know what? I’d rather see poeple smoking up any day then drinking. Very special point in case is Serial Killer Ted Bundy. It’s documented that in all (at least most of) his killings he was under the influence of alcohol. Apparently, he used pot to “come down” and mellowed him out. it has a very Medicinal quality to it. For people suffering from Terminal illness it seems to be the best source of dealing with the afflictions. In light of alot of things like this i don’t know why the USA is so dead against it. would they lose money? control? I’d rather see people just be hungry and stoned rather then tanked and bloodthirsty in the streets. and last but not least…who is the friggin moron who said it leads to other drugs? i don’t know any case like that that the person was not already going to “push there luck or limits” in the first place!
High Bias
reaction | news | april 21, 2005
Kyoto Yo!
Ah , but should be kill people so they don’t harm the environment…there’s the real question. there are too many people on this planet in particular undesireables blatantly destroying it. what about those people who have offed those Bald Eagles out west? As time goes by and we rapidly see what nature has provided slowly disppearing are we going to wait until that day to come to act or pass judgement? it will be much too late then. We have the most gorgeous country in the world and we as Canadians should do all in our power to keep it beautiful. I recycle and do my part. what say you Canada? How about the dealerships giving us a discount on turning in our Gas powered cars for something more environmentally friendly? if not for saving the environment, then for your pocketbook!
reaction | music | april 14, 2005
Well, this certainly adds to the value if you haven’t bought this one yet. too bad they don’t do this for the best of that came out before in 1989 called “Decade”. I mean that’s where most of the fanbase comes from and relates to. Maybe if they put that out instead of this one, I’d buy it. Not that their music isn’t still relevant, just that i don’t really identify with anythign grown up about Duran Duran. Funny thing is I hated this band in the 80’s cause they were so lame sounding compared to Motley Crue and Bon Jovi. But like some Vegetables that you don’t mind as you get older, some music isn’t all that bad for you…haha. Well, maybe i’ll have a gander at this package next time i’m at the record shop since Xpress brought this up. Okay…some of the songs are catchy.
Minglewoods Moves the Moose
reaction | news | april 14, 2005
This should be cool
I remember this place when it was a sphagetti factory restaurant back a few decades ago. always like this building. Nice to know it’s still standing and enduring. True though it is off to the site of Rideau a bit so poses a limitation on it’s potential for business. Maybe they should have a bigger sign or one pointing to it being around the corner going East? Just a thought.
Hunted (The) |
comment | cinéma | april 12, 2005
Tommy the hunter
he’s always doing this films chasing down people. i wonder if in reality he’s chasing something. he did Marshals and he did that movie hunting Harrision FOrd. Anyway, this film seems a little perposteroius, but he does get his man. the scenes out in the woods and the fight scene are really good. At least Tommy did not stink in this film and Del toro was believeable at the army dude that flipped out!
Hunt for Red October (The) |
comment | cinéma | april 12, 2005
Great movie
This film would have gotten 5 stars if Harrison Ford had done it instead of ALec Baldwin. he did a good job though. Sean connery was awesome. Good suspense in the subs waiting to duel it out underwater. Scott glen did a good support role. Sean has the presence in this film and overshadows everbody else!
Hunchback of Notre Dame (The) |
comment | cinéma | april 12, 2005
Demi should have been the live action dancer for this. the film is good and funny and serious at times, but it doesn’t hold up like other disney films. Beauty and the beast it is not , but then again it isn’t a very nice story either. a bit too grim i guess.
Hulk (The) |
comment | cinéma | april 12, 2005
Yes and no
I’ve been a fan of the comics books, but if this is the real story of how the Hulk began…well, it didn’t grab me like other films of superheros. DOn’t get me wrong the effects are Awesome and i got the story…i just didn’t find it that entertaining. Jumping long distances are neat and destroying tanks and being bullet proof…but it’s not enough for me to put this in my collection of great comic book hero films…it ain’t no spiderman that’s for sure.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas |
comment | cinéma | april 12, 2005
This movie was so over the top that even though Jim Carrey was born for this part, to me it got overshadowed by the all the imagery and gimmicks of the set. Sure he’s convincing and everyone knows the plot, but i think i still prefer the cartoon to this movie which just kinda gets lost in itself.
House on Haunted Hill (The) |
comment | cinéma | april 12, 2005
Nice remake
I saw the remake recently and it wasn’t bad. This movie was good enough to expand on the house and make it alive (being a former mental hospital). Rush, Janssen and cast give a good performance as they slowly get knocked off one by one. This one however is a ghost story unlike the fake one in the first one.
House of Sand and Fog |
comment | cinéma | april 12, 2005
Good movie
Strong cast. Strong story. This movie gives off strong emotions on a number of levels…love, eco-politics, the law, race. A really good notion that before you start something in your neighbours yard, look at your own and deal with your own shit first. Very sad story if it was true. But i thoroughly enjoyed the film. A sad drama. Jennifer is cute, but what a loser character!
Hot Chick (The) |
comment | cinéma | april 12, 2005
This guy’s nuts!
I’m glad Rob’s still got a job after SNL. he always had talent and it’s nice to see him still making it afterall this time and making us laugh. Not quite what i thought for a plot but still hilarious…a chick in his body and him in a chick’s body like freaky friday. Funny though he’s not in the film as much as you think, but he’s there for sure!
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York |
comment | cinéma | april 12, 2005
As good as the first
It’s more or less the same as the first film, but instead in New York. the highlight of this movie is…if you thought the crooks in the first film got it bad…wait til you see what this kid does to them in the second installment. Best scene…Toolbox coming down the stairs on the other side of a door where the crooks are coming to open…and then asking what that was…LOL. also a good performance of TIm Curry as the hotel manager!
Holy Smoke |
comment | cinéma | april 12, 2005
This movie i liked. i thought the story was interesting like an Aussie comedic version of the exorcist…haha. Harvey Keitel roaming the desert in a dress? too much! But i tell you I’d like to have been Harvey when he started (in a way) “freeing” Kate winslet in bed. SHe looks fabulous!!!
High Fidelity |
comment | cinéma | april 12, 2005
HF Review
Hey, if you’re not a rock fan then don’t rent this movie. If you are AND you like a nice love story to boot then this is for you. John Cusack and Jack Black are great! I could relate to the story and it’s great when that happens in a film. Jack black is funny as the music store clerk telling me people what’s good and what sucks in the store…he’s right! C’mon girls…love thy music man!
Hide and Seek |
comment | cinéma | april 12, 2005
This movie didn’t go in the direction i thought it was going to go. as a matter of fact i thought this had to do with Ghosts more than Psyche. I was wrong. but a good film none the less. especially for split personalities…haha. Nice to see Elizabeth Shue in the film albeit not for long…a big awwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhh. Famke Jansen makes up for it. dakota is decent for achild actress. curl up on the couch for this one!
Hercules |
comment | cinéma | april 12, 2005
Not bad
THis one was good, but i doubt some of the acuracy of the original Greek myths surrounding it. I guess this did okay, but it obviously didn’t have the flair like Disney “Camelot” film the following year. Maybe it only had limited appeal. James wood plays the bad guy, Danny play the annoying ,but funny sidekick sentor and tate is Hercules. Funny at times, but perhaps could have been maybe a tad less dark. could have been the underlying morals of the film (right and wrong) that would make it hard for kids to digest.
Hellboy |
comment | cinéma | april 12, 2005
Very good
Finally something new to me as far as science fiction movies go. it has a classic element, but yet is fresh. i think that is due to the characters. Ron Perlman was born for that part as hellboy. Quest for fire and Beauty and the beast have led up to this. Let’s put it this way..I can’t wait to see what they are planning for the sequel. AMAZING effects!!
Heavy Metal |
comment | cinéma | april 12, 2005
Best adult science fiction animated movie of all time
Even if the film didn’t do the best, the soundtrack blew people away. But when it came out it was the right time/age for me to see it. it was cutting edge for the day. To me, it really led what came to be for alot of science fiction to follow….dark, but a small light of hope in alot of stories including those from Japan animation.
This film is basically the discovery of a immortal ball of life that emits evil and in that it find it’s way to a little girl. when it traps her it tells her of stories with immense dangers and sadness from worlds beyond (roughly 5 stories). The best of the being the end story which is the longest one running about a half hour. that’s where the symbol on the packaging comes from of the blonde woman, holding upright a sword on a winged beast. it’s poignant because it explained to me early on that life is by definition dark and a struggle, but there is ALWAYS hope. You just have to find it.
Heaven’s Prisoners |
comment | cinéma | april 12, 2005
Good film
What’s not mentioned above is that Teri Hatcher plays Eric Roberts girlfriend in this flick. She gets a nice…ahem, shot of her in her opening seen on the second floor balcony of Eric’s house. Yeah baby! Anyway, Good supporting cast from Kelly as Alec toughs it out with the bad guys. I could tell more ,but i might give away the plot.
Haunting (The) |
comment | cinéma | april 12, 2005
Now we’re talking
WHen you want a real ghost movie…scare the be-jesus out of your audience. As well, come up with some amazing and original graphics and concepts. This movie has it. Good cast to support it too. Catherine Zeta Jones is Hot. Liam does a good role. The original is Scary as well. I’d happily (or is that frightfully) recommend this one. and if you like this one…rent “The legend of Hell House” (1973)…
Hard Core Logo |
comment | cinéma | april 12, 2005
Hard core let’s go!
I can’t say i’m a big fan of Punk ROck, but i thought the story was interesting enough about an aging band making another stab at a cross canada tour. I’m sure alot of bands can relate. best scene is…the ending. Hugh Dillon has REAL potential for acting so i think he should stick to that now that the HEADSTONES are dead.
Half Baked |
comment | cinéma | april 12, 2005
Not bad. quite hazy with all the marijuana smoke and humour at times, but was understandable funny. Jim Breur i think did one of the ultimate impressions of being a pot head. maybe the film won’t have staying power, but it certainly won’t make your clothes smell odd…LOL
Robots |
comment | cinéma | april 12, 2005
Very cute
I don’t know if i’d say this movie was a strong in humour after the countless other titles that have come out in the last few years following the ground break “Toy Story” flick, but this was entertaining. Good graphics and humour. Icing on the cake is Robin williams being casted. he always delivers. Nice touch with all the world in Metal!
reaction | music | april 12, 2005
Meredith, marry me…haha. This girl has got talent and looks. Yeah, okay…one hit wonder…so what! that’s the industry that pumped her up like that. i don’t honestly think that this is a woman to out do a sheryl crow at sheryl crow’s own game, ok. Meredith is good in her own right and i hope can continue to go on doing her thing and writing her own material. for the record i have her second album from 1999 and a copy of Bitch (Live) from the Lilith Fair.
3 A.M.
reaction | music | april 12, 2005
DJ’s as artists?
The day they made these “artists” on the same par as a “Musician” was a sad day for music. I understand people do this, but to have this take away from the live experience of a real band…the thought disgusts me. It takes real talent to learn an instrument, to learn how to sing and convey a soul to a voice and to even write and compose music. whatever happen to people’s mass enjoyment and appreciation for this talent. I think any of that artificial music out there has tainted the arts. Music is about spirit as much as vibe, feel and attitude. that’s something technology will never be able to capture. People, go back to seeing a band or live artist. This takes no talent to spin records in an rhythmic fashion. real talent is knowing chords…not programmable beats.
Melinda and Melinda
reaction | film | april 12, 2005
Dead wood
Sorry, but i cannot acknowledge the talents of this man after what he did to his wife, Mia farrow. He had a relationship with his adopted daughter and is twice her age. anybody know if they are still together? the minute i heard that it disgusted me. It was Morally wrong. I hope it didn’t work out. Idiot. ANybody remember the antics of a one, Axl Rose who over shadowed his band with his insepid antics and tantrums? he is soley responsible for ruining that band. Woody is solely responsible for ruining our view of him being an upstanding moral human being and artist.
reaction | news | april 12, 2005
Well, i don’t think any young girl could be prepared for when the “damn” finally breaks. Just once it happens, keep it under control. Just like guys…use deoderant and keep your smell under control!
Hey, what about the guy thrown off the alexandria bridge? Do you know the facts? i don’t. i wasn’t there. But if the guy proposition some man near that bridge, well he would have been asking for it. especially since it was near Major’s Hill. Anyway, this all goes back to my comment about catholicism. THey have a long way to go to be real christians, but they are such a big institution it will take a long time before they learn.
High Bias
reaction | news | april 12, 2005
Well, even though i’m not catholic, i think it spoke volumes for this leader to PUBLICLY apologize for what attrocities catholicism has done to the world. Better late then never. Now, hopefully a new Pope will be named soon and people can get on with their lives and so can all the tv coverage. Until the next apology…later!
reaction | music | april 6, 2005
BI Review
This record Rocks! I have heard all his albums and yes i agree this is his best since Rebel Yell. I own his 1981, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1993 releases so i have stacked this well against the predessor albums. Much weight to it…Billy does what he does best…angry Punk Rock music. There are some good soft songs on here too (one country tune!). at least a good 9 solid tracks of the 13, but i like it all. Listen, if you haven’t heard it yet, if you like Rebel Yell or The WHite Wedding album…you’ll enjoy this one!
In The City
reaction | news | april 6, 2005
Oh boy
I can see this plan working like the “New Coke” introduced in the 1980’s. yeah, like this is going to last long. Too tired of drinking? need to sober up? Drink more…haha. Maybe labatt;s and Molson should team up and make a beer that doesn’t taste like mouthwash. Get into what people drink for taste at the pubs, guys! Hmm, time for a guiness or Corona me thinks 😉
House of Trouble
reaction | news | april 6, 2005
Here we go…
Now that the US has just called for Passports for Canadians. The truth is now being refinally crushed through a funnel ladies and gentlemen. Since Bush has no one he can Purely (guilty) blame for 9/11 and catch i might add, he has now resorted to this kind of intolerance…Hmm, hey big ears…can your hear us all the way from texas? NOT our problem.
High Bias
reaction | news | april 6, 2005
I don’t think racism is the big issue anymore. you can be a colour and totally have no mindset represented by it. it’s more about CULTURE now since the world has become a global village. Therein the next dilemma: your ways vs. mine. This will be the next wave followed by the dissolvment of religion as a dependency. Then and only then will our world be free of prejudice. Until then i will drive ont the “Right” side of the road, believe “What” i want and listen to “Real” music!
reaction | music | march 29, 2005
Rod the God
Rod…your rock career is dead so i guess you’re doing this so you can still make a living at music. Well, you’ve always kinda been a musical Whore so i guess your just doing what you know. I kinda find it hard to believe that your fans are supporting you in this self-absorbed drivel. I was a big Billy Joel fan until he started going Jazz in the late 1990’s. Is anyone really buying this shit? For me the last thing he did that was good was about the mid 1990’s, but still i’d commend him if he was still trying to do his rock schtick. This? what the hell is this…to me…this isn’t Rod stewart. it’s not synonomous with his onstage garb and sexual inuendos. this guy used to Rock…so what? now he’s in his 50’s still dating young chicks (young enough to be his daughter) and he’s relegated himself to a lounge act? it’s fucking tragic. Good for you Rod doing your thing, but as a Rocking Rod fan…i think you’re fooling and have certainly turned this fan off. AMerican songbook my ass…you’re a fucking Scotsman for christ;s sake…who are you fooling? You’re a joke now.
reaction | music | march 29, 2005
Queens of the stone age
I hope this album kills people. I think when a band puts out an album and you can’t help but turn your head…it’s worth the time to check it out…no matter who you are. This band did this to me when i heard “no one knows”…then i heard to first track on that album and i said “these guys know what rock and roll is”. Also nice to know that even though the bassist left that it hasn’t affected the sound of the band because there is a huge risk in the changing of dymanics of a group. Thanks for the review Josee…i think I’ll go check this one out too!———-
67’s make the playoffs
reaction | news | march 24, 2005
67’s kick ass
Hockey to be proud of and not whored like those NHLer’s whining about their cash. Let’s get back to real hockey like this. Then we can show the NHLer’s what they forgot and remind the NHL owners, it’s not About the big arena product…
Inside Deep Throat
reaction | film | march 24, 2005
God bless Porn
and this goes back to our society. People want it, they want to buy it, they want to buy into it, no one gets hurts (more gets off) so…just do it. Drop the stigma old foggies…Sex is here to stay and leave the uptightness about it to the quakers!!
reaction | news | march 24, 2005
Un autre
How about people having direction in their lives to get them out of the depression? I’ve found that when someone is capable of setting goals they can comb the disorder by having things to “Look forward to” or to “work towards”. Set goals, attain them in steps and work on making yourself a complete person on your own terms and not society’s view of what is.
House of Trouble
reaction | news | march 24, 2005
Psycho analysis
Hey we have doctors for everything (especially having a general practitioner), i think everyone should go to a psychologist and get their mental health checked out. We’ve got too many people flying off the handle and turning into Ted Bundy’s, etc. Fix the problems before the manifest themselves and cannot be corrected or get these pyschos off the street and locked up! Or being the peace loving nation we are prescribe them all cannibus…haha.
Mötley Crüe |
comment | musique | march 11, 2005
Good show
I have seen these guys back in ’87 and in 2000, but this was quite the big show. the breakafter 40 min was a bit odd, but the setlist was stellar. REDHOT?…geez when was the last time they played that…AWESOME! they definitely did the show in honour of their diehards from the early years…what a way to SHOUT AT THE DEVIL! the show could have used an opener having them appearing 45 min late. Tommy’s solo sucked, but the spectacle of it all more then made of for it. Even to see Mick Mars up and playing again is a Miracle in itself aside from these guys should have been dead longago from accidents, overdoses, etc. Long Live da CRUE!
In The City
reaction | news | march 11, 2005
Ok…how about this…when there is another attack…destroy the animal AND the owner who kept/bred the dog like that…
some people enjoy them as just plain pets so they shouldn’t be punished…and some CAN behave…
reaction | news | march 11, 2005
Religion and Sex
A bad mix like Tequila and Vodka straight…you’ll be barfing in no time. Keep the two separate cause neither belongs in each other’s company…
I’d prefer we drop the religion in favour of sex and more sex…LOL. again message to the kiddies…get out there and experience life, but KNOW the dire consequences if you Fuck up. Better you try that earlier in your life then later…you’ll be all the smarter for it and can move quicker and easier in your life.
High Bias
reaction | news | march 11, 2005
Hey, the guy is a realist…
And this guy wants to live…that’s what great about our country is WE are not going into something unless we as Canadians are SURE it’s the right cause. You’d think everyone learned a lesson from WWI…oh no, here comes the sequel WWII…we HAD to step in. And when we get involved like Korea, UN or the GULF…the reasons are obvious. Not like America…in IRAQ they come across as a state trooper pulling someone over cause they look “Mischevious” and even thought they are not all that innocent the STATE TROOPER believes them guilty and tries to plant a charge on him. Now the Iraqi’s are making them pay for their mistake one by one. I am so glad not to been involved in the gross mistake…wonder what Tony Blair is thinking now as he scratches his head…
Canadians will get involved and WE WILL finish the job…anybody remember Vimy or Paschendale?
Let the guy live and not send him back to be sent to war to die…he most certainly will if not by his own people…
reaction | music | march 3, 2005
Admit their good
A long career so it proves the had some talent. I remember celebration breaking opne the flood gates for their career with the superbowl 1980. Nothing but hits for the rest of the decade. Joanna, Cherish, Misled (my favourite), Emergency…
I even inadvertantly saw them live at Canada’s Wonderland back in 1983. Bassist and Singer were COOL!
Meet the Fockers |
comment | cinéma | march 3, 2005
Not too many times a sequel lives up to its predecessor, but this one did. Stellar cast with Big names of Hoffman and Streisand added. They did a great job. Quite funny. Movie has lots of sexual inuendos, but a healthy dose i’d say. Basically if you saw the first movie i would say you would like this one. Oh yes, Owen WIlson makes ANOTHER surprise visit on the set…LOL
reaction | news | march 3, 2005
Hmm, interesting
Oh yeah, back to the bus…more like “wow, i can pay cheaper than a car, but could have my ass beaten up by some roving gang at the BACK of the bus”. I’ll take the bus if i feel like it, but the way system is now…forget it. I want the routes POLICED!
reaction | news | march 3, 2005
Yeah, the generic teenager is alright. everybody who is now not one remembers how hard it was at times to fit in and find self security. if there are any teens reading this right now…i was one. Don’t worry so much what others think. Believe in yourself and starting taking action and responsibility for yourself. Next thing you know you will be ahead in life. Always look where your going, where you are and HOW do you get there. Try things, but be SMART about it. For every action there is a reaction. Use your head!
reaction | news | february 28, 2005
I like this write up
all i have to add is people…if your uptight about sex and think anything to do with it is dirty…get a life…Europe’s got he answer like alot of other countries…it’s NO BIG DEAL. Have fun with it if you get it, if you don;t do what you can about it. and for people in relationships…get the ground rules straight from the get go…then if someone “Fucks” up…then you got a case. DOn’t leave things to happen or Surface for it to become a case! put the shit on the table!
House of Trouble
reaction | news | february 28, 2005
Ok…black comparisons in LOTR?
DOn’t you dare…has nothing to do with it. It’s just great fantasy like Stars Wars. Matter of fact, LOTR is the new stars wars of Killer sagas. Geez and i thought i overanalyse stuff…just take it for what it is and like it or move on…
The Ramones
reaction | music | february 28, 2005
Another view
What Kiss was to Alice Cooper, was The Ramones to Iggy Pop. The ramones were probably the first best band to come out and play good ol’ three chord rock with reckless abandon next to AC/DC. Lots of good classics over the years and with the deaths of no less than 3 member in the last 5 years definitely proves why they disolved in 1996. Anybody remember the Pinhead explosion at the end of the “Rock and ROll high School” video…Poof!
reaction | music | february 18, 2005
Whether you liked them or not, this band of brothers paid their dues to get where they are. Probably their best work was the late 70’s (as most people would recount), but even when i was a child i was unaware of their history. And these guys have now been through everything included 2 dead Bro’s. These guys may have been the KINGS of the disco movement, but they sure as hell knew how to write a crafty Pop tune…bar none. There will never be another ONE like the Bee Gee’s…
reaction | news | february 18, 2005
Hey, we take care of our own first. Forget about the other nations…hey got an earthquake? let the people donate…not the government. to some extent some us don’t care…on the other hand, some do so let them shell out there hard earned money. I had nothing once…now i do. guess what? if i can you sure as hell can too! The odds may be against it, but we all play the lottery hoping…just get out there and DO IT!
Vintage Ottawa Budgets
reaction | news | february 9, 2005
Great. Now i can feel the icy fingers of the landlords all over ottawa raising the rent enough for us to ask for a raise from the boss who in turns asks for an increase in the budget and then…yada yada yada. When is the world going to stop raisin the price of everything? in 1900 a loaf of great was like a penny or half a penny…we’re gonna be paying $100,000 for a car in another 10-20 years…Jesus…enough is enough.
reaction | news | february 9, 2005
it’s about time…the internet is been such a great tool. I’m an adult, but if i had kids it would be my responsibility to keep them in line about porn on the net. on the other hand, if i was 15 years old again, you’d bet i’d be trying to get on the net for that…I wouldn’t have had to sneak into the store to steal or buy a copy of playboy. Sex sells, it rules and we should all get OD’d on it so we can be more relaxed about it like the Europeans. it’s not a big deal and i think the younger generation is realizing that…am i wrong? We’re taught (X generation) to think it was taboo…screw that. Kids gotta grow up and learn the truth. Educate, just don’t ejaculate…lol
High Bias
reaction | news | february 9, 2005
Whether people like it or not on average 1 out of 10 people are gay. it’s a fact of life. I realize we’ve practically legalized pot, but so as long as we take steps forward (not BIG ones) we’ll get further ahead as a people. By the way, I just watched Bowling for Columbine. I think we’re ahead of the U.S. Ah, it’s not a big deal…think about it…we need more Gay men so more of us Single guys will have less competition!!!
High Bias
reaction | news | january 27, 2005
I think he’s what Nostradameus was talking about. He’s the false prophet. Tell his people to fear Iraq, invade it and now the people are paying the price for it with no merit of the so called Weapons of Mass Destruction..they just want the Oil. On top of that, Nostradameus predicted a World war lasting something like 27 years…looks like the war on terrorism will last that long.
Once Upon a Time in Mexico |
comment | cinéma | january 20, 2005
Not bad
I didn’t know this was a 3rd installment of a trilogy until i watched the bonus features on the dvd. I saw Desperado (1995) and thought it an okay film. In general i thought it was pretty entertaining as a bloody action film. Okay some REALLY unbelievable scenarios in the film that could not happen realistically, but then again, i think Hollywood got its grubby hands on what seems like a innocent tale of a hero against evil. A good point though is the “Grey area” that Johnny Depp’s character plays. adds a lot of spice to the picture. Too bad Salma Hayek is not in it much as she’s VERY easy on the eyes.
Passion of the Christ (The) |
comment | cinéma | january 20, 2005
Too Much!
Okay this story starts in the garden of Gethsmane and from there on in are intermitten flashbacks between Torture sessions? I’ve seen Jesus Christ Superstar, The Last temptation of Christ. I thought “okay, do a story of his short lived life; do a story of how it might not have been THE messiah…but Jesus (pardon the pun) do you have to focus on the suffering that this man endures in the film?” I for one do not believe that Jesus was tortured to that extent. IN those days rarely was anyone in the best shape and it wouldn’ t take long to die in the Arab sun, naked, with your limbs impaled to a freestanding stick. I think this film was just a big mockery of the suffering. Furthermore to the christians watching this with disgust because it was Jesus crucified by Jews…Jesus WAS Jewish to begin with and brought to trial by his own Peers (jews, not romans) so Christians have no arguement here.
The importance of what this film should have been about is his belief and dying for his cause…not being bloody well ripped to shreds…
reaction | music | january 13, 2005
Believe it. Only 2 albums and now out comes the DVD from the first album era no less. Too short set indeed. Please, no artist go out and put out a DVD less than 90 min if you HAVE enough material for it. 2 hrs is good!
reaction | music | january 13, 2005
SO is this a cash grab? Hmm, maybe. She’s lucky to be alive with Breast Cancer. Or, is this her way of paying for the Kemotherapy treatments she’s going to need. Saw her in Ottawa in 1992 when i was more into her music. Was wondering why all the women at the show were hugging. Anyway, it was a kick ass show. She plays a mean Piano.
reaction | music | january 13, 2005
Starship returns?
I think you should have explain in better detail who is in the band and what material are they doing. Remember now the band was actually 3 (Jefferson Airplane 1966-1973, Jefferson Starship 1974-1984 and Starship from 1985-1990. True Grace even in an acoholic gun-toting haze towards fire fighters, she can still be Grace-ful…haha. On another note, Grace was only a on off again member sharing lead vocals with Marty Balin, Paul Kanter and Mickey Thomas (the hit single voice).
reaction | music | january 13, 2005
You gotta give this man, credit. He’s battled substance abuse, Gaybashing, his friends around him dying from various things like AIDS and Car Crashes…and for the last 35 years has released no less than 30 studio albums. With the recent return to his 4 piece (bass, drums ,guitar, piano) roots, this album is sure to bring back some old fans. Cheers, Elton!
reaction | music | january 13, 2005
Ooh, come hell o’ high wata I’ma a gonna gets me dat whoman. if er solo album don’t make it, she can all join da Nashville Pussy Express…Yeeha!
The Recoilers
reaction | music | january 13, 2005
Ok, i saw the hype so i went to the show. I was not impressed. this is my critique…
CHRIS PAGE – Not bad guitarist. Okay songs. This guys needs to punch it up a notch and GET A BAND! Dude, a song or two by yourself is okay, but a whole set? Nah, i don’t think so.
THe HI LO TRONS – HI light of the night. These kids do kinda get the 80’s musical vibe. About every second song was strong even though they ripped off that dated sound. THey do make it sound fresh though in a way. Different. I’d buy a best of from them.
THE RECOILERS – these guys had a layoff for 4 years? Maybe they should have retired altogether. They had me comparing them to the Skydiggers. That’s means Boring to the common layman. Apparently, they played a song from 1998 that wasn’t bad. It just got boring after the 8 minutes! Enough, already. The best thing these guys had was the harmony vocals. Good, very good. I definitely would not however give these guys the edge. Why i say that? I don’t even remember what any of their tunes sound like after i left the bar.
Winter Cultural Guide – Film
reaction | film | january 13, 2005
2 cents
Miss C2? are you kidding? I liked the first movie, but there is NO reason to make a sequel. why the hell do these companies actually think it will work the second or third time just ’cause it did the first time. It’ll probably be a bomb even if it’s okay.
Okay, stop making movies with Ashton Kutcher. The guy sucks. his whole career is his face. I’ve seen 2 movies plus that 70’s show with him. He can only do once character…he’s worse than Keanu Reeves for crying out loud. Drop the bum.
reaction | music | january 13, 2005
Cameo in the life of music!
I thought these guys were dead! Anybody remember “WORD UP”? Ha! well, nice to see they are still at it. Great time for an 80’s reunion don’t ya think? Gald the hair didn’t come back…haha.
reaction | news | january 13, 2005
First thing. People, this is Canada…wake up and dress properly or risk frostbite stupid. And to think through YOUR stupidity that when you do freeze something off, you will have to go to the hospital and received treatment paid by Mine and everyone else’s tax dollars. Second thing. The guy who thinks “Oh, we’re men…men can brave the cold better” is a completely fucking Moron. it has to do with more with Genes rather than Gender. I bet the girl who’s 40 lbs heavier then the man standing next to her would be less cold. THen again, what’s both of the blood pressure like? What a stupid ass chauvenistic thing to say.
Stop giving a shit for what other people are wearing and just look after yourself. Wear what the hell you like and think is comfortable. Oh, and i moved close to work in part due to OC transpo unreliance.
reaction | music | january 6, 2005
The Cure
Robert Smith is an underated Genius of the Kurt Cobain kind. Does anybody realize the output this man has done in his career? Man, he was playing in his own band and doing Souxie and the Banshees group at the same time. Yes, admittingly, he’s quite the depressive, but after Fascination Street came out…you could see what this man was made of. He’;s more than lipstick and Mousse…lol
reaction | music | january 6, 2005
Honestly, no one needs this record. Good marketing though fora band that cannot put out material regularly enough. I know why though. Bridges to Babylon album was weak. I mean “Anybody seen my false teeth” as the kickoff track?…terrible. 40 Licks Best of was much better packaging. Even the last Stones live record was weak. I don’t expect this to be much different. Yet, if i was them i’d be doing the same thing. maybe next should be a Stones album of ALL unreleased material. Now, that would be a kicker!
reaction | music | january 6, 2005
I couldn’t stand these guys when they first came out. Les STILL cannot sing, but i got what they were doing after a few albums. Funny, but more of musicians kind of music…very progressive in a weird way. BIg Brown Beaver baby!
reaction | music | january 6, 2005
Now this might be rather interesting. It’s the period where Bowie first got to experiment to become Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin Sane, The Thin WHite Duke, etc. What a great talent. Re-inventing himself long before Madonna came on the scene. Too bad he didn’t make as much money, but he does have a legacy. He was definately a force to contend with with tracks like Space Oddity (1969), The Man Who Sold THe World (1970) and Changes (1971). David…celebrate your past!
White Noise
reaction | film | january 6, 2005
Interesting. Yes, i think i will see this movie. Makes me think i should have taken this in College. Actually, if this course does NOT exist…IT SHOULD. One thing i would think in that profession is that your job would NOT be boring. if it was, the days you actually find stuff would be worth it. First stop in Ottawa…that house near by the cemetery Notre Dame that had the haunting back in the early/mid nineties. Now only if i could be taught Telekinesis…now that would be cool!
reaction | news | january 6, 2005
I don’t remember hearing this in the news, but now that i know the story…YOu can bet that if I was those people…there would be someone paying for that act to happen. I have already had my experience with the low life including living with them. I hope these punks rot in jail like the two goofs who killed that couple who were teachers 2 years ago. And for the punks out there…When I’m the age if this happens…well, let’s just say your days will be numbered. DRUGS are for losers! Oh yeah, one more thing…report Welfare scammers!!! Welfare Police…believe the friggin information and take action when someone calls you about scammers for Christ sake!
reaction | news | january 6, 2005
That has to be revamped every few years or at least taken a look at. People grew up with the “White Picket Fence Theory” ingrained in their skull. We DON’T live in that kind of world anymore. Kids should REALLY know who they are, what they are, what they are up against. Do’t let them go out into the world uneducated. they will either end up pregnant, depressed, confused or worse yet, dead dying from a lengthy, painful, preventable disease. Everybody needs to wake up to this. the Generations are changing so fast, the older ones who can’t keep up don’t understand. It can lead to bitterness. You may think you’re just trying to protect them, but you may end up hurting them in the end. SEXUCATE!
House of Trouble
reaction | news | january 6, 2005
Very True
Sometimes our own society needs or has to see a calamity like this to take action or wake up. We have so much to be thankful over here. Just to get up and turn on the tap and get clean drinking water…it’s unheard of in some countries. They live animal existences. This makes it very clear that the only way we can put aside our petty differences is through a real catastrophe. People, let’s not wait for the next one. Live your life the way you want to. Take those chances. You know who you are.
High Bias
reaction | news | january 6, 2005
two verry different ways to look at what happened. One is to say “the herd has been thinned out” and a point for the people who think there ARE too many persons on the planet or that it should wake people up and appreciate their OWN lives and loves before it’s TOO late. The other is the buracracy that rules some of these nations. I they have had these before in the past. Could the Governments not fork out money for this to save the people paying for their salaries, taxes, etc. No, they had to wait until 150,000 people died before they could do anything. Even the animals knew before the people did and headed for the hills…that would have been the cheapest early warning system ever had people realized what was up. Another reminder about needless suffering in the world.
Guy Thing (A) |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
What a great story. This guy is set to marry his fiancee and ends up spending the night with a stranger. Turns out…this stranger makes the Jason’s character realize how much less he has in common with his bride to be and how much more he has with her. EXCELLENT Real love story. go with what FEELS right and not what is SUPPOSED to be. I recommend this one. it’s very funny too!
Gulliver’s Travels |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
Children’s story. A man is lost and has many journey’s…one includes washing ashore from a ship and visiting a tiny people’s island to eventually save them from an invading fleet. another is he is the small guy in the giant’s court. Up date version was made in the 1990’s with Ted Danson. This one is not so elaborate, but quite charming too.
Guinevere |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
Kinda dull
Interesting story, but delivery is kinda weak like Sarah’s colour! Stephen Rea plays a character that is rather sad, but enjoyable to watch. Sarah’s character gives him life just by being in his life. Hey, age isn’t suppose to matter right?
Gremlins 2: The New Batch |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
Not bad
Well, if they had to make a sequel, i guess this would be it. I’m surprised they stopped at #2. This time Zach and Phoebe’s character’s have grown up and are working inthe city. The little green bad guys comeback to haunt them and take over the corporate building Zach work’s at. More cliche’s and gags. Even the female Gremlin…lol
Gremlins |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
This movie is great because even though something may look harmless…if you’re not careful it will either comeback to haunt you or bite you in the ass! People die in this movie which definitely made it not for kids. Gremlins get mutilated too. Very funny with the puppetry and cliche gags. Best scene is Gremlins in the movie theatre watching the Wizard of Oz. Zach and Phoebe are great holding the story together!
Great White Hype (The) |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
First of all the cast. They kick ass. Secondly, a good boxing story. Thirdly, it;s FUNNY. There’s even a Wayans brother in it to give you an idea. ok, enough of the white/versus black thing, but somehow this movie isn’t as annoying as Martin Lawrence gets about that kind of thing.
Great Expectations |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
Not bad
A nice prissy movie for Prissy people especially with the storyline featuring ethan and Gwyneth. I thought the movie with Jessica Lange was cooler where the mother in law kinda flips out but…we all love a good romance story now don’t we people…not this one…yuck!
Grease |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
Ok, both John and Olivia had recording careers before this movie. This one ended John’s for sure although it was his greatest musical acheivement in that department. It catapulted Olivia into a popstar from the folky-country singer she was previously. acting was exceptional. Music was awesome. Storyline was well delivered. Not too mention some of the supporting cast ended up in Empty Nest and Taxi following the years after this movie. it holds water like the actors held their notes…Properly done!
Gothika |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
talk about getting set up with your spouses murder when your a well respected professional? how about a ghost help you out to solve the murder? sure why not? I don’t agree with the title. It doesn’t suit the film. Halle freakin out seem kinda cool, but this film doesn’t really hold water well.
Goodfellas |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
I guess this movie is good if you like Mob movies. For that matter Yes, it was good if you like shady characters who will kill you for something so stupid. Best scene is “Do you think I’m funny?”. I don’t Mob people, but since this movie annoyed me with it’s characters…it gets a thumbs up!
Good morning Vietnam |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
Not bad
A different look on the vietnam war from a radio personality’s point of view. RObin williams carries this film like a torch. best scene by far is the on air comparison of the war to that of the story of Wizard of Oz…Ho He Ho..Ho Chi Minh. Follow the Ho Chi Minh Trail!
Gone with the Wind |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
Classic lines, story and actors. Frankily my darling i don’t give a damn if you don’t like these type of films…yes, you do have to watch this movie once in your life. DOn’t rent scarlet the sequel cause it will be a let down. Just a good story of desperation and love in the good ol’ southern states during the US Civil War. Best scenes are burning of atlanta, wounded confederate soldiers in the street and the top of the stairs scene with vivian leigh making a dress from drapes!
Goldfinger |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
Not the best of Sean’s role of James bond. Not due to him, but merely the story. Guy loves gold and tries to rob Fort Knox in the states with a oriental side kick who throws a decapitating Hat. Oooooooooh! ;-). Classic scene features one of Bond’s nymphetes dead and looking like a gorgeous glowing gold corpse!
Godzilla 2000 |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
This is the Godzilla we grew up with!
The body suit version. Nothing new really here if you’ve seen any of the old movies. Classic Footstomping on Japanese plastic army toy engineering! Too much. lol. it’s not better than Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla though.
Godzilla |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
maybe a little bit too much like Jurassic Park at times, especially towards the end of the movie. It did retain that feeling though of the first film where GOdzilla destroys Tokyo only it’s NYC this time. cool effects. mathew Broderick could have been better, but was adequate. Too bad they make ol’ G the villain!
Gods and Monsters |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
Sir Ian
Now I know why they call him Sir…lol. Seriously, Ian has made some astounding acting feats inthe last few years. Apt Pupil, Xmen series and the Lord of the RIngs series have set a tone I’m sure for films he;s involed with. Content didn’;t appeal to me much, but i do like the way the film was done with flashbacks. Brendan made a good performance as well.
Gods and Generals |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
Maybe not as much as Gettysburg, but touches on all the same notes. US CIVIL WAR. Maybe if they had made one of “Robert E. Lee” it would have had more zip, but other than the fight, i guess his life was rather boring. Jeff daniels is in this one of which he was also in Gettysburg but plays a different role. Duvall is good even though i don’t care for him in real life.
Go |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
A film for teens who didn’t get enough or couldn’t quite relate to pulp fiction. movie is done same way just way younger people in it. Katie and Sarah were good for what it’s worth. especially the ditch scene.
Gladiator |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
Gladiator kicked ass!
I pretty much like everything in this movie (the battle at the beginning, the storyline, the setting) except the ending. There is no way in frickin hell that the emperor would ever enter the ring with a gladiator like that. WHy is it they always have to make these hollywood movies with ONE thing that’s just so ludicrist. Crowe really gave off that weathered character look. Hey, i’d be too if i was stripped of my honour and my family was killed like in the movie.
Girl Next Door (The) |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
Nice twist
WOw, the dork gets the girl. GOod cast. Nice plot. the twist reminded me of RISKY BUSINESS with Tom Cruise. Only he wins bigger this time. a teen movie for sure, but if the movie you really wanted to rent is gone, try this one. Love the Dick Trophy…lol
Ginger Snaps |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
Not bad film. Bloody and funny at times. Reminded me of American werewolf in London, but perhaps from the teenage girls perspective.
Ghost Ship |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
I remember (and have) the earlier version from 1980. This one is probably just as scary even though they changed to plot of why there is a ghost ship for this updated version. It’s just sadder when they explain what happened on the ship and the way in which the little girl died. Man, don’t put things like that in movies. Everybody knows that happens, but that’s just too cruel. Still, the scene in the beginning where the on deck people are cut in half is just way cool!
Ghost of Mars |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
Boy, quite the plot here I’ll tell ya, but what a ride! i owned it now. I liked the cast of the main actors. quite the escape the survivors make from the outer space zombies. Kinda gave a little “Evil Dead” kinda vibe meets “Aliens”. Doubt there will be a sequel as it was panned and not a boxoffice smash, but i like it just the same.
Ghost Busters |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
The talent, the effects the story…it was made to be a hit. This movie was funny, it was even scary at times (hey, i was young when i saw it in theatres). Pretty good soundtrack too. If only i knew that there was a course like this in school, this movie would have convinced me of a career in the paranormal.
Ghost and the Darkness (The) |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
Love seeing movies with an original concept. Yes, they make the Lions out to be intelligent like that in JAW…cunning! actually thought this was the first movie with Lions in it that could be seen as terrorizing. Val Kilmer and Michael Douglas played excellent and believable roles. Best scenes are the dream sequence of the wife and kid being attacked by a lion and the ending where we find out Michael meets his doom like that of Finch in Jaws.
George Thorogood |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
GT? of the Delaware Destroyers?
SOunds like a concert video. If so, this is the guy who brought you BAD TO THE BONE and MOVIN’ ON OVER and GET A HAIRCUT. I think i have this show at home. About 30 min of him live in seattle i think in 1984. Good footage of his arena tour. What 1950’s rock would sound like in 1985.
Gattaca |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
Not impressed
This was hyped up when it came to theatres. I guess some people like that kind of “X-Files” stuff. Not me. Yeah yeah i know the topic poses certain questions of our “God complex” in us all and the world, but I also remember Ethan from the “Explorers” movie so it will take alot to see him in another light other than being a pretty boy was is an idiot for cheating on Uma Thurman. Funny, i wasn’t a big fan of hers (she looks so pale) although she has nice breasts. In any case, she’s improved with the likes of the Kill Bill series…
Garfield: The Movie |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
Not quite what i was expecting, particularly the owner of Garfield. didn’t look anything like to comic/cartoon personality. Maybe they should have done the dog animated too? best scene though is ODI dancing with Garfield in front of the TV to Black Eye Peas songs “Momma(?)”…very adorable.
Gangs of New York |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
Great movie
I’m sure historians will dicker about events in this film, but if you know practically nothing of that you will still enjoy the movie for what it is. The only unbelievable part would be that of the ending with the US fleet (no less during the time of the US civil war) shelling NY city because of a rioting Irish gang. The carnage of the gang fight in the snow was brutal. Some great picturesque shots. Diocaprio was tolerable in this movie. Probably because of his role in Titanic. could have been a sequel in some wierd dimensional way. Cameron Diaz was enjoyable to stare at…er, um…watch…lol
Galaxy Quest |
comment | cinéma | december 23, 2004
What a hoot
If you like Star Trek or liketo make fun of it…watch this movie. it’s got a lot of the cliche stuff from sci-fi films in it, particularly the aformentioned one. TIm plays his character similar at times to previous roles, but i still enjoyed it. Sigourney i was surprised to see her do something like this after the previous year’s movie, of Aliens 4. Maybe her way of blowing off steam about it or having fun. Note: she hasn’t done another sequel maybe saying something.
reaction | music | december 23, 2004
Ike & Tina
Jesus, did she not shoot that guy already for what he did to her? Hey, they look at Cat Stevens and revere him for what he DID accomplish even though people consider or would like to consider him dead now. Put Ike on that list?
reaction | music | december 23, 2004
Hey we get a bluesfest, Jazzfest and folkfest. Can anyone tell at all why the HELL there isn’t a Funkfest? it’s once of the best music styles in the world. Especially for dancing and groovin’ and movin’ to the music. Anybody reading this…make some damn noise so we can have this HAPPEN! It will kick the crap out of that last Urbanfest we had. What a joke that was. Even the artists who came didn’t take it seriously enough to show up, and, on time. BRING DA FUNK!
reaction | music | december 23, 2004
Nuf dog
I never liked this guy. He’s trouble. Enough of the industry that supports calling women, i mean degrading women, names, etc. in music. someone pointed out to me that this scene is similar to that of the 80’s metal one. well, if there are similarities at least Metallers didn’t called the females “Bitches, sluts and ho’s”…”Oh My” indeed would say Dorothy. Furthermore, i caught Snoop on stage with Motley Crue at some (what appeared to be) an award show. it reminded me of the half-time show with Aerosmith and Backstreet Boys, Superbowl of 2001. Disgusting…how can rockers associate themselves with such drivel. Rap sucked in 1983 and still does, but what’s way more important is….Motley Crue, etc. are idiots enough that we don’t need Sly, slimy Rappers around who pop caps/knifing people over the stupidist things (Dr. DRE incident), nevermind there own fanbase.
Todd Kerns
reaction | music | december 23, 2004
I hope Todd does well. This will be his third strike if it doesn’t work. I have always thought he had one of the best Rock voices in Canadian Music. I liked his stuff best with Age of Electric. Static in Stereo wasn’t bad either. Should be a good show. Go get ’em Todd!
reaction | news | december 23, 2004
I second that
Let the gov’t solve everything. that way YOU don’t look like the idiot for intervening.
Resolution1: Let’s all tell the gov’t to switch us to ELECTRIC cars…
Resoltuion2: Smoke if you want. it’s your lungs. WHen it comes time getting medical treatment because of it, it should be listed on your insurance…YOU pay for it, not me!
Resolution3: Work overtime if you can get it. time and a half rocks!
Resoultion4: Doesn’t affect me. I never order wine at restaurants anyways.
reaction | news | december 23, 2004
Eat my chicken, you stocking stuffer! Don’t begin to eat meat…if too late, forget it. Nothing beats the taste!
House of Trouble
reaction | news | december 23, 2004
FACT: We live in a cold climate (Canada)…everyone stop griping about the weather conditions…your bitching is annoying. Go live south or shut the hell up!
FACT: The Beatles WERE as popular as Jesus Christ at one point. Both legendary for their contributions to the world.
FACT: If you don’t get Monty Python AND South Park. You don’t really understand the meaning of anything.
High Bias
reaction | news | december 23, 2004
Interesting case. I just cannot see they grey area here. It’s either the feds just fucked up or they had specific concerns about him which led to him being detained. which is it? Black or white it for god sake’s!
PAUL MARTIN: Hmm, give him the year 2005 and see what happens.
GEORGE BUSH: I think everyone know the answer to that one.
What Medicinal Mariujana?
reaction | news | december 23, 2004
Ah, C’mon…it’s 2005 almost. Get real. If they can legalize same sex marriages they can sure as hell legalize Pot. I mean what’s the big deal? Just treat it like anything else. We cannot illegalize Booze which is considered more harmful. Hey, if your smoking pot and driving…sure you deserve a ticket. In your own backyard…let people be.
Again, the sheep of the world are afraid of the big bad joint…hahaha.
Holiday Listings
reaction | music | december 23, 2004
“1999, by Prince (from 1999). I’m still waiting for the Y2K bug to take out technology, so I can do nothing but read a good book for two or three days”…ha i remember this so well. All the sheep in the world frightened…Baaaa. I knew nothing would happen, but i agree with Jennifer that i wished it did. instead we got 9/11 a couple of years later to try to wake the world up and appreciate what we DO have. Seems things like this only work for a while, then the sheep go back to business as usual like nothing happened.
For clubs, this year’s highlights have been maverick’s opening to Rock bands and to Capital City Music Hall for bringing in the bands I likely would not have seen otherwise in Ottawa…Thank you.
My suggestion for going out on Dec. 31st out of this lot…Rick Fines at the NAC. Great guy. I met him at Tuscon’s back in 1995/6 with Suzie Vinnick. Excellent guitarist and songwriter.
What not to see? LOVEANDBODYPARTS. They’re not even a band for crying out loud (no bassist or drummer). They are all about processing music.
Full Metal Jacket |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
Probably the 80’s equivilent to 70’s apocalypse now. Vietnam, horrors of war and banding of friends. Next to platoon i think it was really good and the best vietnam movie for battle scenes. sad reality of history repeating itself today in iraq.
From Hell |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
A new twist on an old story
Well, i can’t say Heather Graham’s performance or positioning in the film was that great, but i did enjoy the film. Johnny is the one who leads it. It certainly leads to other possibilities of the truth and the events of London 1888. A dark and sad story if ever one told.
From Dusk Till Dawn |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
Like a Black Sabbath song changing riffs and direction in mid song…this movie turned right around from a rather reservoir doggish theme to a tales of the crypt gorefest. I didn’t really see it coming. that’s good. Quentin is actually in this movie and get’s offed. I guess you can’t do that to Clooney whom survives, but should have got it for being such annoying actor. Anyway, cool shot as camera pans from the aftermath to reveil a gorge of deadmen’s vehicles behind the stripclub.
Frighteners (The) |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
Very good
I was wondering if MJF had any talent after Family Ties. I felt he did with this movie. Kinda dark in moments, but very entertaining. Cool ghosts and effects.
Friday the 13th part 6 |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
6 already?
Yes, even i admit they were running out of good ideas by the time this movie came out. Everyone thought it was over after #4, but Jason came back. and back again still. Funny there is not one nude scene in this film which all previous ones did. Father of female lead in the movie is the sheriff whom Jason turns into a pretzle…too funny. Not sure, but i think the female lead was the half human half alien girl on the “V” mini-series. the nudity was missed. Arnold hoshak getting killed at the beginning was funny. Oooh ohhhh….aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lol
Friday the 13th |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
The first. THe first Horror movie with a string of sequels! YOu can keep Freddie…Jason is brutal! Funny enough he takes after him mom so well from part 2 on…heehee. BTW, Kevin Bacon is one of the counsellors in this movie who “gets it”! A True Horror Classic!!
Frida |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
I never knew about this person which is why it’s good to bring real stories to life and the big screen. Kudos for Salma and bringing forth such a tale. Her husband in the movie plays a great role, which i’m sure is why he got the role of Dr. Oct in Spiderman 2. An Artsy film. and as for Salma Hayek….Scrumptious… 😉
Freaky Friday |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
A new twist on the 1977 movie. interesting that picked a freckled faced kid again, but the film works. Lindsay is cute and Jamie is believable as the mom…both wrapped up in there worlds! Best scene is when the two find out they are in each other’s bodies and run into each other…bang!
Frailty |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
This movie was out there. INteresting that this can still happen of how parents can brainwash there own children…but then again, what’s the point of decieving your own offspring? Gruesome and abusive of power, but I recommend it.
Four Feathers (The) |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
This movie and the original movie from the 1930’s kick ass. Good battle scenes, with English melo-drama and the search to prove something to yourself, your friends and eventually everyone else. Heath ledger is proving a good actor with this film.
For Richer or Poorer |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
C’mon, Kirstie in an Amish Bonnet? too much! here being subservient to Tim Allen’s character to avoid trouble ends up being pretty funny. Tim has still got it…Hmm, maybe if Kirstie lost a few pounds i’d liketo see a sequel…lol
Footloose |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
Not bad
I remember when this film came out. I think it WAS the biggest films of 1984 next to Ghostbusters, Temple of Doom, etc. The soundtrack was by far the most profound. Nice story of CIty Boy moves to country to try and fit in to a sleepy little town. Too bad i saw this after it was big because i didn;t think it as good a film as everyone else did. Soundtrack still holds up though pretty much.
Fools Rush In |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
This odd couple were suprisingly entertaining and funny although i give more of that to Perry. One if his first big screen debuts i believe. A definite rise from here on for Salma as an actress. Hmm,. maybe a bit of campiness at times with this film.
Flash Gordon |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
Hey, maybe some people hated this movie, but I loved it. Not strong on acting, but it makes up for it on lavish costumes and sci-fi lore. I loved the killing of Klytus and the attack of the Hawkman on Ajax and the battleship. Football game was funny. Good supporting cast nevertheless. One of those great childhood movies for me at the Winchester theatre!
First Wives Club (The) |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
triple entente
Hey, how could you lose with these three ladies! I liked the concept. it sounds original and with Bette and Goldie it’s fairly funny. Kind of light at times, but i’ve seen worse movies.
Firm (The) |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
Tom Cruise
Not his best movie about being a Lawyer and rising to the top only to be caught in a rock and a hard place, but not bad. Kidna long and slow a bit, but somehow Cruise manages to cover his and his wife’s ass from being capped by being deceptively cunning….hmm, but what lawyer isn’t right?
Firestorm |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
Firestorm this movie
HA! there was action, but not a whole lot of sustenance to this flick. outside the plot for this film is like the path of the fire afterwards….there’s nothing but burnt offerings which is guess is what this film company did with film. Ooh, i’ll fight fire with fire and fend off fiendish foes with my trusty axe and shovel…lol
Finding Nemo |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
made for kids…but adults will find it entertaining too. I didn’t think it as good as sharks tale, but a fish getting lost in a great big sea has lots of potential. Big name stars give it a solid backing.
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
Not bad
We’re not quite there with the animation, but this film is as good as it gets. Very much centred around the video game feel. I guess someone had to try it. the war between the people and the almost invisible like creatures is kind of weird….i smell something burning…lol.
Final Destination 2 |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
Even better than the first
The Car crash at the beginning of this movie is the Bomb. I hate using that word, but it’s true. Think of all the things that could go wrong or ways to be hurt/killed in a 50 some car pile up is there! Fate slowly tries to retrieve the skipped souls again…ouch!
Final Destination |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
Pretty good
The first scenes are killer…lol. Anyone who has ever taken a plane and been a little leary about it will identify. Movie is good with the way people get slowly knocked off by ahem, “Fate” until the kitchen scene at the end of the movie is pretty much TOO much. other than that it’s entertaining. Dumb blonde getting hit by bus was funny and a relief…thought she’d never die…haha
Fight Club |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
I see this as an artsy film. Maybe if you like Pitt in 12 monkeys you’ll like this one. weird unlikely plot, but interesting once you watch (you must until the end, trust me). Reminds me of the movie Brazil at times, but not a bad film. Gunshot in the mouth is a surprise though.
Fifth Element (The) |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
Good Sci-Fi
If you like Sci-Fi with a twist and not so much the “shoot the invaders” kinda theme, but like some action, you should see this one. The Black guy from Rush Hour is in this film and has a great scene with Bruce Willis. Gary Oldman is stellar as ever as the villan (big surprise here!). Mila is good even though she doesn’t have much dialogue. GREAT special effects!
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
Ferris Fun!
WHat a great movie. Broderick’s first hit. A great film to watch when a teenager. Supported by a good cast with Evil Principle (Recently convicted in real life for being a pedofile) and Jennifer Grey who plays the sister (starred in Dirty Dancing the following year, her big breaththrough). They fight, but she saves his ass in the end. Best scene is old granny driving down the street who is only high enough on the car seat the see through the steering wheel of her big car slowly down the Principle looking for Ferris…too funny!
Fargo |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
Man, what a dark movie. It was really good, but it’s the closest i’ve seen to how stupid convicts can be and the desperation they are in or will endure. quite cruel in killing innocent people in this film. Well, the bottom line is the scum get caught at the end of what’s left of them that survive. good performances from Buscemi and Macy.
Fantasia 2000 |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
Seems a bit redundant after the first film. It’s good as much as the first film, but lacks that originalism that sequels usually do. thsi film is basically an update version of the old movie with ideas that must have been leftover from the first film.
Fantasia |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
Classic Disney
A great animated masterful creation. Kind of different to sit and watch decorative colours dance about the screen with basically no dialogue, but imaginative just the same considering the resources and time this film was made at. A nice escape from the War in Europe. Mushroom Dance, Broom dance and Mountain Devil are the coolest in the movie.
Fahrenheit 9/11 |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
Well, maybe some people think Michael Moore is in a position of advantage to influence people’s ideas of the man, but i do think Bush has gone too far as this film claims. Yes America was attacked and Yes, America should stand up and defend and retaliate if agreed on. America did not agree on Iraq. Now look at the mess they are in. It’s vietnam all over again for those poor bastards stuck over there. And will someone tell me where the hell the “Weapons of Mass destruction were”. I see Bush in this scenario as the state trooper pulling over the petty thief and arresting him for murder while planting Cocaine on his person. Bush is the false prophet. I understand Aghanistan, not Iraq.
Face/Off |
comment | cinéma | december 16, 2004
SNF guy vs. Nasal Nick
I was suprised. This movie was pretty good even though the concept was a bit unbelievable. The chase scenes were good. I even found myself slightly mixed up with who being who. Ah, if only we all could put on a new face…We’d ALL be in trouble 😉
Year in Music
reaction | music | december 16, 2004
The Killers = the most exciting and refreshing tune I have heard in years! Green Day = Nice comeback, fellas…you are progressing and I love the American idiot theme because truth be told…half of the USA are complete Idiots! Gwen Stefani = Stick with No Doubt, cause no doubt you won’t have a successful solo career putting out mediocre music like you did. Geroge Michael – Shut your mouth or Elton John’s boyfriend is going to give you a hamster experience you will never forget…Elton Rocks…YOU suck! Metallica: Great show, lousy album…Lars, change that tin can drums sound for God sakes!! William Shatner recording an album…Whhhhhhhhhyyyyy! Nelly and TIm MaGraw? = Wow, I’m glad i missed that one cause it already smells bad from here! Magneta Lane = creating a buzz! Good2Go, The smacks and The Rude Dudes = Right on and congratulations, guys! Local shows that rocked = OUt of your mouth, THornley with the Trews and can’t forget Nickelback and Evanescene shows!
reaction | news | december 16, 2004
I hope the sport dies an agonizing death. Prices are high and salaries are ridiculous. Someone even pointed out to me that since the Europeans have come in more, they have monopolized the salary scheme and have become greedy (anyone remember Yashin and jagr). Jagr, 4 seasons, 48 million dollars…yeah, okay…YOU can pay his salary, not me!
reaction | music | december 9, 2004
Rod Pukewart
What is this shit? I remember when this guy put out the storyteller boxset. That kicked ass and ran the gaumont of the REAL Rod Stewart. FUCK, now he’s just old and listening/playing stuff that has no real meaning to his real fans. I don’t want Rod friggin croonin’ Tony Bennett songs…go join Billy Joel these days if you wanna do that. I want ROD to ROCK and if he can’t, then…get your ass Stone Cold Sober before Tonight’s The Night and we throw you Sailing down the Gasoline Alley with Maggie May kicking you with Passion!!!
reaction | music | december 9, 2004
I’ve heard nothing but good reviews about this from close friends and not necessarily musicians. He was a legend. Came up with some great rhythm and blues not to mention the fact he was blind! I for one will get around to watching this film in the near future. I was told if you like the Temptations music story that you will like this one too.
reaction | music | december 9, 2004
NIRVANA boxset
I’m surprised when i walked into the store and saw this that it wasn’t heartshaped…HA! Well, this was going to come out sooner or later and unfortunately it was after Kurt’s death. But hey, maybe he WANTED it that way. It obviously isn’t their best work or he would have released it while alive. Still, I’m sure there are nuggets on it. Especially with the song, “You know you’re right” off the hits album. Surprisingly, i find the boxset rather nicelooking ..unlike their stagelook of the early mid nineties…which was GOD AWFUL. This will just prove that he was, in fact, a good songwriter…just not a good performer or deliver of the goods.
reaction | music | december 9, 2004
Hey, just noticed what the initials stand for…too funny. Hey, i don’t think that many people can be wrong. Jon is the equivilent to Shania Twain only he has a band AND a solo career. He writes his owns songs with some collaboration like she does, they are both incredible beautiful, they both can entertain and give you your money’s worth…and as far as pop goes…they rock…no phonies here. he deserves all the accolades that be thrown at him cause he’s earned it! and for the pop stuff…FEW actually do it better. 100 million…Nuff said.
The Music
reaction | music | december 9, 2004
The Music
I Still dont’t like their name…it’s like calling your band THE SOUND…sounds silly. Anyway, i have their first record and the good thing was it was cheap (retail – $10). It wasn’t bad. kinda up their with radiohead, but better than a lame Coldplay. But i’d trade my copy now in for the Killer’s album. now there’s some music to drive to!
Eyes Wide Shut |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
A different twist of a plot. not all that strong but different enough to be enticed to see where it leads or rather where Cruise ends up. Hey, if you got Kidman for a wife…Eyes wide, Shut the fuck up. I’d be happy. True part of the film is the paranoia that comes with the thought of the possibility of adultery. Nice bodies in this film.
Extreme Ops |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
EX Ops
This movie wasn;t bad at all. I’m not a ski freak, but the action shots were rather breath taking. neat that this glory riders were taking down bad guys with machine guns in helicopters. It looked very cold in the film. Great stunts as well in this movie.
Explorers |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
Kids movie
This was okay when it came out. the actors went on the better things and some even died. This concept of building their own spaceship inthe backyard is pretty farfetched but the idea is there and is great for little kids…well, was…it might be a bit dated now with today;s technology.
Exorcist (The) |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
A classic Horror film. no run of the mill story here. and they actually had the EDIT scenes from this film before the original release for fear of scaring the crap out of people. hey, it worked on me. i had nightmares! Great scenes like the headtwisting and puke spewing! fornicating with a cross, wow there’s bloody concept! lol.
Excalibur |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
This movie was one of the best films that year and i think the first version to really tell the tale accurate on the big screen. Lots of great actors in it. The armour is very glittery in it which i like. The girl playing guinvere is the woman who played opposite Kermit the frog in THE FROG PRINCE. Gabriel Byrne stars in it too.
Evita |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
She wanted that role, she got it. DId she do the best job ever? i don’t think so, but it was terrific. guess you got to have the passion in the beginning. Good singing and Andrew Lloyd Webber does know how to write show tunes. Weak part is Antonio Bandaras singing, but i’ve hard worse. Good that the story is based on truth.
Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
half of it was good and the other half too corny. Got rather silly towards to end with main character cutting off his hand, tying a chainsaw to his limb and going into another dimension. Or the girl swallowing an eyeball andturning bad afterwards. just too silly.
Event Horizon |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
SOme pretty gross scenes in this film. a machine that can fold time so you can travel farther in space has it’s consequences. Fishbourne plays a good character. Sam Neil is good as well as quilan. If you liked the psycho yet strange phenomenon type space movies, you’ll like this one. Remember, there’s a bit of gore in it.
Escape from L.A. |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
Escape 2
Great sequel to Escape from New York albeit a bitter later in years. Loved the concept of LA falling into the sea from an earthquake. Lots of funny scenes especially with Steve on board. Stacey plays a real screwed up character (bad guy). Best scene is ending where snake (Kurt) has a choice of detinating an electronic signal sending human kind bak 500 years in technology or not.
Eraser |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
Don’t erase!
This movie is good. a nice little comeback for Arny at the time when he wasn’t doingso well at the boxoffice. Vanessa holds up her character nicely and easy on the eyes while James plays meaner characters as he ages in real life. what a scoundrel. Best scene is Arny unleashing alligators on bad guys as one gets bitten in half.
Enough |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
Enough alright
It’s rare Lopez is good in a movie. i thought this was good. Guys who treat women like that need to get their ass throughly trashed. SHe does it. Bad side is …some women out there enjoy being treated like crap cause they put up with it. Oh he’s so cute and oh I can change him…bullpucky. you’re gonna lose, but i like Lopez’s character who doesn’t give up whe nall her chips are down and fights back…great spirit and it lifts the movie for me.
Enemy at the Gates |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
Good thing about this movie is some facts. Russian troops had to pick up weapons and go into battle with almost nothign to face the Germans in Stalingrad which is depicted at the beginning of the movie. Another thing is there was a Hot SHot Russian Sniper the film was based around. Bad thing is there is a German one and there wasn’t one in real life. they added the character to add to the story. it doesn’t hurt it at all, but I’m a purist when it comes to being a history buff. Tell the story like it WAS. Great battles scenes though and suspense. Oh yes, there was no love interest known based on the real character. Ncie touch, but not accurate.
End of Days |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
I heard the critiques panned this movie when it came out. but they pan everything anyways so who gives a crap. I liked it. another action film by Arny set against a backdrop of good Vs evil in a biblical way. Arny to good guy, Byrne the bad guy and Robin the blessed child inbetween. Nice sandwich i’d say. sound track was good too. best seen his Byrne kissing woman passionately and feeling her breast before going out the door and the restaurant exploding.
Emperor and the Assassin (The) |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
Good movie
INteresting story of one ruler, one country, one destiny. He did unify China under i think 9 territories, but slowly poisoned thinking he was a god and medicined himself to death taking Mercury. Boy, healthcare has come alongway. I’d recommend this movie for history buffs.
Emmanuelle |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
E should have stood for esctasy cause that’s what this film is all about. It was the first of the French films in a series of sexual escapades of a one, Emmanuel. IN this first installment she is married to a Diplomat of whom both like to have “fun”. Seems like a movie on lifestyles and the rich and famous, but in the end her husband finds a playmate for the couple and last scene is the wife feeling jealous as the other two go at it.
Elizabeth |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
I was hoping there would have been more action in this film, but i guess there wasn’t a whole lot that happened in her reign compared to some of England’s other notorious Leaders. Oh well, a nice film anyway with brilliant acting even if it was slow at times. Much better than Catherine the great (1938) i will say.
Eight Legged Freaks |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
I like this movie alot. I had seen a few spider movies in my day, but this one took the cake. Oversized and believable on the big screen? Maybe the one from Lord ofthe RIngs part 3 is acutally more real, but these ones were the next best thing. Yes, i realize that if they were actually that size that they couldn’t move that fast taking into account gravity. Still, this movie made ya want to curl up in your seat and look under the couch before getting up to go to the can or get a snack. I am also a fan of David and Kari. Kari should get more roles in movies.
Edward Scissorhands |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
Great movie. Nice and dark and funny at times. Reminded me of Beetlejuice in away. Or was that because Winona ryder was in this one as well. Hmm, funny she was in Dracula not 2 years later which was a dark film as well. ANyway, the dilapitated house where edward lives and Johnny Depp in the role was believable and amazing with all that makeup/costuming.
EDtv |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
Dead Wood
I Liked this movie when the original story was “The Trueman Show”. Seems when someone comes up with a good idea or movie, the other companies jump onthe band wagon. In this movie, i think they did and I didn’t like the result. I found Matt and the story rather boring for my taste.
Easy Rider |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
Did anybody notice that actor, Jack Nicholson or actor/choreographer, TOni Basil were in this film? A good story and just goes to show you what long haired hippy freaks would endure if they ventured to far into 1960’s hickville. Good thing times have changed, but not enough unfortunately. I heard though that after this movie is spelt all sorts of drug troubles for the two main actors, Dennis and Peter. Oh well, Bridget Fonda came out of that i think 😉
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial |
comment | cinéma | december 2, 2004
A movie that surprisingly was so good that no sequel was made. THANK GOD or Speilberg for that matter. A touching kids movie. hey, i was 12 and it brought tears to my eyes. You couldn’t help feeling for the boy and the death of his alien friend. Not suprising that when this movie came out that the Reeses pieces and the Flannal underwear that the boy was eating/wearing started to sell in the stores. It’s a classic and the brighter side of Alien encounters. Highly rated for kids.
reaction | music | december 2, 2004
JS Xmas Album
Rejoyce…her career is about to hit the toilet. what a ditz. Hope no one is watching her on tv. what a piece of crap that is. as far as singing…run of the mill up against the other artists. SHe needs more presence live if she is to compete. She’s too blonde for that it seems though. how unfortunate. on top of it all, she should get REAL musicians in her music…Death to unreal pop!
Music DVD reviews
reaction | music | december 2, 2004
Yes, Peter Gabriel was rather interesting when making videos. almost like it’s the way David Bowie presents himself. Kinda strange, but fascinating. If you liked “Sledgehammer”, “Digging in the DIrt” and “Shock the Monkey” this would be a cool collection. I think I’ll get it and do some reminiscing of some 1980’s video fun!
Dungeons & Dragons |
comment | cinéma | november 18, 2004
This movie should have come out in the 1980’s to capitalize on the game, unfortunately the only one that did failed…it was called mazes and monsters. However this movie is loaded with effects that only would have been pulled off now a days. Great cast though. Battle scene at the end with the dragons is awesome!
Druids |
comment | cinéma | november 18, 2004
This movie would have been better to be called VISOGOTHS more than the title, but of course it doesn’t have the same feel to it. These Celt people held of the ROmans for a time until of course their leader is killed. Lambert makes a nice story of a true real hero. Later on His decedents were hired to fight atilla the hun some few hundred years later.
Dreamcatcher |
comment | cinéma | november 18, 2004
A bit too much out of a X files episode i think. Cool it was kind of a dark film, but it was just missing something. seems like a lot of this alien one on one stuff usually is. a sharp contrast to Independence day. Best scene is people shitting out their guts to aliens
Dracula 2000 |
comment | cinéma | november 18, 2004
DRAC 2000
Hmm, not bad. I’ve seen alot better though. Soundtrack is awesome but some key actors are killed off much to early in this film. and the idea that Judas, the betrayer of Jesus becomes dracula was a bit much…and what? to be killed by another mere mortal. ending was lacklustre. a forgettable film in the end.
Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb |
comment | cinéma | november 18, 2004
DR. S.
What a WEIRD movie. funny at times, but the black and white film doesn’t appeal much today post Cold War. Still one of Peter Sellers finest performances. Best scene is Dr. stranglove trying to pull off a glove or the scene with the bomber crew member riding the Bomb down to ground zero.
Die Another Day |
comment | cinéma | november 18, 2004
Pierce is the best bond i think. Too bad this was his last film. Halle makes a great sidekick. I actually thought he was going to take her out (literally) in the film. only down part in the film is to see Madonna trying to act. stick to music, dear.
Devil’s Brigade |
comment | cinéma | november 18, 2004
Great movie. I have this at home. Ncie to see Canadian protrayed at all in a war film and in particular as a powerful entity. The Americans of course appear rag-tag, but full of zest. Its more of those good old war movies like Kelly’s heroes, etc. Battle scenes are not bad.
Deer Hunter (The) |
comment | cinéma | november 18, 2004
THis is a classic. It touches really upon the USA Psyche Post Vietnam. The acting is incredible as are the scenes that bond the 3 friends. Best scenes are russian roulette game and russian roulette with North vietnamese troops. Makes you thinktwice about hunting
Deep Impact |
comment | cinéma | november 18, 2004
I’d have loved to given Tea and DEEP IMPACT…lol. Seriously, this came out the same year (and just before) Armageddon. BOth films did well. I like this one more for some reason. kind of felt a little less hollywood for some reason. It certainly gets the point across that IT IS A FACT this could happen and would do the damage specified in the film. THIS is one of the reason the world should unite before it’s too late! Best scene…Tea and the tidalwave!
Deep Blue Sea |
comment | cinéma | november 18, 2004
A shark thriller. Loved it. Made me jump and laugh. Great story of sharks gone back with brains! Only part in it that was dumb is a couple of UNBELIEVABLE shark attacks that are anatomically impossible. other than that, cozy up on the couch and turn off the lights and snuggle with your misses…lol
Dead Ringers |
comment | cinéma | november 18, 2004
This movie stars Jeremy Irons as a gynocologist with a split personality (or wait is that his brother?) and his client Geneive Bujold. Very dark as a cronenberg film would be. Just looking at the gyno equipment this guy designs would make me cringe if i was a woman…hell, it already makes me does a man. He ends up falling for the girl while the other personality/Brother can;t deal and comes apart to kill her. I think he ends up doing himself in but it’s an old movie so not sure, but like alot of other Jeremy Iron films …he does himself a wrong.
Das Boot |
comment | cinéma | november 18, 2004
Probably the best movie ever to depict what it would be in a submarine in the thick of an old World War. It’s in German with english subtitles but you stillget the gist and feel of the film. a Classic. I think i actually did sweat with the men while depth charges were bursting around them.
Darkness Falls |
comment | cinéma | november 18, 2004
This movie fails to deliver. it has it’s moments but this movie borrows largely on the RING movie. The insomnia sequences are just a bit too hard to believe as a normal person would like have died in real cicumstances. The whole lighthouse/scary maiden thing is TOTAL rip off from the RING in my opinion…remember the lady who Kills herself? looks like the lady in the mirror. just abit farfetched in story i guess.
Dark Crystal (The) |
comment | cinéma | november 18, 2004
This movie was supposed to be quite the masterpiece when it came out in the wave of Fraggle rock and the Muppets. It didn’t quite acheive that goal although it did okay appealing to young kids. TRON made a bigger impact that year and overshadowed this film’s acheivements with puppetry. again a rather dark film, with a mediocre plot.
Daredevil |
comment | cinéma | november 18, 2004
I thought this was great. SOmething like SPiderman but more serious. kidna more dark like the Batman movies. Cool effects though. Bullseye (Colin) plays a real bastard. Jennifer is HOT and TOUGH in this movie as electra. I thought Ben was perfect for the role and wait until you see his PAD in the flick…WOW!
Dante’s Peak |
comment | cinéma | november 18, 2004
I saw this when it came out in the theatres. Nothing like getting the big picture in a natural catastrophe. Pierce brosnan and Linda Hamilton were great. Loved the scene where they race the avalanche into the mine. Or the lovers being boiled in the creek. I own it so that’a good review.
D3: The Mighty Ducks |
comment | cinéma | november 18, 2004
Not bad. you know they had to do a 3rd movie after number 2. Even if this movie isn’t as good and somewhat going through the motions, but yet leaves you with a slowly bowing out of the plot’s original character that Emelio estevez plays. Fun nonetheless. Nice to see some of the original cast stayed on for number 3.
reaction | music | november 18, 2004
I heard another review said this wasn;t good. Well, she’s like 60 so what do you want. She looks amazing for her age and let’s face it it is an OLD band. Hey, the still sell tickets and records so no reason to call it a day. They could use another good song like “Maria” back in 1999 though.
reaction | music | november 18, 2004
SUM 41
Yeah, that’s what i heard too. These guys are proponents of Heavy Metal (priest and Maiden) so expect thigns to change for this band. Why you ask? They MADE IT. They are a success! and in American for a Canadian band, that is a HUGE deal. Like Nickelback…never needs to work again, but these guys are young and now get to do what they really WANT…Metal. Punk was just the starter for them so they could start learning chords and getting laid. Now they are talented, getting A1 Class pussy and have no one to answer to…Metal rules! Kudos 41
reaction | music | november 18, 2004
NO, i disagree here. Yes, what the faces did was valid, but i would give stewart a little more credit. If you listen to his solo albums following his departure from Faces in 1975, you’ll hear some great melodies reminiscent of what the Faces COULD have sounded like. Faces were fun, but yes sloppy. it’s no wonder Wood ended up in the greatest Bar Bluesband of all time, the Rolling Stones. I think stewart’s downfall was the disco era and more recently that slosh he’s doing called American songbook. hey, THAT ain’t rock and he’s killed it for me with him right there. SOunds like Billy Joel’s kick since he and Christie (THe BItch) Brinkley ruined his creative spark. Now, Billy’s not written anything worth buying since and has gone back into some artsy fartsy stuff when he’s best to keep singing “Still rock and roll to me”. Still very cool though that Stewart got to have a solo career and a separate band at the same time although they were pretty much the same sound.
Best Local Band
reaction | home | november 18, 2004
THey mention Fully Down here and what a co-incidence they happened to be the runner’s up on two of the polls…in think they are in co-hoonce with each other. Hmm, they say they started as Metal stoners…but what do they consider themselves not…just stoners? mellow? more description i think was needed here.
Best of Ottawa – Results
reaction | home | november 18, 2004
Please, Keep yourself in good company as best live band? they were one of the least voted bands this past year at Emergenza. I think these guys stocked the votes more than anyone else to win this title. Last year it was Stone Melodies (2003) who actually won the Emergenza contest AND the local vote. I saw it…there was proof. Maybe next year, but i certainly have not heard any buzz about KYGC. On the other hand i HAVE heard about the Fully Down live experience and hope to catch that show sometime. Maybe the title should be Ottawa’s biggest BUZZ regarding music rather than votes cause these guys have none. Best local album/EP? again, Oh pleeeeeeeeeease.
European Union Film Festival
reaction | film | november 18, 2004
God Bless Europe
Sex in Europe is NO frickin big deal. Why does American frown on it yet has like the biggest industry in Porn? Our continent needs to lighten up a bit more…Sex is GOOD! Encore for more erotic sensualness in films, especially European.
reaction | news | november 18, 2004
The damn world revolves around the all mighty dollar. When are the car companies going to realize…let us trade in our gas guzzling ones for environmentally friendly ones. I mean c’mon, it would be an incentive to a new vehicle, get a cash rebate on the old one. Even the US gov’t could really attack foreign countries where it hurts…they oil supplies. Watch that hit their pocket books. Who knows, could be a good place to start rather than the Kyoto accord.
Just Give’r
reaction | books | november 15, 2004
Give R
Yeah, cute. I saw that movie and it was so F**king tru to life. Basically those two clowns in the movie were my roommates several years ago. One actually looks like my ex-friend. Needless to say it was funny in the 80’s, but interesting how people never grow up. I moved on. Stay away everybody from people like that or you are going to end up getting dragged down in pathetic lifelessness.
House of Trouble
reaction | news | november 15, 2004
Hey a vote for the Republicans is bascially a vote for agressiveness and most like war in any given term. Go Blur, GO democrat…maybe nto the best answer, but in most cases you won’t be dying in a war without conviction. I wonder how the soliders in Iraq feel about bush’s relection. Pretty sad i would think…anybody remember Vietnam…seems to be happening again.
reaction | music | october 29, 2004
BOb was all about peace…yes, there’s that fog about him, but when you finally just sit down in a quiet place and listen to him…you get it. sounds like a nice guy. would have been cool to meet him. RIP, Bob.
reaction | music | october 29, 2004
Capt. Kirk at it again
I heard he made an album years ago. After hearing a sample of this new recording i wonder why he even attempted this again. Novelty? Sure, but i thought that wore of after the FIRST album. For Trekkies only!
reaction | music | october 21, 2004
Adams apple
Bryan can still write great songs today as he did 20 years ago, but needs to challenge himself a bit more. The good songs are far between. I heard something from the new album which wasn’t bad, but i haven’t heard anything since “Coming back to you” that i liked. His best period for me was 1980-1990, 1991-1994 was okay, but a little more mainstream for my liking back then. I mean Bryan’s bakcup vocals sound like DEF LEPPARD and Tom Cochrane was making it big trying to rip off Bryan…just didn’t like that scene. Then the bowling ball called Nirvana came down the middle and knocked out all the pin(head)s…heehee.
Melissa Auf der Maur
reaction | music | october 21, 2004
I give kudos for Matthew good still out there doing IT, but he needs to do something better live…he’s pretty boring. Limblifter are back which is cool. Auf Der Maur is awesome (thanks Xpress for the CD and shirt). I’ve seen her before with Hole and Smashing Pumpkins and would now like to see her on her OWN terms. she always was a kickass sideperson, so this should be a good show coming up.
reaction | music | october 15, 2004
THis is the first real PUNK band from England. You can have your sex pistols and all those other jokes. THis band had somethign to say musically. too bad they fell out in the mid 80’s. maybe it had something to do with the spitting…haha. Why do i see parallels with green day…hmmm.
reaction | music | october 15, 2004
The band. The man. Same thing. Great classic rock. Kudos to this guy still going whom you’d have thought would have died from an overdose or something. HE’s the only original member and a CANADIAN at that…tells you something about the americans…lol
reaction | music | october 15, 2004
bottom line…the guy ain’t boring. He is intelligent AND has something to say. Even if you don’t agree with him or his lifestyle…it’s pretty evident. FACT: he is the only KISS members to (presently) have a successful relationship (all whom have been married are not separated or divorced). Gene just needs to stay away from Politics and he’ll be on the even keel.
reaction | music | october 15, 2004
Be realistic about this. No bones about it, even though stevie and lindsay have made up, there is still an underlying animosity. THAT’s what makes this band go on and feeds the creative fire. The last studio album did well as can be seen on the charts even with the absence of Christine. that’s proof. I saw the tour in 2003. It was good despite her gone. Stevie and Lindsay put that band into the CLASSIC spectrum of music. Long live the ex-lovebirds in the mac. Lindsay just might want to just take one step back about his indulgent solo/fleetwood mac material though. 😉
reaction | music | october 15, 2004
This band was considered SO gay back in the 1980’s. THen the 90’s came and it made this band seem pretty talented. Nice comback they did with ordinary world. it’ proved they actually DID have talent. In any case, these guys seem to be in it for the long haul so kudos to them. Can’t beat their 1980’s stuff for creativity for sure though.
reaction | music | october 15, 2004
Darkstar CD
Band is not bad. Lead singer is good looking, but i’m sure the talent has a way to go. Live they don’t move much. she’s an okay singer, but doesn’t quite give you that push…the chill up your spine. Until then, I’ll call the woman a girl.
The Stranglers
reaction | music | october 15, 2004
Great band. a few good tunes in the 1980’s. Interesting they took so long to get popular especially with SKIN DEEP. Wonder if they resurface in popularity with apparent 80’s revival? probably not, but still fun stuff. Guess they are hard to label.
reaction | music | october 7, 2004
This album rocks and is as good as they were from 1990-1998. Dave is the band. He has the vision. the band will continue as long as he is there and has that. if you like this band/that era…you’ll like this album…even with the court case coming up…haha.
reaction | music | october 7, 2004
Metal king
Ok, I’ve seen Metallica in 1985, 1991 and about to go tonight for what i think will be my finale of concerts for this band. I think their newest album is their weakest although musically talented, the line-up is. I think they should have gotten Mike Inez in the band instead of Trujillo. Quite the multicultural act now. Now if Lars can shut his mouth, turn back is switch on the drums to give a power snap sound and deliver the goods tonight….I’ll be a happy camper. Review coming soon!
The Killers
reaction | music | october 7, 2004
I think there’s something to be sad about this group. I only know that one hit song, but I’ll tell you it’s the most interesting thing i’ve hard in a long time. actually fooled me (a big music buff) as i thought it was from the 80’s. Great vibe on the song. Hope to be more impressed in the future.
reaction | music | october 1, 2004
Nice to see these guys back. they ALWAYS had something to offer from every album. can;t say that for alot of other artists. The CLash of our time? maybe. But i do like these guys’ sense of humour…American Idiot? with a US election around the corner i wondr who that could be…or half the united states itself!
reaction | news | october 1, 2004
Uptight southern hick! relax, marijuana isn’t as bad as other such popular drugs like cocaine, Heroine, crack and smack… Why do you think canadians are such pacifists? smoke one up and then think about the world around you…You false prophet!
reaction | music | september 23, 2004
What’s going on? Sam Roberts makes the dirty look IN and now everybody else is doing it? Look at this album cover! Looks like some of the members of bands out there today e.g. The Trews…you are all a bunch of posers…to think i did it before and and for a while when it wasn’t in. Funny i stopped doing it and everybody else starts…too much!
reaction | music | september 23, 2004
I’ll buy her stuff ANY day of the week over basically anything else French from Quebec, especially Celine “turn sideways, phony” Dion. I saw Jorane at Barrymore’s this past SPring and 3 years ago opening for Chantal Kreviazuk. We need more performers/artists like this because it’s more original that alot of crap out there today. Yeah, yeah…there are those eclectic comparisons to Tori and yada yada yada, but she really is good in that department. I’m Irish, so if something like this can make an impact on me…i know it’s good.
House of Trouble
reaction | news | september 23, 2004
Hey, i remember when Alexander “the Dud” Daigle got paid $12 million to START in the NHL…look what that got us people…SHIT! Can you imagine giving an new band that much before the first album comes out? ridiculous! You play, THEN you get the pay off and sorry…I’m not going to anymore games if it has to cost me an arm and a lengthy EVERY time i want to go and get a decent seat. Ha! I remember even when JAGR got $48 million for 4 years…incomprehensible. I’m not saying some players aren’t worth millions, but holy shit, c’mon. Most players should make around $500,000 a year with $100,000 for the starters (drafts). Make a million when you have made a big deal…Fuck sports!
reaction | music | september 10, 2004
Yeah, stuff around mid 90’s have value. I’d be more enticed to buy this record if she was either A) naked on the cover or B) included a DVD or her sluggin the reporter in Japan! lol
reaction | music | september 10, 2004
I bought this album before listening to it based on the two previous efforts which i adored. I must say, it’s not crap but it certainly didn’t move me the way the first two records did. I felt like this heavy band was starting to lean into hard Punk rather than Hard Modern rock which i prefer. Nice to see this guys didn’t break up, but the record so damn short (38 min). You;d think they slap on a few more tunes to make it worth paying $15 for. I think This album won’t stand the test of time as far as their material goes. I’m shelving it and can see myself trading it in at some point. KInda week. 2.5 out of 5.
reaction | music | september 10, 2004
Well, i haven’t heard this album but the reason she left Fleetwood Mac for good was the touring. She was around 55 and said half way through the 1997 tour that she “had enough and was going home”. Hey that’s fine with me. But i don’t want anyone telling me ” oh, she’s better than the Mac or the Mac’s better than her”..don’t fall into that crap people. She probably just decided that she still wanted to write and record. Bottom line though is even if she is the songwriter who has acheived more hits then the others isn’t the point. As a matter of fact if hadn’t been for STEVIE NICKS and LINDSEY BUCKINGHAM…there would likely have been NO Rumours and NO Fleetwood Mac today. I have her record from 1984 and was not bad when it came out, but knowing she delivered the goods with the Mac ensemble…it obviously gave that charts a bigger punch. I would be surprised if this album turned out better than the Say You Will record which PROVED Who can keep Mac alive.
reaction | music | september 7, 2004
Ivana alright
This woman has an original talent. I never heard or seen someone combine jazz and a samba-esque sound so eloquintly like she does. Although Bass Is Bass is behind her, it’s clear that she needed to spread her wings and be on her own with her direction in music. Another example of this is…where are the other two members of bass is bass? NOWHERE! Ivana has real talent. No if we can only get her to Funk it up a bit more…haha. I particuarly like her 1999 album so this has got me interested in getting her new one especially after the hardship she’s been through in the last few years. Makes for good material i find…sad but true.
reaction | music | september 1, 2004
The Killers
Hmm, think i will have to check these guys out. I heard the song and DID think it the 80’s especially when i lived it. It also rocks and they are coming to town. If it’s a sign to come of this band/album/tour…something wicked this way comes!
reaction | music | september 1, 2004
These guys exploded with Operation Mindcrime in 1988. When DeGarmo quit in 1998, i did think it the end of the band. BUt listening to a live CD of recent material…not bad. The have changed with tthe times for a progressive band. Geoff still has the chops. the heavy stuff rocks. Chris? Dude? get back with the band! Recommendations are Hear in the Now Frontier and Tribe albums!
reaction | music | september 1, 2004
Very eclectic selection
Well, coming from her, it shouldnt’ surprise me, but i think she should have better chosed songs then crap from Ron Sexsmith (basically everything since he is ANTI- Heavy rock). Leonard Cohen i can see for songwriting, but Jane siberry? GOd, no Mimi on the beach PLEASE!
reaction | music | september 1, 2004
What a DUMB name for a band. I used to be in a band called the WAR AMPS and though it was cute. Well, the real WAR AMPS is a serious thing. The name of this group was taken from a commercial for young children to play safe. “Play Safe” would have been a better name. In any case, it sounds like an advertisement, NOT the name of what could be a really good group.
Cube |
comment | cinéma | august 12, 2004
why do Canadian films paint such dark pictures. Don;t get me wrong as this film was well done, but the idea of being one relatively one place and with one false move, you be not only dead, but mutilated just gives off a bad taste in my mouth. like “we live in canada so there is no hope” kinda feeling.
Crow (The) |
comment | cinéma | august 12, 2004
A good “Love Never Dies and if it does it will come back for revenge” story. Jason was great. too bad he died which i thought was extremely fishy considering who his father was. Michael was awesome as the villian and that HAIR! Kinda like batman meets Kiss feel. ha.
Crash |
comment | cinéma | august 12, 2004
a different concept here about getting off in accidents, etc. but coming from Cronnenberg…i’m not surprised. James spader always seems to play this sex roles. but he’s better at it than others. I didn’t like the two guys kissing though…we didn’t need that in this film. Roseanne Arquette had a nasty wound, but man what a HOT BODY!
Craft (The) |
comment | cinéma | august 12, 2004
Good movie
Fairuza was convincing as a witch bitch with her followers including Neve Campbell. Robin was good taking the lead story. i enjoyed the big cat fight a la magic. Robin looks better with longer hair than the shorter crop she bore in future films. Who would have thought she had such a KILLER body!
Coyote Ugly |
comment | cinéma | august 12, 2004
Movie isn’ t that memorable, but was fun. small town girl makes it as a bartender? girls would like this more as it relates i think, but guys will dig the chicks. Tyra banks is one and one of the others is from ALL SAINTS music group from 1990’s. of course there is a love story…lol
Cotton Club (The) |
comment | cinéma | august 12, 2004
1984 film starring Richard Gere and Diane Lane. Revolves around a club being run by the underworld of which Gere is apart of. Lane plays a young hussie, his co-hort in the film. Not big on these kinda films, but was okay. He’s a good actor. Diane is just simply HOT! Singer Irene Cara makes an appearance.
Core (The) |
comment | cinéma | august 12, 2004
I go to the movie theatre for movies like this! Burrowing to the centre of the earth to save it is classic. Special effects are amazing. cast is pretty good even though most don’t survive. Let’s just say I’ve been there and i really DID buy the DVD. Hilary did a good job.
Cool runnings |
comment | cinéma | august 12, 2004
Okay this movie was good because it was a true story, it happened in Canada and John Candy is in it! I remember watching the Olympics and not believing my eyes, but here they were. man they had guts…but they were serious not like Eddie Edwards who borrowed equipment to go to the skislope jump and go on to pose for playboy…obviously, he need money and was in it for just that. these guys had more heart and the idea that something couldn’t be done or that the olympics was about passion and not ridicule. we got that that year from Ben Johnson…thank you F**kin much you goof!
Con Air |
comment | cinéma | august 12, 2004
Good calibre of actors. Good plot. why did this movie just unrealistically plowed into Las Vegas at the end? Cage looks like a bass player i know 😉 Nice infighting among the aligned inmates trying to escape…an con with a con-cience…hahahaha
Collateral Damage |
comment | cinéma | august 12, 2004
This didn’t do to well at the box office, but i thought it was alright. lots of action and explosions. I thought the twist of who the real villian was to be the kicker in this film. maybe not his best film, but didn’t suck and wasn’t the worse role he’s ever done.
Cold Creek Manor |
comment | cinéma | august 12, 2004
This movie didn’t suck, but it wasn’t what i thought it would be when i saw the previews. I was led to believe it was about ghosts and is actually a pyscho trying to get with a husband’s wife. pretty average storyline if you ask me. Stephan Dorff is good, but doesn’t have same charge in character as others have had in the past with a similar role of the villain. I will forget this movie rather easily. and NO, No beaver shot of Sharon ;-(
Clockwork Orange (A) |
comment | cinéma | august 12, 2004
I saw this when i was about 12 and it gave me that funny feeling like 2001: a space Odyssey. Well done acting. INteresting take on a futurist gang (gang bang in some scenes)! Malcolm made me sympathyze with him even though he was the devil in this film. Damn, he got lucky though! scene with the treatment in the movie theatre was hard to stomach.
Clockwatchers |
comment | cinéma | august 12, 2004
If you’ve ever worked in an office or as a “TEMP”, you’ll understand and like this movie. all kinds of office scenarios in it. too bad there were none from a guys point of view (these are 4 women), but then it wouldn’t be as good cause guys aren’t good looking and their problems are trite compared to the girls in this story. Lisa and Parker are really good. I’ve worked with a girl like Parker’s character.
City Hall |
comment | cinéma | august 12, 2004
Normally a movie like this would suck or i wouldn’t be interested in it, but LOOK at the cast. All excellent actors/actress. Bridget is SO damn cute with her nose!! the twist and blackmail kinda at the end of the movie made it for me. I really like these actors and they made the story work for me.
Chasing Amy |
comment | cinéma | august 12, 2004
Chasing Jay and Silent bob
I rented this movie to go look for these two guys in it and watched most of it before i turned it off thinking they were more in the plot then just saw stupid romantic comedy which wasn’t all that funny. Jay and Silent BOB should have been MORE in this film…period!
Cast Away |
comment | cinéma | august 12, 2004
Finally, an original story that captures some emotion. A modern day Robinson Crusoe indeed. A so real in the fact that he’s gone 4 years, comes back and DOESN’T get the girl. Best thing in the ending was the girl that comes his way as he is left to follow his future at an intersection…great cinematography there and such power in YOU the viewer deciding what road he WOULD choose. one of TOM HANKS best roles. I really enjoyed it and it was a drama after all. Moral: Life goes on even when you aren’t there to enjoy it.
Casablanca |
comment | cinéma | august 12, 2004
You know i actually watched this and fell asleep? this was boring. This movie would’ve kicked ass if they were some cool WWII battle scenes. Not to say the acting wasn’t brilliant or the people beautiful as hollywood was back then, but it just didn’t strike me…not like a blitzkreig anyways. Airplane scene and pianist scenes are best.
Can’t Hardly Wait |
comment | cinéma | august 12, 2004
Can’t hardly stomach!
Just kidding. this movie wasn’t that bad. I related to some of it like the nervousness of the girl you adore, but don’t really know back in High School. Lord, if i only knew then what i know now! Jennifer love is SWEET! A very fun campy Comedy. I enjoyed the balcony scene.
Cable Guy (The) |
comment | cinéma | august 12, 2004
This guy was in his prime and even though this movie was a little off and kinda dark, it certainly didn’t affect his flare for being a freak. i could see him playing a pyscho in a serious thriller after this one. Matthew broderick played the main character that you just kinda want to slap and say wake up and stop relenting to this cable guy. but cable just wants to be loved. PSYCHO!
Deep Purple, Thin Lizzy |
comment | musique | august 12, 2004
Okay if you’re going to go to the show…do some homework on the internet. THIN LIZZY took the stage around 7:30pm, played until 8:15pm. The band consisted of JOHN SYKES (lead guitar, LEAD vocals), a member of thin lizzy from 1982-1983; SCOTT GORHAM (lead guitar), member from 1974-early 80’s; MICHAEL LEE – at least that’s what it sounded like, but HE IS an original member and not SYKES (drummer), member from 1970-1984. I don’t know who the bassist was, but it looked like PETE WAY from UFO. They played ALL their hits including Jailbreak, Bad reputation, Chinatown, Cowboy Song, The Boys Are back In Town, Are You Ready and Waiting for an Alibi. THIN LIZZY…IRELAND’s first ever hard rock success! As close as I’ll ever get to PHIL LYNOTT!!!
DEEP PURPLE took the stage at 9pm. The 45 minute wait WAS long and should have only been 30 minutes. THIN LIZZY should have played a friggin hour!! DP played for 1hr 55 min. played around 3 new songs from bananas CD, 1 newer one from i think the last album ABANDON in 1998, 2 tracks from PERFECT STRANGERS including title track and knockin at your back door, plus some classics. New Keyboardist DON AIREY did a musical montague solo of familiar pieces while the drummer, IAN PAICE and guitarist, STEVE MORSE contibuted spotlights on themselves. hard to see singer, IAN GILLAN with the long hair and GREY! Steve Morse can pull off the Classic Blackmore riffs so it was all good. a very good time! Anybody catch the added attraction of Percussionist extrordinaire RICHARD BAXTER after the show outside the bell centre?
reaction | music | august 12, 2004
Van hagar
I feel sorry for the band, but In a way they can’t be pitied because they made the right decision parting ways with David Lee Roth. He’s a complete goofball, BUT (and a big BUTT here) he was THE VH frontman. All that flash and sexual innuendo he could pull off. Seems Hagar tried that with 5150 and even though everyone agreed it was good and a good comeback…after awhile it didn’t hold water. Diamond’s records with VH have. My dilemma is…I know what the tracklisting was for the first VH best is and the nice blackbackground with the gold print….Why DIDN’T they follow VH, best vol. 2 with a WHITE (or some other solid colour) album cover with gold print? on top of that, it’s two discs unlike number 1 which is a single. very screwed up if you ask me. 3 new Van Hagar tunes? did we really need that many? one i understand, two is good, 3 is too much. Funny, does anyone remember Hagar’s solo stuff before VH? it actually was very Sleazy and ground based like DLR, but he lost it after JOINING VH. He became (or the band for that matter) more caring and sensitive and serious in songwriting nature…Fuck, if your music ain’t broke, DON’T FIX IT!
reaction | music | august 12, 2004
No to the essential
What’s a jackson compilation without ABC, I’ll be there and Dancing Machine? C’mon, you may not like them/that period, but that’s what made them. now if this was called part two, I’d understand. but i don’t. this is half assed shit. I could make way better kick ass compilations then this. I don’t even think they did their homework when picking songs for this one. more like, “oh yeah, jackson’s for me started in 1976 without Jermaine…PLEASE!
reaction | music | august 12, 2004
Rush Review
What people don’t understand (some of my friends who didn’;t like this album) is that these songs are RUSH’s generation and what brought about THEIR inception…the songs that made rush become RUSH. I think this actually should have been an album rather than a cheap EP. They could’ve done a LED ZEP tune too. The songs are well produced. not much has changed from the original that i can tell. I’m a big rush fan, but have these songs by the original artists and am more into that kind of thing so even though i won’t be buying this, it’s still worth a good listen if not purchase. C’mon, it’s RUSH having FUN considering they are serious musicians!
reaction | music | august 12, 2004
Cash Grab BIG TIME!
All these bands that came out got on a wave and have the same names, styles, sound…that’s is corporate shit 2004 style in action. The hives, the strokes, the vines, the white stripes…same shit, different pile. Honestly, I had only heard ABOUT Jet in the last 6 months. I just heard there big song (Don’t remember what it was called) and the radio personality announced who it was…i did a take and said to myself “that crap?”…needless to say i was very dissappointed. Granted all the power to anyone doing there thing, but i kept thinking how many bands I DO know out there that should be signed and not because they are following any trend. They are just writing good songs, have good sound and are decent musicians. THis new re-ash of the Knack-style bands sucks. maybe 1 or two good songs i’ve heard so far, but this Jet …c’mon, sing better and play better than that. Oh, btw…i totally agree…this IS IGGY WORSHIP!
reaction | music | august 5, 2004
I saw the movie and feel i understand more of where metallica has come and is going. unfortunately, i do not like the last album very much, particular because of the snare drums sound and no solos (kirk needs to wail). in ways it reminds me of the …And Justice For All album, maybe because of the lengthy tracks. Still, I have just about all their albums and do not need a live EP or another mix of SKOM. Confirmed Fact: They are the most successful Heavy Metal band of all time though.
reaction | music | august 5, 2004
Kittie or Cat?
These kids have grown up I’m sure by now. I hope so, cause if not i don’t see them maturing with a new album. THe first album was the best of the previous two so far. A girl trying to take over and sound too much like cookie monster doesn’t do it for me (last album). On top of that, my favourite was the little dark red head guitarist from the first album line-up. At this point, I’m more interested in what SHE has to offer.
Sonic Youth
reaction | music | august 5, 2004
Good band
glad to see they are still around and doing “IT”! i have some tunes of their’s at home. Someday i think I will venture out to see them. At least, pick some kind of best of or greatest hits package. let’s hope that’s not for a while so they have more time to exhaust their creative juices.
Bulletproof |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Adam and Wayans. Good story, good acting, funny, but a little more serious then the slapstick stuff Adam did prior to this movie. best seen is motel owner catching wayans and sandler in a compromising position after escaping justice.
Bride of Frankenstein |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
A classic
Good sequel to original frankenstein film. They waited until they had a good character to introduce. not in it for long, but the sheer sight of the bride made alot of dolls and copies! that’s saying something. highlite is The destruction of them all at the end.
Brazil |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Eccentric humour
Saw this in the theatres in 1985. no wonder it was odd like Monty Python featuring some of it’s alumni. Best scenes are two guys fighting over desk connecting offices, hijacking of the truck by the main character and the emplosion of sewage in the guy’s suit in the main character’s apt. EWE!
Braveheart |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Best movie: 1995
Good medeival war scenes. a great love story. A true story. interesting facts in the movie that weren’t widely known. Good acting from Mel and Sophie. YOu couldso identify with his angiush and longing to be free from tyranny!
Bram Stoker’s Dracula |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Best dracula movie ever because it includes and acknowledges the true past of Vlad the impaler to which Dracula is based upon. Gary is believable has drac, Wyonna Became my “hottie in the movies” after this film. Great cinematography and effects and costumes. Maybe Keanu Reeves wasn’t the best choice, but he wasn’t THAT bad. Ver ycool story they made for this movie…even creepy old drac’s helper character!
Bound |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Good acting in this film of kind of a triangle of a story. Gina gershon is VERY HOT and Naked! Joe Pantiliano’s character gets royaly screwed. This made me think jennifer tilly can actually act. to some point.
Bordello of Blood |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Pretty interesting twist from midway through this movie. I couldn’t have predicted it going the way it did which is good….boy, did it get gory. Vampires choppin away. Dennis miller was good…Tarantino and clooney were good. Angie is MEGAHOT! Highlite is Cheech marin coxing people to the bar with his descriptive “pussy” enticing…
Boogie Nights |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
A great insight to 70’s and early 80’s pron industry. SOme truths in it. Good acting. Wahlberg was believable in character/actor as was Burt Reynolds as director. Highlite had to have been make out scene between Heather graham and Walhberge….girls, now there is an ATTRACTIVE FULL BODIED WOMAN!
Body Shots |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Good stuff
This subject matter should be in films more often and not hushed under the table. North America needs to be less uptight about sex like Europe. This movie i thought demonstrated that. Yes, it was TITillating.
Blazing Saddles |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
the funniest movie ever with Mel Brooks. Not to mention to supporting cast of Gene WIlder, Madelaine Khan, harvey Korman, etc. Their is suck airplane humour in this spoof of a western. A black guy hero, a Huge fist fight! an unreal chase. And all that fun sexual innuendo!
Blair Witch Project (The) |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
What hype
My sister conned me into believing this was true. 85 min in the theatre was too short for the plot cause it was just getting better every minute. what would have been cool is the effects used in the sequel put into this film. neat idea camping in the woods etc. but the staring at the corner concept where the film ends. leaves you hanging. needed more to it than just that especially since their was no original concept for a sequel.
Blade |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
The new twist of vampire films
Gee, like biting people or throwing them around wasn’t enough they are now armed with all kinds of weapons. wouldn’t it make much more sense for them to just cut up they’re prey instead of just trying to seduce them close and bite? Wesley is pretty brawn in this movie and it’;s sequel…neat effects. has a similar plot i find to the Underworld movie.
Black Sheep |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Chris and dave
Together these guys made a good pair. little funny kinda straight guy and Big funny guy. Trying to run this show his way turns out hilarious. Chris talking like Darth Vader in the fan or backing up the SUV were great.
Black Hawk Down |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
US loses
Not many films made where americans lose, but i guess this was to stir the USA in to going into a war after 9/11. Good story and again, the realities of war are here. Great actors like Ewan McGregor in here. Americans running with their tail between their legs which you don’t see often. Great war scenes!
Birth of a Nation (The) |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
I think this is the very FIRST classic on film. I own it. Great protrayal of the US civil war and it’s aftermath in realistic terms. Great Griffith production for it’s time. No, No sound or colour but great none the less!
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Fricking funny
This was so dumb it was funny. How else would to losers learn history but get sent back in time to do it first hand! Jane Weidlin from the gogo’s plays Joan of arc really good…she looks it and don’t speak our language therefore no dialogue. George Carlin as there guide…too much! no wonder they aint dead!
Biker Boyz |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
This wasn’t all that and a bag of chips…nice bikes but unless your really into that thing your going to find this as exciting as a dated skateboarding movie…ya know that emphasis on ” te need to speed and do tricks” rather than having and intriguing subplot….
Big Momma’s House |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
This guy is talented and funny, but he’s got to drop that poor black man thing. it’s tiresome. luckily, he doesn’t really pull that shit in this movie as he’s all dolled up as a Momma of all Mommas…lol. Very funny. boy he had that girl tricked….she’s hot.
Big Lebowski (The) |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
What a wastoid Jeff bridges is in this film, but makes a great talker out of trouble. Getting his head dunked in the toilet and the discussion in the limo are highlites. Boy he looked dirty like Nick Nolte’s character in Down and Out in Beverly Hills. this one not quite so funny.
Big Daddy |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
More of that cute stuff from Adam who this time takes on a little boy. The kangeroo show was funny. Peeing on the wall was too. Soundtrack rocked. Glad he got that girl in the happy ending. i enjoyed it even if i couldn’t relate.
Big Chill (The) |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
I’m not into the hippy thing so i couldn’t relate to some aging ones in this film. Consequently, Kevin Costner made is debut as the corpse that brings all of the character in the movie together. Biggest deal is them trying to swat some fly. couldn;t relate when it came out and not now either.
Bicentennial Man |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Robin Williams really gets these good drama roles i tell ya. I remembe rwhen World according to Garp came out…very serious, yet light humoured. This movie is no exception. a Cyborg Pinnochio trying to become a real human over a period of 200 years. Very cool the way he lives on and outlives things. sounds like what it would be for a vampire maybe…lol
Beverly Hills Ninja |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
I think Jame Belushi got some influence from Chris’ character in this film when James did Joe Somebody. Anyway, picture farley going nuts with numchuks and do the hi-ya sctick. Too bad his career was short. Funny guy and the film was too.
Best in Show |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
If anyone has ever owned a dog, you’ll love this movie. My grandmother used to do this and my aunt still does. Dog show is just the front for all the REAL action that goes on behind it and HILARIOUS! Laughed through pretty much the entire movie! great concept.
Behind Enemy Lines |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Modern warfare
undercover stuff. Soldier goes into what is likely Ex-Yugoslavia for a mission by jet and consequently gets shot down and has to fend for himself. War stuff. Gene hackman doesn’t suck either.
Beetlejuice |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Michael Keaton
Probably the first film he did where i basically said THIS is an actor. hes done everything now, but when this came out…he actually gave me the creeps. what a crazy dead ghost guy! Wynonna ryder’s first big break. very pale but good support. Geena davis was good too. Lots of great schtik….the fly…”ehlp me, help me”….lol
Bedazzled |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
They picked two good actors for this. Elizabeth Hurley is just plain HOOOOOOOOT! a guy gets to make wishes and have them come true only to backfire because he’s actually dealing with the devil HERself! very funny…so God, must be a man then…lol. Love the first wish on being rich and speaking Spanish waking up to a beautfiul woman only to find out your a drug lord and about to be assassinated!
Beavis and Butt-Head Do America |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
These guys make a lot of stories out of nothing. But what a concept. Two punks run rampant on America and get everyone worked up over nothing because they ARE nothing. Good tunes in the film…best part is them hallucinating in the desert! Enough of this “damn” review…lol
Beauty and the Beast |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Disney Classic
This basically ranks up there with sleeping beauty and Snow WHite. Great story. Great way is is protrayed and who better than disney. Teaching kids that beauty is only skin deep and just because something appears beautiful DOESN’T mean it is. Villain died a good death. Nice castle in animation. THe beast became a lucky guy!
Beautician and the Beast (The) |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Fran drescher IS cute. but that voice! Sotyr here is Beautician hired as a nanny to royalty in Europe. Timothy dalton is the father and at first Fran’s character and Tim’s do not get along well, but soon fall for each other. Great lines like “talk the hand”…lol. Very enjoyable.
Bean |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
They call him Mr.
I thought this would be of more original skits, but instead they lifted alot from the TV programs. It;s good, but i don’t remember what the plot is. I just remember him getting into situations which were deja vu. he’s on some trip including taking an airplane.
Battlefield Earth |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
This movie storyline i thought was great. I could have stood to watch more of the lead up and effects to the current story that is the premise of the film, but it was okay. ALiens taking over earth eh? hmm, and they look like John travolta and yet act SO human? I liked the movie, but i guess i agree with others than it may have lacked some direction. John as an alien was just more funny than anything else.
Bats |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
I remember renting this. I don’t remember much of the plot except big bats attacking a couple in a car. I think they had some kind of hide out where the heroes go to destroy them. was entertaining, but easily forgettable.
Batman & Robin |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Pretty good
Ah, people keep bashing the sequels. This movie would have been great had Dumb ass Clooney not been the caped Crusader. That’s stupid smirk on his face that he has shown in previous work ruin the character, but everything else was great. I LOVED the silver and black costumes in this movie and the gadgets as always…great special effects with Mr .freeze. This movie I’m giving 3 stars and would have been 4 if not for Looney frickin’ clooney!
Batman |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Never before and perhaps never again will an actor (michael) give a pretentious role like this the dignity it deserves…seems like if you were laughing at the thought of a comic book character coming to life on the big screen was funny…watch this movie because it isn’t. it’s dead serious like the surreal blackness that surrounds the film. Excellent performances by Jack Nicholson as the joker and Kim bassinger ain’t to shaby either…roar! Even the humour in it is disturbing and dark and crazy, but is a great ploy to the plot of the film. Batman saves the day…or is it night?
Basquiat |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Historical, but boring
I didn’t even know this guy existed until the end credits. Hey, I remember Andy Warhol, but this guy dying of aids cause he was a druggy…sob Artist story…I don’t even think his work was that good either. Andy’s death is the biggest moment in the film. rather boring.
BASEketball |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Home RUN!
These guys who made SouthPark create their own sport of combining baseball and Basketball to seek fame and fortune and then fall out with not only ach other, but with the parrels of fame and fortune. It is a good laugh and i’d like to own a copy of it. These two sports are boring to watch on their own so i like the idea of mixing the two for excitement!
Barton Fink |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
If you want a good laugh, rent this movie. I can’t remember the lead actor’s name, but he has done some really good DRAMA films too. he plays a real pain in the ass goofball in this flick, but he’ll have you laughing before the end of it. what a nut!
Barry Lyndon |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Not bad
I’ve seen two versions of this story. THis is the better one, albeit i could have used more war scenes. It’;s set in the 1700’s and involves a aristocratic love affair/interest with Ryan’s character a soldier of war. I’m big on the war scenes stuff so the rest of the film isn’ that memorable.
Barbarella |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Okay facts…Musical group got their name from the Villain of this movie. fact, I believe this was Jane Fonda’s first onscreen (possibly only) nude scene. fact, she couldn’t follow it up in success as she was arm and arm with the vietnamese soon after.
This film is like a Doctor Who eposide of the late 1960’s albeit it’s in colour and the imagination is a bit better too. Leatherclad guards, Pre-esctasy pills, Lots of sexual erotica. The Female villain in this movie is so hot she is horny and I mean that really because she has a horn on her costume head…at times this film is very dark like a New York alley way in a City Riot, but the story is pretty cool. She is an agent on a mission to bring back the villain to her home planet or something. This reminds me, i need to get another copy of this film. Great stuff!
Barb Wire |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Oh Pam
Nice to look at, but hard on the acting! lol. Oh well, i didn’t have much expectationsfrom this movie/actress so it wasn’t so bad. Reminded me why she did VIP on tv afterwards. she’ isn’t the worst actress I’ve ever seen, but…I think Courtney love could do better. Good effects, plot wasn[‘t too bad…of course, now if i went into detail and put down the ending, who would rent this stuff!! is entertaining for guys, okay!
Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Ho hum
This had ALOT of action going on, but i thought the plot was rather dull. First of all, the guy (if that good in the first place) would have kicked the shit out of the woman actress. Second thing is all i remember is explosions and not much else…the story doesn’t carry to well with all the bullets and bombs flying…okay chase scene, okay, fight scene, okay explosion scene…icing with no cake!
Bad Company |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Oh this one was funny
C’mon and older english white guy with a funny hip youg black dude. the though is just enough, but actually Chris Rock demonstrates that he is of good calibre acting when placed her with the senior performer. I don’t like cop type shows, but the way this film worked, i was intrigued and entertained well.
Babe: Pig in The City |
comment | cinéma | july 30, 2004
Babe 2
The novelty of a pig story wore off after the first movie. This one was light-hearted like the first, but by midway through this film you are starting to wonder why you bothered renting it. I haven’t seen this movie for a while and honestly cannot remember that much of it which tells you something because i pretty much remember the plot and characters of the first film.
Metallica : Some kind of monster
reaction | film | july 22, 2004
Hmm, i’m intrigued, but feel more like it’s because I’m hoping this will be good. The St-Anger album is kinda mudane and boring after a while…no solos, songs that all run on too long, that stupid snare sound that Ulrich switched too makes me want to gag. So, this isn’t a regular theatre release? hmm, this will be on DVD by end of year for sure. Maybe let friends rent it and come over and watch it as spent $20 on last year’s drivel.
reaction | music | july 22, 2004
This band hasn’t been any good since Degarmo left. They had something to prove and were building moment with every album although by the time Promised Land came out in 1994, they had gone a little to far. I can only wonder what this dvd would entail. Best consistent record was 1997’s hear in the now frontier…and then they were dead!
GordonGartrell, Zedsketch |
comment | musique | july 6, 2004
Both of these band are good or were i guess in Zedsketch’s state. They were giving out demos so i grabbed one. WELL constructed songs. not a particularly Heavy band, but good songs none the less. I believe i knew the bass player. Gordon Gartrell had a more ambient thing happening with the guitarist’s effects,etc. more u2 and Police in the trio’s approach. good stuff and rocked.
Trooper |
comment | musique | july 6, 2004
Good TIME!
Another of those old acts that keep plodding along, but are not competing with the past. They know they are old, but still want to have fun and rock and rock they did. Played all their classics and even played “We’re here for a good time” twice. it was about a 90 min set. it was high spirited. Only downer was bass player singing “Round Round we Go” which he didn’t have the voice for…can’t beat Frank Ludwig’s on that song buddy! My bro and wife had a ball!
Tomahawk, Tool |
comment | musique | july 6, 2004
THese guys had so much imagery to go with their show i was compeld to just sit and stare and listen to them. The lead singer stood on a podium at the back of the stage where the drum kit usually is for the whole show. they had one or two opening acts ( i think tomahawk was one), but it was ALL TOOL here. they even hugged each other at the end of the show. amazing. Go see them as you won’t be wasting your money. i found it even inspirational to wake up and write a song the next day!
Red Hot Chili Peppers |
comment | musique | july 6, 2004
I walked into a wall of noise when this band Mars Volta were playing. First thing that hit me was the lead singer’s screetching…very messy rock. interesting they had a keyboardist of which i think died of an overdose a week later. I won’t go see these guys again. terrible.
Susan Said, The Janet Theory, The Kings |
comment | musique | july 6, 2004
I attended this show with my buddy who just got dumped by his girlfriend. I caught the ending of Janet theory and wasn’t very memorable even with like no one in attendance. Susan Said were from NY, had free stuff (a beer company giving away keychains and shirts) and actually rocked pretty good. Lead singing/rhythm guitarist was pretty tall and cute and funny! The Kings were a no show and even though i was definitely disappointed, they wouldn’t have really had an audience…Not alot of advertisement nor a band that has a following in this town…old foggies beware!!
Bleed, Sunplow, The Scarecrows |
comment | musique | july 6, 2004
Oh what a night!
SCARECROWS was the best band this night who incidently headlined. SunPlow – or since there was still snow on the ground you might say SnowPlow – were pretty good. Guitarist was in a wheelchair but could still play. Soundman was a dick that night to people as he didn’t obey orders. There was a good crowd. Bleed was crap and band member soon realized this after a while and quit. this was due to the Slut lead singer cavorting around like she think she could sing. She’d be better off a a groupie. and her “entourage” was a joke. they were just plain noisy while sunplow had some sound problems they actually had talent. I heard the bassist from Bleed’s in a much BETTER place now ;-). Snowplow, er sunplow have broken up. The club has now close, but the SCARECROWS live and rock on harder then ever!!
Nickelback |
comment | musique | july 6, 2004
thats what i realized what these guys are when they opened for this show. Played some great heavy modern rock tunes, but alot of them sounded like thye could be played just as easily on an acoustic guitar. the singer’s got his own thing happening. I thought the guitarist was going to break his back sinking to the floor when he hit powerchords! they played about 45-50 min.
Sheryl Crow |
comment | musique | july 6, 2004
Has anyone seen her DVD called “C’mon America 2003”? It was virtually the same thing. This woman is great in concert. Right on key with her singing, playing bass-guitar-piano and shaking her booty all the while looking sexy!! she played for about 90 min and got not one, but two encores. THe ending was great with her “Safe and Sound” song as well as getting up and dancing on the piano afterward for a cover of Led Zep’s ‘Rock and ROll’. so 105 min show in total. a great night outside to boot. felt like a good night to rock and roll for sure…would love to again with her!!
Shania Twain |
comment | musique | july 6, 2004
I missed my chance to see Shania in 1999 because of conflicting schedule, but manage to catch this show with my sister. It rained like a bastard before we got in and we sat in our seats soaked. but it was worth it and the show shania put on was stellar. a 2 hr performance singing her hits, talking candidly with the audience and giving autographs (that was the only downer of the evening as she did it a little too much). I even noticed some friend on stage playing drums to her “If your not in it for Love” song. There were great lights, some pyro…quality musicianship…and Shania to meet was so delicious looking I was more inclined to call her Shania Schwing!
Local Shame, Shadowvale |
comment | musique | july 6, 2004
These guys were acting just like a cover band. lead singer had the look and really no balls to his voice. and guess what the choice was to cover a KISS song? rock and roll all nite which is played to death!! best thing these had to offer was the bassist who rocked and sang lead vocals and SOUNDED better than the frontman! save your money people and listen to your stereo at home.
Scorpions, Whitesnake |
comment | musique | july 6, 2004
Good time
I saw both these bands once before. the beauty of this tour was Scorpions playing 70’s material ALOT! They headlined and played about 90m. Still rockin’ but missing some edge. Whitesnake was cool cause they now had Doug Aldrich from Dio’s tour in 2002. THey also played mostly 84-87 material including a few excellent tunes from “Slide It In”. David coverdale voice was okay, but smoking has taken it’s toll. he still knows how to swing a mic stand though 😉
Dokken was the opener and although they were entertaining, they didn’t have the punch as only singer and drummer were the original line-up left. whitesnake had about 55 min set and dokken no more than 40m.
Rush |
comment | musique | july 6, 2004
My buddy called me about a couple of days before this show and asked if i wanted to go so I said “Hell, why not”. It was a Friday so we went down and had a good time ;-)…right Frank!! lol
Rush played for 75 min with no opening act and took a break for about 20 before coming back on stage to play another 75 min. WIth our seats we could see down onto the stage and view the equipment. Geddy was there will his Fender Precision bass. sang cool like he always does although i miss hearing the really high notes he can’t do anymore. Alex Lifeson came on in the second set with his BEAUTIFUL white and Brass top guitar…man, he’s got a nice sound and can still play! Neil peart of course was great and playing interesting syncopations on the drumkit. BIg stage theatrics with 3 dryers going on in the background. probably previous evenings clothes!
Althought these guys are great musicians and was good to see Neil back behind the skins, the band isn’t quite what it used to be in songwriting. Vapour Trails has about 3 good songs on it if that. they played pretty much those songs live thankfully. Test for Echo album was weak. Last good album they did was Counterparts 1993. Must be tough to pick a set list as some favourites were left out. Bring back Passage to Bangkok!
Ronnie James Dio, Voïvod |
comment | musique | july 6, 2004
First time i have ever got to see him live and it was at an initimate venue. VoiVod was second time i had seen them and actually in the same year 2002. I didn’t care much for their set with the exception of their pink floyd cover and “Nuclear war” track which rocks. they played about 45 min.
Dio played around 75-90 min. Played all his greats, in particularly last in line, Holy Diver and mixing songs up into MEDLEYS with old Rainbow and Subbath tunes. Fora guy in his mid 50’s he rocks hard than many other singers at that age. He doesn’t go beyond the dragon stuff too much, but then again nobody does that stuff better today or before for that matter. Doug Aldrich on guitar was AMAZING. can’t believe he actually tried out for Kiss at 17. Jimmy Bain on bass looked a little out of place with the hairdo, but gave it his all and Simon Wright on drums was impressive…quality drummer. GO see his show for fun…it’s good fun!
Leave It Blank, Paradigm |
comment | musique | july 6, 2004
I managed to catch this show and unfortunately again there were more acts on the bill than was said here. I didn’t catch the headliner (which i thought was shadowvale), but Paradigm had a significant improvement. a 3 piece goth rock act with bassist, drummer and guitarist/singer. in 6 months they went from CRAP to okay. Singer needs more oumph in his vocals.
Innerstate, Paradigm |
comment | musique | july 6, 2004
Ok, first of all this is BOGUS! SCARECROWS was opening on this bill and This was the lowdown. They went on first and rocked so hard that band members (or should i say what was left) of Paradigm’s line-up at the time came up to band after the set and said “I’m quiting Paradigm after this show because of what i just saw”. Honestly, Paradigm at this point caused such a fuss at the bar (promising the owner tons of people and basically dressing up like Marylin Manson to impress) that I don’t think he was allowed to come back to the bar and was basically banned. Their set sucked. one guitarist making the most of the show, a keyboardist doing programming realized the task was just too large at hand and badly in need of a drummer. The singer (THE BAND of course) sang off key, practically tripping on his boots and collectively the sound was just too inaudible and messy. Innerstate was good and was plesant. INteresting that the lead singer was a female and also the band’s bassist…very cool. Would be nice to see them again in concert as well as Scarecrows. Paradigm hopefully is dead at this point.
More acurately here…SCARECROWS = 5 stars, Paradigm = 1 star, INNERSTATE = 3 stars
Spider-Man 2 |
comment | cinéma | july 5, 2004
S2 review
It was good. The story carried well from the first film. a very good build up. My surprise was the fact that people know that Peter Parker is spiderman which should make for another great sequel. Nice touch having the bad Dr. octavius being good essentially in his soul. Kirsten dunst still plays a great maiden. I hope now that to hob-goblin will not copy his father too much in the next film. Good special effects in this movie. Only thing that was a little unbelievable was his falling and really being hurt after his webbing gave out. I hope they will continue the sequels and do ALL of the OLD spiderman villains. The Scoprion, Electra, Reptile guy.
To bike, or widen the Queensway
reaction | news | july 5, 2004
Although I agree about increased public transit, my BEEF is with the 416/417 split at Bayshore. How in the hell do we have 6 lanes converging into 2. EVERY Frickin’ time (whether it’s rush hour or not) i have to slow down and break (and stop in some cases) when the narrow strip of highway becomes a toothpick on it’s way to Kanata. Kanata is a boomed City. The roads should be changed accordingly (widened) to accommodate this. Don’t get me wrong, I love having the COrel centre around , but whenever there is an event and usually a hockey game, I have to sit and wait in traffic just to go 5 feet. it’s ridiculous. I stopped going on hockey nights to see my friend there because of the traffic. And that means less business for kanata cause I used to buy things there. It’s a damn bottleneck i tell you and i think the idea of having a 100 km/h speed limit is stupid when you can’t even do that especially from the split to the COrel Centre. I used to live on the other side of town around CUmberland and when i have gone there (at end of Orleans where 417 turns form two to one lane) isn’t all that bad. Poeple are moving Westwards and outwards. I have driven all over the city and to me the 416 meets the 417 split at bayshore sucks. Put in that extra lane or two dammit or expect no business from me!
Finger Eleven, Ozzy Osbourne, Voïvod |
comment | musique | june 29, 2004
Ok, now this is a better bill. Unfortunately, for Jason newsted, he left the wrong band…now Metallica AND VoiVod both suck. I’m getting rid of both my albums of them from 2003. Wasn’t into it.
FINGER 11. remember that name folks cause this band is getting better all the time. SOngs are better, problem is you wait so damn long for the record (3 years between last two efforts). show was energetic though. Long haired guitarist throttled his guitar for the whole show and other one walked around funking. very cool. great sound. first time i heard new material from 2003 record.
OZZY: dude he played for 2hrs and 40 min. I couldn’t stay the whole show, but no question… he gave everyone there money’s worth. Zakk rocked on guitar. Newsted seemed better suited to this line-up then Voivod. One thing though, when i want to see OZZY…dude, play OZZY material and stop relying on Sabbath stuff. I don’t go to see DIO sing RAINBOW/SABBATH stuff so why should you? sing your OWN songs!! you got lots!!
Ozzy Osbourne |
comment | musique | june 29, 2004
OZZ review
Ok, who remembers the opening band? my point exactly. Weez here to see Ozzy. Tea party put on a good set from a good album, but band does NOT match up with ozzy style music. who put this show/bill together? Ozzy playe about 90 min. and was pretty cool to see him after 18 years. band was tight, songs were good…Ozzy slowing down though and hearing going as well since he constantly repeated “I can’t f**king hear you”…that’s annoying. other than that, show was good.
Nectar |
comment | musique | june 29, 2004
Kind blah
These guys didn’t seem to have it together much as a band. jabbering on stage was not well orchestrated and music was pretty average for rock. by far though, their best song was the instrumental they closed the show with. Photos of the band make them appear heavier then they really are. Kind of a let down actually. We need another band like SHUNT since they officially disbanded this year.
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World |
comment | cinéma | june 29, 2004
It’s been TOO long since i could see a movie like this. Okay, Pirates of the Caribean was good, but this SO had me reminiscing about those OLD ship movies like the ones Jeff chandler was in. This ships were beautiful and was great to see the REALISM of a sea battle of the time. NOW, if they could only make a movie like this about …hmm, what was that King Henry V’s ship? it sank in 15?? anyways, this film was exciting and Russell Crowe was very believable for a captain I thought.
Identity |
comment | cinéma | june 29, 2004
Quite the psyche
I knew which character was going to be the killer, but did I know where all the characters resided? no that was the twist my friend. I enjoyed the movie, but still had doubts as to the path it took. I just kept thinking i couldn’t believe the bald guy with the face of that girl from “ROSE RED” could be the culprit. I just hope there isn’t a sequel.
reaction | music | june 25, 2004
Yes, some of you may not indeed be Kiss fans, but in the fandom only people who bought into their scheme have a right to bitch… i am one. Gene’s album is a 2004 version of his 1978 disc. Out of 13 tracks I’d say about half are worth any money i paid for it, but even half of that is good material that should have ended up on a Kiss album circa 1992-1995. I don’t expect this to go far as I;m sure Gene doesn’t either, but at least this guy gets the opportunity to let out his creativity which i would gladly accept in return for all the CRAP the other record companies are putting out these days. At least Gene does this stuff with tongue in cheek (pardon the pun), then calling himself real and psoing like some of the “shit for brains” artists that come out these days. THis almost runs Sugar ray pop with Kiss Rock with prodigy techno. interesting stuff none the less. If you KISS fans were expecting an all out KISS style album…you HAVEN’T been doing your Kisstory!!
2 stars
Timeline |
comment | cinéma | june 25, 2004
Give me a break people. complaining about not like to book and that i should read it. I’ve heard this same nagging thing for like 25 years. If ever y movie was done to a T like the book, do you think that people would be happier. NO! people would complain because it’s “too long” or “got rather boring after awhile”. Movies are like concerts…to take yo uaway from life for a couple of hours! The movie was fine, I bought it on DVD…I like Medieval movies and thought it was a interesting story. Leave it alone. It was good. Go watch your boring crap that is worthy or a boring Oscar!
reaction | music | june 17, 2004
I have to agree here. These guys might not move around much on stage, but that’s NEVER what their trip has been. These guys sound as laid back, but at the same time tight as ever. I know cause i got their boxset AND peakin’ at the beacon, 2000.
High Bias
reaction | news | june 17, 2004
Ahem, let me start with a small correction here. REAL LIFE is the name of the band that came out with “Send me an Angel” back in early 1984. Ah the 1980’s, fun to look back upon with great memories, but sorry i don’t want to go through puberty again! The part about even in the 80’s people wanted the 50’s to come back is true as well, especially around 1982/83 with the therein mentioned titles like “The Outsiders” and music artists jumping on that bandwagon like the Stray Cats, John Cougar (james dean impressions) Billy Joel’s period from 1983-1985. Even Def Leppard chose to Glamourize a 1950’s Marilyn Monroe in their breakthrough video hit “Photograph”.
Hey maybe some stuff from the 80’s was (and still is today) very cheezy, at least people dressed up nice and were clean compared to some of the other styles in 1970’s and 1990’s grungy period.
I wonder what would have happened had the U.S. had Bill Clinton as president in the 1980’s…NO WAR!
Yes, there was the looming Cold War between East and West, but somehow at the back of our minds did we really think it would go that far? as each year passed in the 80’s, it faded. Gorbachev’s glasnost and Peristroika opening doors to artist like first, Billy Joel, then Motley Crue and Bon Jovi…i mean C’mon!
Lockerbie crash Villians should never been forgiven…
Okay, Ultravox’s “Dancing with tears in my eyes” WAS the most poignant video in the 1980’s to put you in the shoes of the times…that video came out in 1984 or what the doomsday clock referred to then as 2 minutes to midnight…
GI JOE in the 1980’s was on Steroids compared to the more realistic toy i had as a child in the 1970’s…
Yes, but the nostalgia of it all sets you to a time and place so i remember EVERYTHING!…
Hey, i remember Mulroney and the 1980’s…a crook is a crook…don’t vote Tory just cause you want change…it may not be a good thing!…
The age of visual…OF COURSE! Videos were the NORM for the first time on TV!
Diamond Back, Fluid, Iconoclast, The Struggle |
comment | musique | june 11, 2004
FLUID at Emergenza final 2004
There’s no listing here for the show that went on at Capital City Music Hall, but these guys deserved to take the cake that night. half of the bands that performed sucked, but because they got enough votes the made it to the final. Well, I’m here to say that our band competed against Fluid and lost, but they actually HAVE talent. I wish them the best and hope they represent Ottawa in Toronto at the regional final. FLUID are an energetic young band, with a matchbox style with a bryan adams-styled-singer approach to the group. Bottom line is you could expect these songs on the radio cause they have good dynamics, are tight and above all GOOD! alot of you local bands who competed against them…learn from them…Put on a show, write some decent songs that rock and it wouldn’t hurt if you dressed up a bit so you don’t look like bums that walked in off the street (probably still wearing the clothes from the week before)!
reaction | music | june 7, 2004
Thornley Thorny?
Well, at first listen to the album it is rather mediocre, but i must admit it is heavy like the Big Wreck albums…maybe a bit heavier. The guy does have talent and I do like this album, but i don’t find it as dynamic as the Big wreck albums. yet, if you want to make a living and survive in this rock world… Apparently, Big wreck WASN’T getting to attention they so rightfully deserve so it’s no wonder that Ian would be better off doing this schtick on his own. This album doesn’t suck, but i hope that he will grow a bit more on the next release. 3 out of 5 stars.
Autumn in New York |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
I;’ve seen better movies from these two…even the two of them together in a movies seems kinda pretentious. I can’t even say that i thought either one’s performance was brilliant. It was weak. Still, always liked Wynona that little cutie!
Auto Focus |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
I never knew that about this guy until Entertainment did a segment on him back in the late 80’s. Very interesting life. Hmmm, I think I would have wanted to be this guy too, but man if you got an easy going HOT chick at home…leave it alone and stay home!! no wonder someone took him out!
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
Heather gra-ahem
Shaggalicious baby! for sure. Heather…anytime! Continuing with the same zest of humour from the first movie. Almost the equivilent of the “Carry on” series that did so well in England many years ago. Mike, great job…oh yeah…nice teeth!! Blek!
Austin Powers in Goldmember |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
Pretty good
I can’t see this going on forever, but this movie was pretty funny. Mini-me hoofing mikey in the family jewels…seriously can’t stop laughing at the hijinx here…and the kid’s MOle…ah man!
Army of Darkness |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
Didn’t even realize this was a sequel until someone told me about it when i went to see it in the theatre. I believe it bombed. I remember i liked it. probably enjoyed watching it more than the first two films. TOO DAMN FUNNY. the screwed up spell the main character was suppose to get right in the cemetery and brings the skeletons to life…you idiot…HA!
Armageddon |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
Big movie. It’s got humour, adventure, special effects. I loved it. Probably the main reason is because this threat is VERY real. and the sad part is it would take an event like this to bring the world together…and even then…if we survived, we might go back to our wicked ways…Still I;d like to be one of the crew members who lived to never pay taxes again ever!!
Arlington Road |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
Was not what i was expecting. Very suspenseful. Bad guys win though. Very witty. Left me in a bad mood, but the film was well done. Seem Jeff’s character wasn’t going to win either way…
Apocalypse Now |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
This film is dark….the Psyche of Vietnam. scary time for americans, but even worse to be over fighting for a war that shouldn’t have happened…especially for Uncle Sam. Seems like everyone in the film captured the essence of going over their and NOT coming home all in one piece in one way or another!
Antz |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
Was pretty entertaining, but some of the voices for the antz i didn’t like and i thought didn’t fit the story feel of the film. Woody Allen? get him out of here!! othe than that it was good. I thoght a Bugs life was better, but i could stand to watch this one again..
Animal |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
Rob Schneider…will he stop at nothign for a gag. I thoroughly enjoyed this freak. the stories he comes up like this one where he’s part man and well…other parts of mammals is just too much…a good laugh!
Analyze This |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
I haven’t seen the sequel yet, but will soon. this movie was funny. I put myself in Billy’s character and wondered how the hell was he going to get out of this predicament or even if he could solve Robert de Niro character’s dilemma? IN the end, it was funny! I think the movie description above doesn’t do this film justice. AND they shouldn’t say an OPINION of the movie, but only what it is about…the PLOT!
Anaconda |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
Pretty good
I love this man eating snake, but the only thing is the one scene where the snake grabs the person trying to climb the stairs. Sorry, but even a snake that big couldn’t move that fast. that was the one that stopped me from giving this movie 5 stars. Cool looking snake and Jon Voight trying to come back after being eaten was neat. Jennifer lopez should stick to acting i think after seeing this. I’d like my snake to attack her! lol
An American Werewolf in Paris |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
Not bad
Kind of a cash in the original “An American werewolf in London”. THis movie was okay. I’m sure if you saw the original today you might not like it cause it’s dated, but…it kicked ass in 1981 and the scene where david naughton’s buddy gets chomped on was serious enough. THis movie has it’s humour too, but after seeing the original and no REAL tie to it…it;s just okay.
Amistad |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
I thought it was a topic never touched upon before and certainly showne in a light that was honest. these people taken from their homes and forced into this was terrible. No wonder the muniteered! thye probably considered themselves dead anyway by that time.
America’s Sweethearts |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
Surprisingly funny
But i think I’mdone watching any more movies with Julia roberts as I can stand her or her stupid laugh anymore in movies. I thought John basically carried the movie. Catherine added the zest it needed. Julia was just some glue left over to keep it together.
American Wedding |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
3 strikes, they win
I just saw this two months ago. Laughed as much as it’s two predecessors. class act. the scene at the parents meet and greet with the cake and pants changing…too much. or the pubic hair in the cake…LOL! I do hope the series will will quit while it’s ahead…;-)
American Pie 2 |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
Just as funny and entertaining as the first. One of the FEW series that seemed to have thought about having intelligent successions of good topics to make fun of. Man’s journey to get naked, get nerdy and get nasty!
American History X |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
Good film
This was a disturbing look at a hypothetical neo-nazism family/world. even if they raised good points, still a scary thing to face. a good lesson to be learned watching this flick!
American Beauty |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
American Winner
Great depth to the American society that we all know and hate today. A decent man who enters midlife crisis with an uptight wife. A monotonic daughter with a nymph for a best friend who’s really not. A redneck closet homo-anti-something with a son who’s sees the beauty in things. bottom line, convincing that Americans are SAD BUT TRUE!
Almost Famous |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
70’s MAN!
I great insight to the indulges and backstage antics than occurred throughout the 70’s in the ROCK AND ROLL HIGHLIFE. Kate hudson did a good job, but I did have a little reservations of her as a “groupie”…especially since she’s so prissy-like. the reporter was great. Hope it’s not his last film. Dude, from Mallrat’s was great as the lead singer of the band. Best scene’s got to either be the diving of the house into the pool or the small commuter plane having engine failure! lol. the music, just COOL!
Alien – Director’s Cut |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
One of the best Sci-films ever made. When the commercial orginally aired, it scare the crap out of me. I mean, c’mon…when there’s an “Unknown” factor in any film it creates suspense. IN the commercial you just saw an egg that cracks open and admits light while a narrator gets you worked up about being in space and the fact that NO ONE CAN HEAR YOU SCREAM! GREAT SUSPENSE in this film like trying to find that Spider you saw out of the corner of your eye in the bathroom…where is that damn thing? is it going to get me? hahaha. Not to mention really good special effects, even if dated, still are quiet the spectacle! And, if not that…look at who’s in the CAST!!
Adventures of Baron Munchausen (The) |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
At first, I thought this was a war flick. It was just weird that this dude is under seige and suddenly goes off on a tangent telling stories of his younger days on far away lands. Still, VERY imaginative. I’ve seen it twice since it’s release in the 80’s. If you like an artsy European film set in a war zone circus meets chitty chitty bang bang…watch this one!
Adventures of Pluto Nash (The) |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
Eddie flick
I don’t no why peope lare bitchin’ about this movie. I liked it. I didn’t say it was his best movie of all time and I certainly DON’T compare his other films to this one. I laughed a bit, I thought the idea was somewhat original enough and the fact i don’t remember him in a space flick before led me to rent this. he is still a funny guy after all…
Just for the record…I haven’t watched any of his Beverly hill cops movies…not into that.
Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
Ok, the first movie was great but as most sequels go, the potency of it all is diluted as it goes along. okay, here we are at number four. Do you know i can’t even remember which one it is …dream master? dream child? Not memorable at all. In fact, i opted not to see this until years later. My hunch was right. Guess I’m not as big Freddie Kreuger fan as some others.
Nightlife – Club Guide
reaction | music | may 27, 2004
Well, if the outdoors are so grand (which i find they are come this time of year), I’d rather be drinking and camping somewhere then club hopping. and if clubs are what people want, then make them LIVE MUSIC venues instead of this DJ crap! We need more BARS FOR BANDS!
Nightlife – Paradox
reaction | music | may 27, 2004
We need more bars for bands…not more club hoppings! More likely someone WILL jump off the patio or start something in another crappy meatmarket like this one!
Good Girl (The) |
comment | cinéma | may 27, 2004
Good Girl GOOD
I’m not into chick flicks (dramas) but certainly found this movie to be not only entertaining but very true to life and the bleakness that can surround oneself at times. I’m not even a big Jennifer Anniston fan, but i felt for the character’s dilemma and got rather turned on by her reckless abandon after “conforming” to life’s tediousness such as a dull job and unflattering unhappy marriage.
reaction | music | may 27, 2004
I haven’t heard anything other than the new single that’s been on the radio lately promoting the new album. If it or the other review of this record comparing it to some old KISS is true, well then, I’m IN! I frickin’ LOVE the new track and is the most exciting thing I’ve heard from him in a long time, probably since Rock and Roll is Dead. He is the master of 70’s groove and his songs rock! It’s no wonder that he worked with KISS too…after all, I have just about every record from these two artists…up tempo music that you can rock out OR dance to…this is REAL dancing music with a little FUNK in for FUN!
Morbid Angel, Motorhead, Voïvod |
comment | musique | may 21, 2004
OK on this!
VOIVOD opened at was first time seeing them. was nice. but was better next show with DIO in 2002 in Montreal.
MORBID ANGEL…just remember noise, cookie monster vocals and constant double kick drumming… I was NOT impressed.
MOTORHEAD…the club actually had to stop the show in the beginning cause people were getting too rowdy. show resumed after about 15 min and was pretty cool. still have yet to see a SOLID show from them where they play all their WELL KNOWN tunes!! Play chase is better than the catch next time guys!!!!
Laid Out, Scratch |
comment | musique | may 21, 2004
Interesting bill here. Scratch are pretty good rockin’ band. I enjoyed Laid out’s music better though i think. especially at this time and the fact I wanted to screw the singer was another enticement. She had pretty good pipes and the band played in away i hadn’t heard before. their interpretation of rock was ORIGINAL!
Jorane |
comment | musique | may 21, 2004
Excellent show. Very different and eclectic folksong imagery, but beautifully delivered by a quintet of crafted musicians. I bought one of her albums cause of one of the French songs I liked. can’t remember title right now but was something do with about “what it was like before”. Besides, I got laid that night with an equally beautiful brunette!! Oh what a night!
Iron Maiden |
comment | musique | may 21, 2004
Up the Irons
Pretty good show and bill for this one. First was Motorhead. Nice opener of heavy LOUD rock, but unfortunately they didn’t play my favourite “THe chanse is better than the catch”. They did however play “Metropolis” which was cool.
DIO was up next with Craig Goldie back on guitar. a nice hour set of his stuff with a surprise medley of previous bands material combined with his own works. “Last in Line” still kicks ass to this very day.
IRON MAIDEN. Solid as ever. was with my 3 buds for this and we all enjoyed the classic metal thoroughly. But was not impressed with new track played. so much so the name escapes me. Janick Gers has got to stop prancing a little bit around the stage like a fairy. the 80’s overindulgence is over, guy. Steve and Bruce on the same stage is ver yriveting though i must say since they wrote the bulk of the material played. EXCELLENT collage across the stage of the different EDDIE mascot from over the years!!
30 Seconds to Mars, Billy Talent, I Mother Earth |
comment | musique | may 21, 2004
Bury the I mother earth
I was at this show. Honestly i barely remember 30 seconds to Mars, although at the time i believed they rocked. Pepper sands was on the bill and i remember liking them for two reasons. one their pop rock songs were good and two, Pepper was really cute so obvious i wanted to take her backstage. Billy Talent appeared to bea joke a first, hearing laughs around me to their opening. BUT by the end of their set, they had appeazed the crowd with their awkward interpretation or rock punk with some good sweating. I mother earth’s bewst days are behind them. Edwin was the vision of them and the band was the sound. Now it all seems have assed even those they are still top notch musicians. but yet, I wonder if the media doesn’t have somethign to do with this because they (without Edwin) are no longer pretty boyz to be smiled on…k sera!
Headstones, Shocore |
comment | musique | may 21, 2004
Awesome show!
I can’t believe how many times i’ve seen the heastones since i decide to start going to their shows in 1999. Anyway, is was hard rockin’ and almost punk like with lead singer’s antics. highlight was cover of Abba’s “S.O.S.” song. SHOCORE, were awesome new rock too…i bought the CD. songs got groove and the half naked cheerleaders didn’t hurt either…a fun time!
Forbidden Dream, Scratch, The Scarecrows
comment | musique | may 21, 2004
Great show guys. Very fun. Progressive rock, but rock none the less. Very funny dialogue on stage. Great cover of Britny songs not to mention of course the RUSH covers! Strong originals as well.
Fate, Scarecrows
comment | musique | may 21, 2004
Fate RIP
SCARECROWS played with them at this show. they were Very good. Maybea cross between Saga and Rush. too bad singer left in August of that year. Phil the drummer will blow your mind!
Andrew W.K., Daiquiri, Danko Jones
comment | musique | may 21, 2004
Just so everyone is clear on this…Daiquiri is in the top ten WORST bands I’ve ever seen. I have seen probably 1,000 bands in my life at about 240-250 shows. Just picture REALLY BAD 80’s music with no direction…noisy and annoying.
Black Juju, Scarecrows, Sunpig
comment | musique | may 21, 2004
Great show guys. Loved the pyro. Dan is an excellent front man. Go easy on Sloan though next time…LOL. These guys have their act/show together!! fun stuff!
reaction | music | may 20, 2004
This album i think you might NOT be interested in if you are a Die Hard fan. This album should have been a solo album. It really isn’t a heavy riffin’ rock album like it’s predecessors. It’s 15 tracks, including an okay version of “White Shade of Pale”. But then again, the album is called “Music for hangovers” and I’d doubt you would be listening to their albums the morning AFTER the night before.
reaction | music | may 17, 2004
Orgy needs Viagra
This new album is weak. I was warned, but got it on sale anyway. Like all movie trilogies, this one is the worst. First album is best, second is okay. I can’t even remember what any of the tracks sound like. it’s also short which sucks after waiting 3.5 years since the last album. it gets mundane after a spin or two. I give it about 2 stars out of 5.
Rained Out Parade
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Kinda of a sombre title for such a happy group of fellows. Mind you, Haven’t heard from them in a while and was wondering what their psyche was like. Have they been doing well? album sales? Anyhoo, bought all their albums after this one. These guys are good…or did i buy old albums cause this one isn’t quite as ripping as earlier material…i will go home and give it another listen…can’t remember song titles, but still got the groove thing going on albeit a little more astute about it now…
2.5 stars
The Best of 1990-2000 & B-Sides
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
U pay!
This is NOT as good a release set up as first one 1980-1990. Packaging is nice, but honestly i don’t want a remix of a hit song as a b-side. 1980-1990 had totally unavailable songs as b-sides on second additional disc…awesome deal. i also know some b-sides exist that are not on any album from the 90’s that DIDN’T make the 1990-2000 release…that’s crap. on top of that to me …it;s 1990 to 31 dec 1999 compliation…why is 2000+ material on it…save it for 2000-2010 years…or will there not BE one? Headline tomorrow…u2 farewell tour cause Bono has Gone Bonzo! not impressed enough…
2 stars
Never a Dull Moment
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
This album was good man. shouldn’t have let him go from record label cause he only sold 140,000 copies…did they honestly expect him to sell a million in the first place? This rocks and is modern with a bit of Motley crue flair. best work of Tommy to date i think..
3.5 stars
Forty Licks
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
40…dollars more like
I got the Box it came in with the poster. was neat, but didn’t see another smaller version that came out with the stuff in it. a good collection, but did we need another one? it is missing stuff though. why couldn’t they do a whole new album if 4 new songs were on it? still Don’t stop IS a strong song in true stones fashion…reminds me of start up for some reason. neat packaging.
4 stars
The Music
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
OK, i liked the “Music”, but the title has got to go kids…too vague for one thing. Now i think of it, i listen to the album maybe 2 or 3 times now since release. That’s not good, somewhere cross a rockier version of COldplay and radiohead, but not by much. WIll have to listen to it again to see if i keep it or trade it in…borderline right now.
2.5 stars
Permission to Land
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Are you kidding. I heard the hype then listened to the album for myself. Great music, but F**KING lousy singing. I don’t need a shrill guy. I can listen to Freddie if I want those high falsettos like that and Freddy was more on key any way. Incidently, Darkness is backed by former Queen guitarist Brian May…funny eh? Even if someone doesn’t quite have it, they can make it cause they got backing!! Darkness, I’ll pass on this weak stuff…OR get them a better singer!!
1.5 stars
Thank You
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Too bad i didn’t need to buy this. I have all their albums and just made a best of for myself on tape. Album should have been filled more. maybe throw in some covers from tribute albums…say didn’t they do one for KISS MY ASS? where’s that at?
2 stars
Action Pact
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
A litle misleading title…album doesn’t rock as hard as last 3…not particularly any strong tracks. Album is okay as most most songs by them, but nothing to put you over the edge…
2.5 stars
C’mon C’mon
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Great stuff. Love Steve McQueen and Soak up the Sun. Her stuff is never boring thankfully and I have all her albums. This is just another chapter in her life. Hope she still makes album regularly. Great voice. maybe Sam Roberts and her should do a duet?
3 stars
We Were Born in a Flame
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Great stuff dude! a Canadian who listened to the beatles at his young age and said…everything else out there can’t do it. He did it. sounds great. not contrived, sounds fresh and with ease. Light rock, but can’t boogie it up once in awhile. Personality is reflected nicely in tunes. You’d want to hang out with this guy!
4 stars
Vapor Trails
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Saw the tour twice for this…took a lONG time for tunes to sink (stink) in…3 good songs at best. I do remember that this album almost didn’;t happen, but personal tragedies and solo outings aside…if you go back into studio…get feedback from fans who like rock and not just prog rock…material on here doesn’t shine for me…don’t even know if i can say this was better than test for echo…definitely NOT better than COunterparts or Roll The Bones…
2 stars
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Go buy it!
You like Benatar? You will like this album. as good as 93 and 97 albums. SHe’s like 50 and can still whip anyone woman’s ass on the pipes!! good rock stuff and light stuff. Only in benatar’s way…
3 stars
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Anxiously awaiting 3rd album…first one was good, second was better. Nice nuggets on it. rocks…morefocused i find. can’t say much else but it’s maybe tighter than first album.
3.5 stars
The Long Road
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Hard road
Great songs, Great production, great album. Cover not impressed with, but back cover with COffee stain a nice touch. nice packaging and awesome you get bonus 3 songs. album is impressiveas was the tour…if you like SIlver side up, buy this one!
3.5 stars
Say Something Nasty
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Nasty Pussy!
Again in the vein of what they do best …white trash punk 3 chord rock! Ruyter rules! Need to bring back sexy bass playing chick from beginning for that extra edge or get another replica. no one’s been able to replace her. album is solid, but anyone notice the rippoff album cover of Nazareth’s first album? Nice try guys!! Girls! MMMMMMM Ruyter!!
3 stars
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Right on hammer!
These guys are like Ac/DC…no frills, but lots of chills. lLbum packaging i liked, not too mention a cool cover song. Solid then most Motorhead records for some reason. will give this one a rockin rating!
4 stars
St. Anger
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
St. Awful
Sorry this is the band trying to recapture a new sound feeling (black album) meets a double whammy of long songs (And justice for all)…but falls flat on it’s face….THIS IS THE WORST METALLICA ALBUM EVER. Not catchy i find and that damn pang sound from Lar’s kit all the time…Yuck! annoying! Can’t buy into Robert Trujillo now in the band…let’s go for an Asian next in the line-up!!
1.5 stars
The Golden Age of Grotesque
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Grotesque alright
This album is at the bottom of the can of albums since 1996. More techno like in it’s attempt to rock. This guy relies a little too much on the alice cooper rip off sometimes. Holywood was much better…bring back twiggy!!
1 star
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
More apt title, but still very story i guess. Damn, why are these guys albums SO SHORT! short and sweet, but at this rate…i think they could make an album every year considering both albums fit on one CD! I don’t count re-animation as an album…F**K the mixes…that’s for the B-side of the singles man! okay, this album is pretty rockin though…
3.5 stars
Kiss Symphony: Alive IV
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Funny thing is this original ALive 4 got shelved for this…BUT a better offering none the less. Peter drums accordingly (nothign spectacular), Paul and gene are Paul and Gene. Great track selection although maybe too much from Destroyer here. Tommy Thayer (replacing Ace) does YOU justice. not slopping playying here, people. Tommy does Ace 1975 to a T! and with enough flair and intelligence as Bruce Kulick’s ability. DVD is great. too bad Metallica did this idea first as a band before kiss got their hand on it.
awesome live recording and better than ALive 3.
4 stars
The Soul Sessions
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Great stuff for a white souls singer these days. Like a shakira meets Amanda marshall meets a little Maria Hawkins. As good as what Canada is going to offer the world. I think she’s canadian? good stuff, nice a relaxing stuff…bordering into Jazz.
3 stars
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Which number?
Title is forgettable…not her. never bought an album of hers before. I like a the odd tune , but nothing grabbed me like this one…too bad it wasn’t actually her. Anyway, surprisingly fresh, rockin at times, co-herent, nice variety of styles to it…
3 no make that 4 stars!
Degradation Trip
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Bought album…Loved it…found out vol 2 came out with re-issue of 1. Bought it. As close to ALice IN cHains i guess…still…Excellent stuff if you like ALice….
Hey, it rocks harder then if Brian May carried on leading Queen…capiche?
Good dark and sunrising stuff….rockin! like old AIC.
4 stars
Dance of Death
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Iron Crap
I bought this album…why? cause i bought all the albums before…brave new world was neat cause old line-up reunited. dat about it.
This album’s highlight is Paschendale…other stuff gets repetitive even in classic Iron Maiden form. some good dynamics, but like AC/DC old and tired now. freshness gone.
2 stars
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
This guys writes some great GREAT tunes…unfortunately i find i have to sift (tow albums so far including this one) to get to the good stuff. People, you’re looking at about 4 good songs for every 10 he releases. If that’s okay with you, buy this or any other album from The Hawk. DOn’t get me wrong, love this guy…but i think I’ll wait until the greatest hits come out some day…
2 stars
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
The more these guys go the more the songs Don’t stick in my mind…I stand alone just kicked ass in 2002. This album kidna pales in comparison. Heavy and energetic, but not as “stick to your ribs” as i thought it would be like two previous albums. Now i hear the acoustic stuff is coming out…oy boy. Get some catching heavy stuff happening again boys! this album becomes forgettable…
2 stars
One By One
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
1 X 1
I don’t like the title…not poignant enough for me…first couple of songs on it punch you in the face they are so rockin’…rest of album is okay. Previous efforts hold well with this one and vice versa…good stuff.
3 stars
Say You Will
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Return of Lindsay/Nicks!
Band became legends when these two joined. Still like to see them back as a couple after all these years. Stevie was so cute! anyway, this album has a little too much of Lindsay experimental stuff on it (album is 75 min long), BUT..if you can live with it…album is good. Stevie’s stuff is either okay or great. 5 songs on it are excellent out of 15 or so on it. good acoustic stuff on it from lindsay. saw tour last year and was awesome. only thing missing was christine (absent from album too). She is missed though.
3 stars
The Amalgamut
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Not easy name to remember eh? much less spell. Anyway, came out the gates strong, but no tour to back it up cause of drugs! had potential. it rocks, but needed tour to propel it. Not quite like previous effort “…record”, but okay…
2.5 stars
Finger Eleven
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Best of 3
Dudes have 3 albums…best one to date. they are only getting better. Just hope it doesn’t take them as long to put the next one out as this one did. Great raunch on vocals and production. Good times and One thing Obvious highlights.
3.5 stars
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Cute chick like Avril…came from Scarborough like vanier of Ottawa. She rocks maybe even harder than Avril. WELL crafted ROCK/POP tunes of which she was a part of. Real music here people. a notch up from Avril i found. Bye Bye Boyfriend song kinda lame but rest of album pretty slick sounding. anthemic at times.
4 stars
30 #1 Hits
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
The KIng
C’mon…if you don’t know what’s on this …YOU Don’t know SHIT! All his best baby! I really dug the late 60’s and 70’s tracks when Elvis actually transended into the stereo age! Burnin’ Love, Suspicious minds…Awesome stuff!
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Believe it!
I might not go so far as to say this album raised my eyebrow like the band did with first album ” the sickness”…but HELL! the one song “Prayer” not to mention a very nice sweet song at end of album (can’t remember it’s name)…more then make up for it…Prayer is best song band ever did…Rivals Judas Priest tunes man! still heavy.
3.5 stars
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Sum up this album? crazy man. Best album from these guys since Perfect strangers reunion 1984. Catch songs, all types, Ian still has great vocal chops. Don Airey (replacing Jon Lord) does excellent justice and fine tunes to DP engine!!
4 stars
We Sweat Blood
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
DK – We SWeat Blood
Another fine work from DJ…If you like Born a LION you WILL like this album…rock heavy mother fucker like a headbanging night at the roxbury boy!!
4.5 stars
What If It All Means Something
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Not her best effort to date, but still inventive. Maybe she should get a couple of more albums under belt to be more appreciated. Nice packaging I got (deluxe)…still can’t beat pure music like this when it’s honest. Piano and a nice soothing singing voice with good hooks…
3 stars
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
More like bounced out of CD player into bargain bin. Very hit and miss with this guy. NO songs on it with staying power. Doesn’t suck, but maybe Jon should quit being Hetro and dig into his soul to come up with something a bit zestier. Hopefully He’ll return with something with more bite and “Keep the faith”!
2 stars
Past Lives
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Past lives
Nothing extraordinary here, but very interesting. Sab in one of few good recordings (i find) of them live. funny banter on 2nd cd with Ozzy. new Sabotage material (at the time of recording) sounds good and heavy live. a good listen.
4 stars
Billy Talent
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
BT debut
Best Canadian Debut from a Punk rock band ever. Saw this guy at carelton U before album came out. Thought he was a joke a first, then listened and watched. Funny and intelligent i thought. Almost another take on SUM 41 with interracial band, but hey…I bought this album and I’m not much into the NEW punk movement…
3.5 stars
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
Audioslave debut
Was pretty much worth the wait. Chris Cornell doing what he does best…screaming! and here is a solid backing band. Always like Rage Against the machine band, but not the rap crap fronting it. Still some politics, but not the annoying banter here. These guys rock fairly heavy. As good a band here as soundgarden or at least almost as good.
3 stars
We’ve Come for You All
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
WCFYA – Anthrax
Best album from these guys since…well, since Never had a bad album with John Bush on vocals. THis one’s strong and as tasty as last two morcels of “Stomp 442” and “Vol. 8”. give a listen for some good thrashin about!
4 out of 5.
The Wolf
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
AWK 2: the WOLF
As good as his first album, but like sequels…hard to be refreshed with same stuff. still good though even if it had less impact on me then first album. very positive rockin’ tunes in major keys.
3 out of 5.
The Eyes of Alice Cooper
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
This is alice trying to live over his 1971 period on record…sounds more punkish and reminds me more of his early 80’s experimentation. i think it falls flat. i preferred where he was going with his last two releases of “brutal planet” and Dragontown”. they looked ahead where i find “Eyes” a little too retro and regressive for my liking.
1 star of of 5
O, Yeah! Ultimate Aerosmith Hits
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
This was a nice two CD package for me. My highlights of this is of course OLD stuff 70’s rock. BUT i really appreciated getting new tracks and previously unvailable ones like B-sides on it.
3 out of 5 stars
Away From the Sun
reaction | music | may 6, 2004
3 doors down
I like this song actually. Nice feel. Not too sappy. Not like that whiny song they have called “I think about you baby”. this one you can actually listen to and NOT hear that terrible southern US accent! Still these guys need more rip roaring rock tunes if they are going to consider themselves an actual ROCK act.
reaction | music | april 30, 2004
Is it me or does anybody else out there agree this woman’s voice gets on their nerves. can;’t see me buying this dvd of a strungout and OD’d hippy singer…
The best stuff on this would be all footage with EVERYONE ELSE!
reaction | music | april 30, 2004
Stuff is not as interesting as disc 1 (Freddie’s experimental years), but not bad. Kinda disappointed they’ll drag this collection out in to 3 sets. the next one (if it does come out) will be only videos from about two albums of which only one (freddie’s last while still alive) was really any good. Should repackage as a 3 disc volume…and of course…ONE NICE PRICE!!
reaction | music | april 15, 2004
A cheap buck!
Yeah, they have enough compilations already. The boxset was good I admit. But this IS one of the most underrated bands in classic rock and roll history. “DREAM POLICE, REACH OUT & I CAN’T TAKE IT” tracks better be on this one if it’s to be ESSENTIAL!!
reaction | music | april 15, 2004
There’s only one reason that he’s doing this…nostalgia and money. no other reason. that band (like many others) was put together to make money and bastardize true and meaningful POP music. Death to the musical whores!! REAL MUSIC FOR REAL MUSICIANS!
reaction | music | april 15, 2004
MAE more like!
I have her (I think) first album from 1990 w/ red clay hills on it. Nice, poetic and dreamy at times…good stuff. I’m sure her new release is good too. Will try to check her out next time she’s in town, perhaps at the folk fest in August.
reaction | music | april 15, 2004
These guys are really good. I saw them back in halloween 2000 and the should have been signed then. I have never seen a band from here (or anywhere for that matter) that can jam a tune and make it sound SO WELL STRUCTURED. Didn’t miss a heartbeat of a note!!! Well done and congratulations!
reaction | music | april 2, 2004
I wish someone would play more of what some of the older bands are doing, at least give it a chance. I remember when the Bear started and they played songs from Bust a Nut…i bought the album because of it. Even their greatest hits that came out the following year was great. Yes, an underrated band like Thin Lizzy and Nazareth. I didn’t even know they had a new album out. I will have to go to Record Runner and give it a listen!!
reaction | music | march 25, 2004
These bands came out all at the same time. Another package deal from the record companies. This stuff is half fresh, half stale. I like Vines first single, but noticed live that the singer is a meandering idiot, whining and flopping about the place like spoiled child on a sugar rush… actually i thought i last heard that the bassist and guitarist were involved in an altercation with each other on stage. is he still in the band? i hope not cause cause this band is going to be a one hit wonder until the singer starts taking his music seriously. We’ll see what the singles are like first.
reaction | music | march 25, 2004
Greatest Fits more like it
I certainly hope old fans of the band can enjoy this collection because this group is truly washed up and has been for several years now. The sad part is I feel that Axl has tainted himself and his fans so much that i dare not make this a purchase. Much in the same way with the Oasis brothers…people who just plain don’t deserve success because of their constant whining. At least Don HENLEY eventually shut up about all the crap was going on…Axl, and Oasis brothers…your careers are OVER!!
reaction | music | march 18, 2004
Oh please HOP
All i ever remembered from this band was Jump around. THey actually had enough material for a best of? Hey , don’t get me wrong i liked to song…just what is the filler for? Yikes!
reaction | music | march 18, 2004
This guy is an average blues player. I find he downplays his vocals when i would prefer him singing more. More like a David Gogo. Now, that’s A-1 class rock blues my friend.
reaction | music | march 18, 2004
I will consider buying this. I saw a video of them on the family values tour 1999. Very heavy even though the language might be hard to decipher. Entertainers for sure. I like the modern sound, but i do think that maybe this band should get rid of the dorky keyboard player…i don’t find HE fits in, not the tech sounds…
reaction | music | march 18, 2004
He’s great, but he certainly isn’t KISS in concert. I hope he doesn’t follow suit and charge more for his concerts. He’s not worth THAT much…lol
Andrew W.K., Daiquiri, Danko Jones |
comment | musique | march 15, 2004
First time seeing him live…good bill. I went to see him again in 2004! Danko added flavour to the night….just heavy anthemic rock and solid performers in the band…solid band!!
Andrew W.K. |
comment | musique | march 15, 2004
Show rAWKED…period. solid, happy fun rock…had pretty much same band members as last time too! you won’t be disapointed!
Ambush |
comment | musique | march 15, 2004
Saw them twice at the South Mountain fair. If you like alot of talk and tired old covers…look no further than this band…rather boring.
Aerosmith, The Cult |
comment | musique | march 15, 2004
The Cult rocked a solid opening set and Aseromsith had a solid 20 song, 90 min+ show. The unfortunate thing about it was I pad $139 dollars for 1 friggin ticket and got a Dodge Ram bandana out of it…WHAT a RIPOFF!! Don’t get me wrong, they were great live with a great stage show (video screen on our side of the stage was on the fritz though!!). If anyone goes to see them, be prepared to empty your wallet….I will never pay this again for a show!!!
Abandon, Scarecrows, Sunpig |
comment | musique | march 15, 2004
Great bill, fun gig!
These guys were good. Hard rockin’ and good vocals. I kept thinking of a Heavy Kenny wayne shppard for some reasons. I got their CD. singer has some soul to his voice, well at least i thought he did. The guitarist and Bassist are very nice guys and great musicians. Go check them out!
Abandon, Fatter Than Bill, Ten Ways From Sunday |
comment | musique | march 15, 2004
Abandon show, Dec. 1st – Zaphod’s
These guys were good. Hard rockin’ and good vocals. I kept thinking of a Heavy Kenny wayne shppard for some reasons. I got their CD. singer has some soul to his voice, well at least i thought he did. The guitarist and Bassist are very nice guys and great musicians. Go check them out!
reaction | music | march 12, 2004
I borrowed my brother’s “Best of” CD of Warren. Man, is was pretty good. This guy is like a poor man’s jackson Browne or something. My brother also has this last album and I will borrow it when I see him later this month. I never knew this man had that much talent until it was too late. Too bad the industry backs the wrong horses at times…a shame. More to Warren the “Werewolves of London”!
reaction | music | march 12, 2004
Let simmer for 2 years and then release album in a rich creamy sauce! I like the last one, so hopefully the record company gave them some REAL breathing room on this effort. I give this a listen.
reaction | music | march 12, 2004
I’m going to check this album out. There hasn’t been anything on the CRUE menu for 4 years. I saw VInce Neil Last year and he looks (and grunts) more like a football player on stage rather than a performer. The CRUE are finished. With Tracii Guns in hand (Original GNR/L.A. GUNS), this band should be fun!!
The Dreamers
reaction | film | march 5, 2004
You’ve come a long way baby! Girls apparently still want to have fun. Nice to see your still around and maturing as an artist. Mind you I haven’t heard anything worth listening to since 1989’s “I drove all night”!
reaction | music | march 5, 2004
Courteney HOLE
What a slut…no talent, except acting. I’m not even going to take a chance on this drivel. The best thign she did was the song “celebrity skin” (acutally singing on key), but more interestingly WASN’T written by her. I also saw HOLE in concert at Edgefest 1999. Just awful. Stick to films, Courteney…your good at dramatizing and not being real!!!
reaction | music | march 5, 2004
Re: pet sounds
I got the Beach boys boxset for Xmas a few years ago. I personally didn’t think they wrote anything brillant until AFTER to boyz craze dayz (circa 1962-1968). GO listen to their early and mid seventies recordings. Better songwriting as well as better production. That high pitch stuff gets on your nerves after awhile. Still some classic from theirs of the 60’s still hold up surprisingly. Good vibrations for one.
Sleepy Hollow |
comment | cinéma | february 26, 2004
Nothing i enjoy more than seeing a movie based upon an actually event/character brought to life (from the dead no less) and scaring the be-Jeezus outta ya! Fantastic!!
28 Days Later |
comment | cinéma | february 26, 2004
A reminder of an existing and still very real global threat…Disease!! I like it. Reminded me of the old “Night of the living dead” movies…maybe not the most original, but definitely gave you that “you are the last bastion of sanity on earth” feeling!!
13th Warrior (The) |
comment | cinéma | february 26, 2004
Weird plot, but a good movie…Killing bad villains is Antonio banderas’ business and business is GOOD!! All praise ODIN!!
House of 1000 Corpses |
comment | cinéma | february 26, 2004
Man, this dude is sick making a movie like this. I will admit, the killing/mutilating scenes felt real, but jesus…I didn’t walk away from this movie with a good feeling. If you like Gore and that nobody survives a film…you’ll like this one…Your a sick one, Mr. Zombie!
Matrix (The) |
comment | cinéma | february 26, 2004
Can anybody tell me why I passed out in the middle of this movie? I think i can, actually it was so boring, tedious and meandering…i think this should rank up there with Johnny neumonic or pneumonia as i like to call it)…just tiresome like the the upteenth episode of the X files…I know what to watch if i want to get some sleep!!
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (The) |
comment | cinéma | february 26, 2004
This movie capping of the trilogy…Man, I had tears in my eyes. THis has got to be the equivilent of the Original Star wars triology (parts 4-6) for Generation NEXT. This is what a movie should do…dazzle you, make you laugh, make you cry, give you fear and anger…basically run the gaument of your emotions. A job well done and movie well worth the price of admission!!
Freddy Got Fingered |
comment | cinéma | february 26, 2004
Maybe people did really warm up to this movie, but I will tell you I certainly did. I almost pee’d myself laughing watching this! GODSMACK cancelled their gig in Ottawa this night in 2001 so, me and my buddy took the chance to see this at the theatre. Nothing says WWEEEIIIRRDD like Tom Green tying sausage to his fingers and trying to play Piano at the same time….LOL
Freddy vs. Jason |
comment | cinéma | february 26, 2004
KICK ASS MOVIE! or do i mean KILL ASS?
I grew up watching both of these monsters of the screen. These are the TITANS of serial killer hedonism. If I have to pick here, it would be JASON…the slient, but deadly type! He came on the scene earlier than Freddy and has made more of an impact on me…No serious, I’m still in one piece…LOL. I had ALOT of fun watching this, took me back abit. I eventually bought it!!
Jeepers Creepers II |
comment | cinéma | february 26, 2004
I just saw this film last week. The Creatures teeth looked like a cat’s!!! Not a whole lot of locations, but i was entertained just the same. At least as good as the first film, i think.
Detroit Rock City |
comment | cinéma | february 26, 2004
This was funny!
This reminded me of some of the old campy movies i use to watch at the Winchester theatre back in the late 70’s/early 80’s. Great stuff….KISS RULES!!
reaction | music | february 26, 2004
Poor ‘lil Boy George
Still trying to scrape the barrel of success, but, George, the barrel is empty. Bye Bye Boy! or should this DVD be retitled, “DId you think you were really gonna forget me”? Haha!
reaction | music | february 26, 2004
If anyone can keep disco alive, it’s this guy. Too bad his stuff all sounds the same after awhile. Did anybody see him at Woodstock ’99? Nuff said.
reaction | music | february 26, 2004
2 cents
Maybe one of these days this band will be recognized for their art, if not, for sheer prolificy! I concur, their best years were 1979-1993.
reaction | music | february 24, 2004
RE: TTD Will always stink
Yes, i thought he was done for sure. The last thing i heard was from the early 90’s. I actually didn’t mind the track. It was more “real with feel” then the pop crap he did in the 80’s. Funny though, I’d rather listen to that then some of the overproduced crap that out there today making/selling millions…go figure.
Well, i don’t know what he sounds like today, but even if it’s good…the name change is a bad move for his career. Sorry, it doesn’t roll off the tongue onto the plate of mainstream America…the flavour of the month is gone. Bye bye Trent!
reaction | music | february 24, 2004
RE; Heavy Metal Still Lives
Yes, i think this is a new and improved Iced earth. Ripper is very talented. I look forward to hearing this album. BTW, Doesn’t matter what a singer’s sexual preference is…if you rock , YOU ROCK. obviously, Marco you think you can cast your shit here in the magazine who respect that fact that peope lare different. I think you’re afraid of your own Sexuality…When are the backward homophobic hetro white males of this world going to realize how GOOD it is that some guys are gay, LESS COMPETITON! …it means MORE chance or hope for a woman to meet you, you IDIOT!!
P.S. – PRIEST RULES and will kick your ass this summer on the 2004 Ozzfest tour!!
Andrew W.K.
reaction | music | february 20, 2004
RE: What a twit
Hey buddy,
I’m probably a bigger PRIEST/MAIDEN fan than you’ll ever be, but fact of the matter is I was at the show and he DID put on a good show and DOES play good Rock. Rock is about NEW bands/blood and not too many out there can carry the torch like A.W.K. can. Rock fans shouldn’t be bitching about their own here, but rather who ISN’T real music. If you want to bitch about crap, look no further than Andrew’s opening act, Daquiri. I was greatly disappointed that Melissa Auf de Maur didn’t open, but worse was what replaced her…DAQUIRI is one of the worst acts I’ve ever seen…I wanted my money back…what a joke!
ANDREW is just good fun music! Non-hick, Non-Chelsea